Chapter 8

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Spirit was sat at the border with DawnClan. His entire clan stood beside him besides Ember, his kits and Comet. KillClan was finally about to claim what should have been theirs a long time ago. The malice that gleamed in his clanmates eyes and the glimmer of their unsheathed claws was perfect. The clan was ready as ever. 
Spirit pricked his ears as he heard pawsteps from across the border. Greystar emerged with about five other cats with him. Spirit hadn't expected he would bring his whole clan, but anything would be helpful. 
"You came," Spirit greeted. Greystar nodded. 
"Let's go," he answered, trotting over the border, followed by his clan. KillClan charged ahead, tearing through the undergrowth, their hunger for battle growing with every stride. Before long they were creeping through the marsh, mud squelching beneath their paws. Spirit had been explaining the plan to Greystar on the way. He would lead his clan in first, launching the beginning of the battle and then whilst they were distracted KillClan would surround the camp and break through afterwards. 
When they got to BloodClan's camp Spirit noticed that they had reinforced the walls. They were certainly looking after it better than Snake had been. Snake was all bite and no brains, Scourge however, was both. Greystar positioned himself at the entrance and suddenly, with a blood-curdling battle cry, charged into the unsuspecting camp. Spirit's clan began to circle the camp until they had reached all the way round. Spirit hadn't exactly told Greystar the truth about the plan however. KillClan planned on waiting a little longer than he'd told. That way DawnClan would be the one to suffer the worst injuries rather than Spirit's warriors. He watched as the two clans clashed in a writhing battle of flying fur and blood spatter. He saw the shocked gleam in Scourge's eyes but it soon faded as he unsheathed his unnaturally long claws and dived into battle. He saw the first death. A DawnClan cat. Now was their moment. 
"Attack!" Spirit screeched, ripping through the brambles, immediately leaping at a black and white BloodClan tom. 
"You'll never win this you mangy excuses for warriors!" the tom spat, utter animosity in his eerie yellow glare. 
"Is that so?" Spirit whined, eyes glowing with malice. He made quick work of killing the tom before moving on to find his next enemy. Suddenly he teeth bite down on his tail and tug him back with a surprising amount of force. Spirit snarled, turning to see a dark ginger tom with a red collar. Spirit aimed a swipe at his jugular but the tom leaped away in time, a smug grin on his face. Spirit's blood boiled with anger as he charged forward, rage driving his savage attacks. Failure was not something he took kind to and is willing do anything he must to become victorious. The tom was proving a strong opponent however, swiping to block Spirits death blows, kicking him off with his back legs and getting back to his paws. Spirit laughed as he shook the dust from his pelt. 
"Give up now kittypet, KillClan will win whether I'm alive or not," Spirit growled, licking the blood from his lips. 
"You're right about one thing. You aren't leaving this camp alive," the tom spat back, charging back into battle. Just before he could collide with Spirit a russet blur swept past and behind it left the dead body of the tom. Dagger. He'd slit the toms throat. Spirit snarled in anger as he looked down at the dead body. He swung round to face Dagger. 
"I don't need you to fight my battles!" he spat, running off to find his next victim when suddenly the camp silenced. He watched as cats started to form a circle around two cats. Spirit barged past Clover to see. Greystar and Scourge stood inside the circle, tails swishing through the air, eyes shinning with concentration and claws unsheathed. The tension was almost unbearable as the two toms paced round the edge of the circle until suddenly Greystar pounced. As the two toms began to roll across the ground in a vicious fight the crowd began to cheer. A mangy mottled she-cat leaped forward to help her leader but was dragged back by Dagger. 
"This isn't your fight. Your leader won't appreciate you fighting his battles for you, unless you think your leaders weak that is," Dagger growled. 
"Of course not you foolish flea-bag!" the she-cat snapped back, shuffling back into the crowd. The screeches the battling leaders were a mix of fear and rage as fur flew into the air and pools of blood formed around them. 
After a while of fighting the two toms were covered in scars and bleeding all over. Just then a shriek of pain rang out and the air seemed to still completely. As the dust cleared Spirit made out the figure of Scourge standing over the body of Greystar. BloodClan cheered whilst DawnClan just stared in horror. Spirit twitched his ear as he heard a DawnClan cat whisper, 
"His first life, but what if he ended up like Tigerstar with all nine ripped from him at once?" 
What was this talk about multiple lives. It was nonsense. Every cat had one life and that was that, how could a cat have nine? Spirit shook his head, about to start the fighting again when suddenly Greystar coughed a pool of blood and stood back up, brought back to life again just there and then. Spirit stared in disbelief. How? 
"You may have killed me once, but now the spirit of Firestar fights by my side, as do the rest of the leaders you heartlessly slaughtered," Greystar snarled. 
"Try me," Scourge invited, getting into a crouch. The two toms began to fight again, the sound of claws ripping through flesh almost loud enough that in echoed. Spirit snorted, impatient. He knew it was a terrible plan but his paws had already left the ground. The world seemed to slow down as he leaped through the air. Everycat was staring at him, shock in their expressions. He couldn't quite believe his actions himself. He tumbled to the ground, feeling the small body of Scourge beneath him. Scourge snarled aiming a swipe at Spirit's throat.

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