Chapter 13

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Greystar stared at his bloodstained paws, and then to the rigid, lifeless body of the KillClan leader, a snarl still frozen onto his face. 
"Wait!" a shrill voice gasped. Dart came rushing over, nudging his leaders body with his muzzle. "He's... Dead," the tom whispered, eyes shinning with a mixture of horror and shock. Greystar never expected Dart to show so much weakness. When Greystar had been ClawFur and sneaked into KillClan Dart had always been determined to prove himself to his leader, showing no emotion but toughness and courage. Now his breath was shaky and his eyes were wild with desolation and confusion. "Spirit's dead!" he cried out to the sky. The battling came to a sudden halt.  
"Our leader is dead? But we were supposed to win!" Greystar heard Bat whisper. Greystar refused to feel any remorse for killing Spirit. He was belligerent and war-hungry. If he hadn't put an end to his reign more lives would have been lost. 
"Retreat! All of you!" Greystar forced the harshest snarl he could muster. The KillClan warriors started to back up. A few cats had already scampered after Dagger as soon as the news broke out.
Greystar suddenly felt a sharp pain in his tail.
"You'll pay for killing my leader!" he heard Dart spit. Immediately, Sandstorm, Oakfur and Cloudtail had piled on top of him and were dragging him away. 
"Don't make this any more difficult than it has to be," Greystar growled flatly. He had to stifle a shiver as Dart glared at him with utter anguish and resentment burning in his yellow eyes. He didn't speak however, his expression said it all. He turned to his remaining clanmates. 
"I will be your new leader! We're moving territory!" Dart snapped at them, pushing past a young looking ginger tom and storming through the bushes.  The KillClan cats cast each other a confused glance. Nobody protested, just followed after their new leader. 
"And good riddance!" a grey she-cat spat after them. Mistyfoot! As soon as the last warrior had disappeared the clans suddenly broke into cheering. 
"The forests are ours!" a cat  then rejoiced beside her. Loudbelly. Greystar felt a burst of warmth. He was right! The forest would finally belong to Thunderclan again! 
"Yes, we need to reclaim the territories as soon as possible!" Mistyfoot purred.
"Yes, but who's going to which clan?" Tallpoppy asked.
"We're all going to our original clans of course!" Tonrnear replied as if it were a mousebraine question.  
"What about me? I belong to ShadowClan but have a DawnClan apprentice," Littlecloud pointed out ,"And I'm guessing all the rouges Greystar accepted will be joining him in ThunderClan." 
"That's something to discuss with Tulippaw," Greystar told him. 
"Well before any of that, we need to go to KillClans old camp! They still hold Mudclaw, Onewhisker, Morningflower and Blackclaw hostage!" Fernpaw reminded them.
"That's right! We should go as soon as possible!" Heavystep meowed, starting to bound towards the hedge. Greystar exchanged a nod with Mistyfoot, who seemed to be the one holding DisperseClan together more than anyone else, and then followed after Heavystep. Mistyfoot matched his pace. 
"There are so many things that need to be done. The clans need new leaders, new camps, new warriors. I mean, ShadowClan only has a few warriors left. They'll have to start welcoming in rouges and kittypets," Mistyfoot fretted.
"I'm sure it will work out in the end," Greystar didn't entirely believe his own words but decided to keep the mood positive. They had just defeated KillClan once and for all!
The two clans crossed the ThunderPath without any trouble and were soon striding across the frozen marsh and into the birch wood. The dead branches crackled beneath Greystars paws, the air cold and fresh. A spindly, young looking rowan shook as a crow perched on its highest branch, cawing at the cats below before taking off through the snowy woodland. 
When they reached KillClans camp they were greeted by the wide eyes of golden she-cat. 
"Move," Tornear growled, pushing past the KillClan warrior and trudging right into their camp. The she-cat didn't dare stop him. There was nothing she could do. 
"Did we loose?" was all she asked. 
"Yeah, your weak excuse for a leader is dead, your deputy's scampered away and Darts decided he wants to be the new leader so left, leaving you all behind," Webfoot sneered. 
"Really?" the she-cat looked so disappointed ,"They just left.." 
Greystar didn't hear her answer as he padded into camp, just the snarky hisses from Webfoot. A dark grey tom with a pure black face rushed over, fur bushed. 
"What's happening?" he snarled. 
"You lost," Greystar went straight to the point. 
"W-What?" the tom looked so confused. 
"He's dead Bandit," the golden she-cat told him solemnly as she made her way into camp. She had a light scratch across her cheek. Webfoot.. 
"But his kits!" Bandit gasped. Greystar felt a stab of guilt. He had a family? 
"What about them?" a long -furred ginger she-cat asked, expression clouded with fear. Now Greystar felt even worse. But why should he? Spirit was a terrible cat! 
"Why are they in our camp? They smell funny!" a small white kit squeaked, peeking round her mothers bushed tail. 
"Dagger is gone, Dart took over the rest of them and led them away without returning here," Greystar explained. 
"I thought they needed me.. All the rouges in the forest were babbling on about KillClan and how they were going to become something great. They were all too afraid to confront Spirit, but me and Cleo decided we would be brave and join. When they accepted us I was overjoyed., but I guess I wasn't all that important to them after all," Bandit sighed. 
"I can't believe they just left us," the ginger she-cat scuffed the ground angrily. 
"We're going to be okay, right?" the black she-cat asked. 
"Of course dear, it'll all work out in the end," Ember rubbed her cheek against her kits. Greystar suddenly started to hear muffled yowls. He pricked his ears. 
"What's that noise?" he asked, pressing his head to the ground, searching for the source of the calls.
"Oh, right, Spirit decided to do this," Bandit suddenly couldn't meet any other cats gaze and neither could the other two she-cats. Bandit ran over to a sandy wall covered in paw prints with a few rocks in front of it. He started to roll the rocks away with the help of Cleo. They then started to scrape at the walls. Greystar suddenly made out a word. Help! The prisoners were being held behind a wall of sand! Greystar charged forward, slamming head-first into the wall, dust flying up around him. He felt dizzy for a moment, regaining his senses by the time the dust had cleared. Soon every cat they was trying to help out when suddenly the whole wall collapsed.

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