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A black tom stood in a clearing. Rain lashed down and thunder roared from above. A dark ginger she-cat with tangled, poorly groomed fur faced him. She stared at the tom with blazing green eyes.

"So what do you plan on doing?" she asked. Her voice was raspy yet strong. The black tom returned her glare.

"We attack. We will get more cats and then we will kill him," the tom growled back. He looked up revealing his cold, icy blue eyes. A shiver ran down the she-cats spine as his stare pierced through her.

"Right," was all she said.

"Is there any other reason you came to me?" the tom asked, a hint of a growl in his tone. His voice was as viscous as the lightning that flashed above.

"No. I was just hoping you had more of a plan," the she-cat replied though she immediately looked like she regretted saying it.

"Oh. So my plan's not good enough? You need to remember who's leader here," the toms fur did not bristle and his gaze remained steady. The she-cat's however did not.

"That is not what I mean't," she bit her lip as if to stifle a snarl.

"Good. You can leave now," he growled. The she-cat gave one last glare before storming through the soaking bushes.

"Foolish she-cat," the black tom hissed before walking away as well. The clearing was left empty. 

The Kill Of Dawn- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now