Chapter 9

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What is he doing?! Greystar thought as Spirit tackled Scourge to the ground. He could see every previous leader's starry figures beside him. He felt the speed of WindClan, the stealth of ShadowClan, the strength of ThunderClan and the wits of RiverClan within him as he pushed Scourge away just before he could slit Spirit's throat. With swipes the speed of lightning he ripped through Scourge's fur until suddenly the air stopped and a loud tear was heard. 
"No! No, this isn't right! This wasn't mean't to happen!" Scourge shrieked, blood flooding out from his jaws. For the first time Greystar saw true fear in the leader's eyes as he fought to hold onto his life. Finally, he fell limp, black against red. 
"Scourge is dead!" a BloodClan cat cried. A ginger she-cat Greystar recognised all too well stood forward. 
"Bloodclan retreat!" she yowled. Before she could leave though, Oakfur sprang in front of her. 
"Russetfur," he snarled ,"How could you betray your clan like this? Where is your loyalty?" he spat. 
"My loyalty is with BloodClan!" she replied with a snarl, barging past him. 
"You are a disgrace to StarClan!" Oakfur yowled after her. Russetfur stopped dead in her tracks, turning her head sharply to the side. 
"What did you just call me?" she wasn't even looking at him.
"I said that you are a disgrace to StarClan!" Oakfur repeated, even more spite in his tone. Russetfur spun round. 
"How dare you!" she screeched, charging forward. Before she could tear her old clanmate to pieces Greystar dived in front, pushing her to the ground. 
"The fighting is over Russetfur!" he growled, leaning forward,"Go home," he snarled in her ear. Rusetfur tore free of Greystars grip, racing after her new clanmates. 
"I always knew those rouges were disloyal, but I really thought Russetfur was different," a voice sighed from behind Greystar. Oakfur. 
"I'm sorry you have to experience this," Greystar sighed, frowning as he watched the last of the BloodClan cats disappear into the undergrowth. He looked back at the dead bodies that littered the ground. Dustpelt was dead. Scourge was dead. Greystar shook his head in dismay. Then something hit him. Camp! They had to get back! BloodClan could have attacked it. 
"Longtail! Cloudtail!" Greystar summoned. 
"Yes Greystar?" they replied almost in sync. 
"Head back to camp, make sure BloodClan hasn't tried any sneaky business and attacked it," Greystar ordered. The two toms nodded, racing into the undergrowth, following the blood-spattered leaves towards camp. Greystar then turned to Brackenfur. 
"We need to get Dustpelt back to camp so we can bury him," Greystar sighed. Brackenfur nodded solemnly, padding over to where his lifeless body lay, splayed out against the torn up ground. Blood matted his fur and the stench of BloodClan clung to his pelt. Greystar shifted his muzzle under his chest, shuddering at the stiffness. Brackenfur shifted under Dustpelt's rear and together they started to carry him back to camp. Oakfur and Ashfur trailed behind, heads low. It didn't feel like they had just won a battle. He had just killed Scourge. Why wasn't he happier? Because of Dustpelt's death? Because BloodClan still remained, fragile as it is? The fact that KillClan still wishes to claim part of the clans territory? 
"Hey, do you remember Fred and Rhona?" Brackenfur asked suddenly. 
"Yeah, those were those two rouges that tried joining our clan and then left in the night," Greystar recalled. 
"Yeah. That was sort of suspicious," Brackenfur commented. Greystar nodded. 
"I reckon they were spies," Oakfur growled. 
"But why did they leave so early?" Greystar questioned. 
"Maybe they just wanted a good look at the layout of your camp so they could go tell BloodClan all about it," Oakfur spat. 
"Perhaps," Brackenfur shrugged. 
"About that DisperseClan you mentioned a few days ago, do you know where they are?" Greystar asked as he slowly ducked under a fallen tree. 
"They should still be living in the barn with Barley and Ravenpaw. Me and Rowanpaw left because we were sick of just waiting for signs of change. Littlecloud was too afraid we would get hurt so joined us. He left Barkface to take care of DisperseClan," Oakfur explained. 
"We have to find the rest of them. I might send a search party over to the barn tomorrow," Greystar meowed.
"Good idea. With Scourge dead we might finally be able to restore the original clans," Brackenfur smiled. 
"Exactly. With every remaining clan cat we'll definitely outnumber KillClan," Greystar rejoiced in a hushed tone since KillClan warriors still lurked nearby.

By sundown they were back at camp. Greystar and Brackenfur pushed through the bushes and were greeted by the horrified stares of their clanmates. Greystar softly lay Dustpelt's scarred body in the centre of camp and immediately called a clan meeting. 
"I am pleased to announce that Scourge is dead, but at the cost of Dustpelt's life. Tomorrow I will be sending a patrol to the barn to retrieve DisperseClan and restore the original clans. Meeting dismissed," Greystar announced, leaping down from Moss Rock. 
It was Blazepaw and Sandstorm who seemed the most grief-stricken. Dustpelt had only trained with Blazepaw a couple times before but he was still her mentor and Dustpelt had been Sandstorms closest friend since they were kits. The whole clan sat vigil that night, including Greystar. Whilst he scanned the clan he couldn't help but notice the swelling of Jaysong's stomach. Would Cloudtail noticed? He remembered Jaysong saying she wanted it all to be a surprise. 
Greystar tucked his paws under himself and narrowed his eyes as he felt tiredness begin to overcome him. The moon shone on Dustpelt's sagging fur. Half the clan had chosen to sit vigil. Greystar remembered when Dustpelt had just been an apprentice and all the competition and adventures they had done alongside one another. Greystar stifled a yawn and looked up at SilverPelt as it stretched across the sky. He noticed an especially bright star. Perhaps it was Dustpelt. Greystar sighed silently and continued with the vigil.

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