Chapter 22

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It had been four moons since that Gathering.
Tulipwater was sifting through some freshly picked marigold.
Newleaf had sprung into action since the Gathering and the forest had finally blossomed into its greener glory. 

Tulipwater had been made a full medicine cat only three sunrises ago. Littlecloud joined ShadowClan only last sunrise. 
After she had helped Jaysong to give birth to Sparrowkit and Smokekit Littlecloud had decided it was time to give her her full name. At the last half-moon meeting Littlecloud had blessed her with the name Tulipwater.
Many new warriors had been made.
By the next Gathering after the one the new rouges had arrived Tulippaws siblings Stonepaw, Meadowpaw and Blazepaw had been made into Stoneclaw after their father, Blazeflower after their mother and Meadowbounce because of her ecstatic personality. 
Last Gathering not only had all the rouges been given clan names but Daggerstar had travelled to the MoonStone and been accepted by StarClan as a full leader, or so he said. He had also given the rest of his clan warrior names. Tulipwater recalled the Gathering it was all announced. That was a long night.
First Shadowclan introduced Batshade, Vinefang, Acetail, Cloverpool, Quillfur, Cometflame, Burnwillow, Cliffleap, Irispetal and Emberheart he announced Takoda, Kamala, Bandit and Cleo who had decided not to keep their original names and changed their names to Crowstride, Goldenmouse, Nightmask and Sandsky. 
Emberheart's kits had also received their apprentice names, Skypaw, Ravenpaw and Infernopaw.
Then came the rouges.
Sprucetuft, Honeyspots, Fluffykit, Fallenbranch, Mosspaw, Larkpaw, Warrenstreak and Snowfall had all kept some part of their name, whether it were the first or second part. Shade had completely changed to Rabbitfur and Hayden had become Roseripple. 

Now ThunderClan had finished rebuilding camp and everyone seemed to be in a great mood. Tulipwater pushed her herbs aside, padding through the fern tunnel and sitting down on a flat rock that overlooked camp. She watched as Sparrowkit tackled his sister to the ground, flashes of brown and grey amongst the dust clouds they were creating. 
"Tulipwater!" a cat called. She turned her head towards Mousefur as she came hobbling towards her. "I picked up this thorn on patrol and it hurts like The Dark Forest!" Tulipwater sniffed at the brown she-cats paw. No infection. 
"Come to my den and I'll remove it. Don't put any pressure on it," she instructed. 
"Don't worry, I don't plan on anytime soon!" Mousefur snorted. Tulipwater led the warrior to her den and had her sit down in a freshly made moss nest. 
"So, what happened on your patrol? Confront any WindClan cats?" Tulipwater asked as she lifted her paw. 
"Well, we saw Mudclaw and Warre- Oww!" Mousefur yelped as Tulipwater pulled out the thorn, whilst she was distracted. 
"And then?" Tulipwater continued as she applied the marigold pulp she'd been chewing to the wound. 
"Nothing serious happened,but oh, sometimes I just want to rip that snarky Mudclaws ears off!" Mousefur growled. 
"I don't really know him, but he didn't exactly give good first impressions at the gathering where WindClan chose their leader," Tulipwater chuffed. 
"He things pretty highly of himself..." Mousefur muttered ,"Are you done yet?" 
"Almost," Tulipwater informed as she wrapped a dock leaf around the cut ,"Try not to put too much pressure on that paw. I think you should spend the remains of this day in camp so it has a chance to heal." Mousefur sighed. 
"Very well," she grumbled, hobbling out the den ,"Thank you Tulipwater," she thanked as she disappeared through the fern tunnel. 

It was sunset and the camp had been bleached blood red. Tulipwater was watching the kits. 
"Intruder!" a yowl suddenly rang out. A few cats turned their heads to look but there wasn't anyone to be seen. 
"Sparrowkit! What is the meaning of this?" Jaysong hissed as the brown kit continued to shriek out the word. 
"There is an intruder! Look!" Sparrowkit told her frantically ,"A kit like me!" Jaysong tilted her head as she was led to a large puddle that had formed in the centre of camp. 
"That's your reflection dear.." Jaysong shook her head. 
"Oh.." Sparrowkit frowned ,"I thought they could be a new friend, like how Smokekit got a new friend." 
"New friend?" his mother narrowed his eyes. 
"You know, Leaf," Sparrowkit reminded her. 
"Who's Leaf?" Jaysong asked. 
"Smokekits beetle!" Sparrowkit rolled his eyes ,"She found it a couple sunrises ago and made it a den and gives it food and moss to drink from." 
Tulipwaters attention was drawn away from Sparrowkit as the hunting patrol returned. Greystar led the group, a large rabbit in his jaws. Behind him followed Cloudtail who carried three voles and a shrew. On his heels was Goldenflower who's jaws were filled with the black feathers of some sort of bird Tulipwater couldn't make out. 
"Tulipwater!" Stoneclaw called. The dappled medicine cat turned to see her brother bounding towards her, a plump vole in his mouth. 
"Is this for me?" Tulipwater asked. 
"It sure is!" Stoneclaw smiled, dropping the mouse at her paws. 
The clan was so harmonic now. 
It was as if all the fighting, all the blood-shed, all the war, everyone seemed to have put it behind them. 
Greystar had gone through so much. 
He had been born to this clan, watched it fall apart and then picked it back up again. 
He was a leader to be reckoned with. 
He had saved the warrior clans. 

Sorry this chapter is a bit late, homework has been slowly flooding my house so I had a lot to do ovo

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