Chapter 11

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Greystar yawned as he was awoken by the rapid orders of Brackenfur as he organised the dawn patrol. Greystar squinted his eyes at the harsh leaf-bare sunlight as he padded out the cavern. It was snowing lightly laying a thin sheet of white on the ground
"Greystar?" a voice meowed from behind him. Greystar spun round in surprise to see Littlecloud. "Sorry, did I startle you?" the small brown tom apologised. 
"No, no, it's fine," Greystar shook his head. 
"I was just going to ask about when you plan to send your patrol to DisperseClan, and wish to request if me, Oakfur and Rowanpaw could take part. We just want to assure them that we're safe" Littlecloud explained. 
"Of course," Greystar nodded ,"When the dawn patrol returns I will organise the search party," Greystar told him. 
"Thank you Greystar," Littlecloud dipped his head thankfully before returning to the half-built medicine den, grabbing a thread of bramble and passing it to Longtail who was helping to weave it together. Greystar was proud of how well his clan thrived. He realised how important it was that he had formed this clan. Without DawnClan, clan-life would have no hope. Scourge would probably still be alive. KillClan will surely outnumber DisperseClan and would take over the forests, perhaps forever. 
"Greystar?" Greystar snapped out of his thoughts, turing to see Jaysong. 
"Tulippaw and me were talking. She says it's time for me to move to the nursery," Jaysong explained, disappointment edging her meow. Jaysong was an eager warrior, Greystar knew she would find it difficult to give up her warrior duties but it was the only way to ensure her kits were  born healthy and well. 
"I'll fetch one of the apprentices to find you moss for your new nest," Greystar apprised. 
"On it! I'll find the comfiest, driest moss in the whole forest!" Stonepaw assured her before rushing out of camp to fetch the moss. 
"They're so sweet. I may have to ask Goldenflower for some tips," Jaysong laughed. Greystar nodded. 
"Goldenflower is a very experienced queen. We could all learn a thing or two from her," Greystar agreed. 
"Cloudtail's going to be so happy!" Jaysong's fur fluffed with excitement as she practically bounced towards the nursery. Greystar spotted Frostfur crawling out of the den, her fur ragged and unkempt. She walked towards Littlecloud for a word before hobbling over to Greystar, legs shaky. 
"Morning Greystar," she smiled. Her voice wheezed. 
"Good morning Frostfur. How are you?" Greystar asked. 
"Fine, just old," Frostfur smiled playfully. She looked so frail.
"Did you hear that Jaysong's moved to the nursery?" Greystar changed the subject.
"Really? Who's the father?" Frostfur's eyes lit up as she was told the news. 
"Cloudtail," Greystar told her ,"I was thinking, since you have had kits before that you could give her some tips on mothering," Greystar suggested. Frostfur suddenly looked young again, lifting her chin, eyes shinning. 
"Of course!" she beamed, padding over to where Jaysong and Stonepaw were making the nest. Not too long after the patrol returned. 
"Anything peculiar?" Greystar asked Brackenfur as he led the patrol back to camp. 
"No, and it seems that KillClan hasn't refreshed the border in a while," Brackenfur commented as he picked a mouse from the measly prey pile. "Shall I send a hunting patrol?" Brakcenfur seemed to read Greystar's thoughts. 
"No, we're going to go to DisperseClan. I wanted to leave as soon as possible," Greystar informed.
"Ah, I see," Brackenfur replied.
"Littlecloud, Oakfur and Rowanpaw are going and I think I'll take Pikeclaw, Mousefur, Sandstorm and Ashfur. You will be in charge of camp whilst we are away," Greystar explained. Brackenfur hurried to organise the patrol and soon enough they were leaving the forest on their way to the barn. Greystar made sure to avoid KillClan at all costs. He wasn't quite sure if Spirit and him were exactly allies. 

The wind picked up and the snow thickened as the patrol started to cross the marsh plain, the mud frozen. Greystar was thankful he wouldn't have to walk all the way to Barley's farm with muddy paws. 
"I'm freezing," Cloudtail complained, shaking the frost from his whiskers. 
"At least you have all that fluff to keep you warm," Ashfur shivered, shoving Cloudtail playfully in the side. The two were pretty good friends it seemed. Greystar leaped over a cracked, frozen stream, trotting through the deepening snow until they reached the ThunderPath. A monster roared past, skidding slightly on the ice. Greystars heart beated rapidly as he pelted along the slippery black stone, plummeting into the snow bank on the opposite side. Once the rest of the patrol had made it across safely they continued up the slope and towards the moor. 
Greystar closed his eyes as the harsh wind whipped at his face, plastering his whiskers to his face. At least the snow had eased since leaving DawnClan territory. Greystar eventually found an old pathway amongst the heather brush which shielded them from the worst of the winds. Heads down, the patrol made their way across the moor until finally, as the sun started to lower, they reached the fields of Barley's farm. 
"Finally!" Oakfur muttered. The patrol weaved through the hedge, traipsing through the fields until suddenly a deep growl was heard from behind them. Suddenly, a group of cats sprang out at the patrol, claws unsheathed. Greystar gasped as a light brown tabby she-cat bowled into him, pinning him to the ground. 
"Tallpoppy?" Greystar exclaimed. The she-cat bared her teeth. 
"How do you know my name?" she demanded. 
"It's me! Greystripe!" Greystar yowled. Suddenly everything became silent. 
"Wait! Oakfur! Littlecloud! Rowanpaw!" a dark grey tabby tom gasped as recognisation hit him. It was Webfoot. 
"Cloudtail? Mousefur? Ashpaw? Sandstorm? Is it really you?" a pale grey she-cat gasped, easily recognisable as Willowpelt. 
"It's us alright," Greystar smiled, nuzzling the she-cats cheek. Happiness swelled in his chest as he reunited with his long lost clanmates. 
"Where have you all been?" a grey tabby asked. Tornear. 
"I am Greystar now. I established DawnClan not long after I ran away with Frostfur, who is still alive. Goldenflower too," Greystar explained. 
"And Longtail and Brackenfur!" Sandstorm grinned. 
"Who's this?" Webfoot asked through narrowed eyes as his gaze rested upon Pikeclaw. 
"My name is Pikeclaw. I was one of DawnClan's first members. I am also Goldenflowers mate. It's nice to meet you," Pikeclaw introduced. 
"Oh how cute, a reunion. Shame I have to be the one to end it," a familiar voice sneered from behind the two patrols. Greystar whipped round to see Spirit and a large patrol of KillClan cats behind him. 
"You'll all be prisoners!" he snarled ,"Attack!" 

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