I run away

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"Just leave me alone!" I screamed at my mother.
She had just finished yelling at me because I got expelled...again. It really wasn't my fault this time, how could I, a 12 year old girl, blow up the sidewalk!
"Just leave!" My mother screeched.
Tears were forming in my eyes. "Fine!"
I raced out of my small apartment and into the only place that was not populated with human beings, the forest.
I ran until my legs could not run anymore. "What did I do to deserve this horrible life?" I sobbed.
A low growl snapped me out of my depressed state. "Who's there?"
In response a large man stepped out from behind some trees. "Hello" He growled.
I jumped back in fright as he grew, yes I said grew! He went from 6ft to like 8ft in thirty seconds!
"Wh-what?" I babbled.
"Hello little half-blood, I hope that you are ready to die." He sneered.
"What-what are you?" I shuddered.
"You know what I am, don't act dumb!" He snarled.
A twig snapped behind him and he looked away from me to see what made it, I took this as my chance to run.
"Get back here!" He boomed.
I ran, but not fast enough. "Ha!" He exclaimed as he grabbed hold of me.
"Let-go!" I choked.
"Nope" he said squishing me tighter.
"Help" I croaked. As if in cue three teenagers ran towards the giant and started slashing at it with...swords?
The giant dropped me and I heard a crack and felt pain come from my leg. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a boy with shaggy dark brown hair leaning over me.
AN- Hey guys!
I would like to dedicate this book to my three best friends, EMMA, ANNA, and AISLEIGH. They have supported me in everything I've done and I love them dearly!
Thanks so much for choosing to read this story. I'm really hopping that you guys will bond with these characters, and I know I will. Luv you guys!❤

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