Chapter 24

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A moon passed. 
Brambleclaw, Ferncloud and Berryleap were now warriors and Brambleclaw had become mates with Sunshade. 
Mousefur never made it back to camp after that battle. Dart and the dispersed BloodClan cats had fought with no mercy, it had been like that since the beginning, they were out to kill. 
But that battle is in the past now. 
Now peace must return. 
After seasons of bloodshed and fighting.
So much love, so much... 

Greystar sat in the centre of camp, watching as his warriors started their routines. Longtail helped Frostfur as she shakily got to her paws and limped to the prey pile. She could barely walk anymore but was still determined to fetch her own prey. Goldenflower had moved into the den with her recently but spent most of her time in the nursery with Jaysong, teaching her how to look after Sparrowkit and Smokekit. 
Brackenfur was setting up a dawn patrol, his voice bouncing off the camp walls that were finally finished. 
"Greystar?" Sandstorm drew him from his thoughts. 
"What is it Sandstorm?" Greystar tilted his head. 
"Tulipwater wants to speak with you," Sandstorms tone was solemn; Something was wrong. Greystar trotted through the fern tunnel, halting before the slanted rock that was the medicine cat den. The tortoiseshell she-cat appeared from the shadows, her yellow eyes dark. 
"You asked for me?" Greystar waited for the seemingly dire news she was hinting to deliver.
"Yes, I did. I have bad news," Tulipwater sat down, wrapping her tail over her paws. "It's about Frostfur." 
"Is something wrong with her?" Greystar frowned. 
"You've known about her problems, correct?" Tulipwater asked. Greystar nodded. "It's gotten worse. I've estimated that by next moon she will be unable to walk." 
"That's quite unfortunate, but she is an old cat," Greystar reminded her.
"That isn't all of it. I've also diagnosed her with Whitecough," Tulipwater continued ,"And I think it's too late to prevent it." 
"What do you mean?" Greystar started to feel his heart speed up. 
"Greystar, Frostfur is dying," Tulipwater cut it straight, her eyes still filled with sadness. 
"I... see," Greystar's eyes met his paws.
"If she remains in main camp it will spread, I've made her a nest in the corner of this clearing," Tulipwater explained, leading Greystar to a mossy log filled with fresh moss. 
"You want her to spend her final days in isolation?" Greystar felt a hint of anger rise up. Tulipwater's face grew stern with frustration. 
"No, I'm preventing her from causing more death amongst the clan. Cats can visit her whenever they please but are to be cautious, unless they too wish to catch her disease," Tulipwater's tone was cutting. 
"Don't you have something to treat her?" Greystar countered. 
"No, only medicine to make her journey to StarClan an easy trip," Tulipwater sighed, her frustration fading into her previous sadness. 
Greystar didn't reply, just exhaled dolefully and left the clearing. 

It was Sunhigh now and Greystar was satin the forest, watching as two squirrels chased each other from branch to branch. 
He thought about everything that had happened. 
BloodClan had attacked, killing every leader and deputy they knew of before capturing and imprisoning every clan cat they'd left alive. 
It had all been Tigerstar's fault in the end. 
Greystar and Frostfur had escaped, running into the forest and starting a new clan, DawnClan. 
Then after seasons of fighting and rivalry BloodClan was put to an end and the clans returned to the forests. The right clans. 
Frostfur may be gone soon but she will be leaving so much life. ThunderClan is thriving, Greystar and her had brought clan cats and rouges together as one and the result was better than any cat could have hoped for. 
Every enemy Greystar ever had was gone now and peace has been restored. He truly felt that ThunderClan was safe now. That all the clans were safe now. 
The future is undoubtedly going to arouse conflict amongst the clans, but at least that's natural and resolvable. 
Greystar may have successfully restored the clans but he was far from done. He still has seven lives which he will use to protect and care for his clan until his dying days. 
And he will be able to join StarClan happily knowing a very responsible and experienced warrior will be there to take his place. 
Greystar could finally unwind. 

BloodClan had fallen.
The clans had won.

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