Chapter 4

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Spirit stood on a rocky ledge, a growl rising in his throat. The moon had rose above the peaks of the dark pines. Tonight they attacked. BloodClan will crumble and KillClan will rule all.  
"KillClan! Gather!" Spirit yowled, impatience itching inside him. He watched as the slender bodies of his cats slithered out from their dens, claws glinting in the moonlight, eyes glittering with a hunger for battle.
"Tonight we claim what was destined to be ours! Tonight we attack BloodClans camp!" Spirit yowled. The clan broke into cheers of excitement. This was an overdue battle but now his clan was ready as ever. He skidded down the slope and stood in the centre of his cats. 
"I want three patrols, one will head straight through the entrance, then when they're distracted a second patrol will break through from the back of camp. Destroy their dens, spare no one! The third patrol will stream in from the entrance but only when I give the signal," Spirit explained. He waited for his clans approving nods before continuing, "Ember, Cliff and Quill will remain in camp as guards. The first patrol will consist of me, Dart, Bat, Ace, and Kamala. The second patrol will be lead by Dagger and will consist of Burn, Comet, and Rat. The third patrol will consist of the rest, Iris, Vine and Clover," Spirit called. Without wasting another moment, he organised his cats then charged out the entrance. His claws tore out grass as he lunged between the trees. Energy surged beneath his pelt, thirsty for battle. They bounded across the marsh, paws skimming across the muddy ground until they reached the frail bramble barrier of BloodClan's camp. The second patrol sneaked round the back whilst the third patrol dived into a hawthorn bush in wait. Spirit lined up against the entrance to camp, the gentle snores of Snakes pitiful clan lying in wait. He took a deep breath and lifted his chin. 
"Attack!" he yowled. The first patrol charged forward. The guard, a white tom, looked up in surprise, running into camp. 
"Invasion!" his meow sounded across the clearing. Spirit ran straight for Snakes nest. The black and white warrior leaped out of his den, green eyes glittering with hate. 
"KillClan! You fox-hearted fools! Your petty invasions end here!" the BloodClan leader snarled, lunging at Spirit. As Spirit dived forward, he tucked in his tail so that when Snake tried to yank it he fell. It worked. As Snakes chin hit the ground Spirit pounced forward, claws raking viciously through his mottled pelt. Snake yowled and spat, writhing beneath Spirit's powerful paws. Just then Spirit heard the second patrol tearing through the bramble wall, trampling dens and killing cats left and right. Snake then shoved him off with surprising strength, knocking him onto his belly. When Snake landed on his back Spirit rolled sideways, exposing Snake's belly. Without a moments hesitation he tore his claws down his belly, feeling the rip of Snakes delicate flesh. His pained yowl struck the air, silencing the raging battle. Cats gasped in shock as Snake coughed a pool of blood and collapsed, eyes clouding. 
"Snake is dead! These marshes now belong to KillClan!" Spirit snarled, kicking Snakes still bleeding body viciously, glaring at the other BloodClan cats. 
"Retreat!" Venom, the deputy, yowled, tearing away from Vine and pelting through the entrance, blood trailing from his ear. 
"We should go after them! They deserve no mercy!" Dagger screeched angrily. 
"Yes! After them!" Spirit caterwauled, charging after the fleeing BloodClan warriors. The cats swarmed into the trees, KillClan on their heels. Spirit gained on a bulky black and white tom, hooking his claws under their collar, choking him to a halt. Spirit ripped away the collar, tearing his claws through his throat. The tom wheezed and collapsed to the ground, face frozen in a defiant snarl. Paws then scraped along Spirit's shoulders. He spun round, chucking off the attacker to see a brown tabby tom. 
"You killed my brother!" he spat, amber eyes blazing in anger. Spirit laughed menacingly, pinning the tom to the ground. 
"Correct. Now you too will suffer," Spirit smirked, tearing out clumps of the toms fur and shredding his ears. The tom yowled in agony, shoving Spirit off with a grief-ridden strength. He felt claws slash through his ear, springing up and biting down on the toms throat, holding his grip until his victim fell limp. He shook blood from his muzzle and continued on his hunt for more BloodClan cats. He charged into the forest into another battle. Suddenly a mysterious scent drifted towards him. The bushes suddenly spread to reveal a large group of cats charging towards him, most of them with collars. Stood at the front was a cat Spirit thought he'd never see again. 
"Scourge!" Spirit spat, tail swishing along the ground. 
"Ah, Spirit. I remember you, you've come so far. Shame I have to put you down now," Scourge grinned, eyes gleaming. 
"You'll have the strength to end me when rats start to fly. KillClan, attack!" Spirit yowled, bounding towards the black tom, teeth bared, pelt matted with blood, and claws ready. Scourge simply darted to the side, raking his claws down Spirit's flank as he charged past. 
"The marsh belongs to KillClan!" Spirit snarled, unable to give up now. They were so close. 
"Go home Spirit. Go back to your kittypet friends before you feel the slice of my claws through your throat," Scourge growled, crouching down, braced for Spirits next move. 
"We'll be back," Spirit promised before lifting his chin and ordering a retreat. His clan raced back to camp, scarred and bloody. They may not have claimed the victory of a new camp but Snake was dead along with most of his cats from the wetland camp. Now a new threat dawned for KillClan. Scourge had returned with more cats than KillClan may ever have. Spirit had overheard that Kamala was dead. Only one death. They were lucky.
Spirit knew there was only one way to win this war with a happy clan.
He needed Greystar.

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