Family reunited

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Leo's POV word count-2279
I woke up in a sleeping bag in the middle of the woods. "Amanda? Heather? Brian?" No response. "Anyone?" I sat up and looked at my surroundings. A small fire was burning and two other sleeping bags lay by me. I walked over to them and saw that Heather and Brian were the ones who lay in them. Were was Amanda?
The last thing I remembered was Amanda being held by Gajae and me trying to save her.
"Heather wake up," I shook her awake. "Saywhatnow?" She mumbled as she sat up and looked around. "Oh Leo..." she embraced me and sobbed into my shirt. "Shh it's ok, where's Amanda?" I asked rubbing her back in hopes of calming her down. She looked at me with red puffy eyes, "She's- she's gone."
I stood up and stumbled backwards. Memories started to flash by my eyes. Our first kiss, me making her metal leg, her smile. I fell to the ground sobbing. "No no no no!" My voice rang in the air waking up Brian. "Oh shoot," he mumbled seeing me.
I felt the flames coming. I could hear my mothers screams, her death was my fault, Heather and Brian's won't be too. "Leave me, please." I cried as my body became flames. Brian grabbed Heathers hand and looked me in the eye. "We are family Leo, we are not going to leave you."
Tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn't stop the fire, "please, I can't have you dying like my mother!" I pleaded. They shook their heads. (AN-Leo accidentally killed his mother when he was very young and thinks it's his fault but he was being teased and provoked.)
One part of me knew that I needed to calm down, the other part of me didn't care about anything except the fact that my true love, my other half was dead. I knew that Amanda needed me to calm down and complete the quest. Heather and Brian didn't back away when the flames touched them, instead they just stood their as my flames burned. "Control Leo." I told myself.
The flames died down until they vanished leaving two stunned demigods and a miserable me standing in an opening in the woods. Heather raced up to me and embraced me, Brian followed. I had two of my best friends hugging me, but that didn't make me feel any better.
Amanda's face was all I could see as tears clouded my vision.
"Leo, we have to complete this quest... are you with us?"
Determination suddenly took over me, "I'm in. Let's go complete this quest!"
Amanda's POV
I woke up in the same room I had just died in. I tried to sit up but pain surged through my torso. I lifted up my shirt and saw a horrific gash, "well at least I'm not dying."
The floor around me was covered in my blood, and the room was cold and empty. My thoughts went to Leo and the others. I had to find them, they all thought I was dead, and they had all of my supplies which included the sandals.
I stood up and pain surged through my body. I stumbled into walls on my way out of the cavern but eventually made it to the entrance. "Amanda?" A voice echoed. I slowly turned around sword in my hand only to see a shimmering image of Nico. "Oh my gods Amanda! Are you ok? Where are the rest of your group?" Nico asked frantically. "Nico I'm fine." I winced accidentally touching my injury. Nico examined me, "no your not, lift up your shirt now." I slowly lifted my bloody shirt up so he could see the gash. Nico gasped when he gazed upon my exposed stomach. "Nico it's ok... I'm not gonna die from it. I already did that." I mumbled the last part but Nico heard it clear as day. "You- died!? What? How? Who killed you?" I silenced Nico, "Andy killed me but he enchanted the blade so that it killed him and gave me a chance to live again. The whole time I thought Andy was the real enemy.." I trailed off. Nico frowned, "listen I already Iris messaged Heather and they are in New York on their way to Olympus. You need to hurry." I nodded, "I love you Nico, stay safe please." "You too Amanda."
It was hard to find help from anyone because they all avoided me. Curse my horrible state.
I found out that I was in a small town right outside of New York, so I walked. It was more of a limp but that didn't matter to me. The Empire State Building was in view now and I just knew I had to make it.
"Need some help?" A woman's voice asked. I turned around and saw a beautiful teenage girl with blond hair wearing a cheerleading outfit. "Well do you?" She asked. I knew that something about her was strange but I just went with it. "Oh yes I do. You see I'm trying to get the the Empire State Building because my father works there." She looked me straight in the eyes. "Why do you look like you have just almost been killed?" I gulped, "Well you see, I came out here camping with some of my friends when a bear attacked our camp. The rest of my group got away but I kinda got injured." The girl didn't look convinced. "Well my name is Kelli and may I ask who your father is?"
"Henry Storm." I lied.
Kelli seemed to know that everything that I was telling her was all a big lie. "Well then Amanda Storm daughter of Hades. It's been nice listing to your lies, but I have a job to complete."
Kelli went from a sweet looking teen to a demon. "Time to die demigod!"
I slashed at her with my sword but missed. She slashed at my arm with her claws and managed to leave some pretty nasty gashes. The battle didn't look like it was going to end until Kelli had me pinned to the ground. Her claws sank into my flesh. "All of you demigods are weak! That's all you are! My master shall be pleased when he hears that I have killed you. Goodbye!" Right as she went in for the kill I kneed her in the gut, grabbed my sword and plunged it into her back. "Goodbye to you too Kelli."
I ripped off the sleeves of my shirt and wrapped my arm where Kelli had cut me. The Empire State Building wasn't that far away, but to me it felt like miles and miles away. My legs felt like they were on fire by the time I made it to the front desk. "Key to the 600 floor please." (Sorry I don't remember what floor Olympus is on...) The man at the desk frowned, "Do you have an appointment, because I don't think I should let another demigod up there without an appointment."
Another demigod? Could he had let Heather, Brian, and Leo up?
"Sir I'm afraid I don't have an appointment, but I really have to get up there." The man thought for a second, "Who is your godly Parent and why do you need to get there?" I sighed, "My father is Hades and I'm part of a quest." The man looked stunned, "Hades? I thought he was done having kids. Oh well, here's the key." I took the key and made my way to the elevator. "I'm on my way Leo." I said as the elevator took me up.
Leo's POV
We were here. Olympus was beautiful. Tons of plants and animals covered the grounds. Houses scattered the area but one stood out. "That's where the Gods assemble." Heather pointed at the largest building. (Prepare for Brian to turn into Annabeth architecture mode.) "wow! This architecture is amazing! My sister Annabeth would love to see this!" Brian awed. Heather giggled, "Brian she helped design this place." Brian's smile disappeared, "oh... I knew that, but still it's so amazing look at this-" Brian babbled on.
"Leo!" I turned around and saw a figure racing towards me. "Amanda?" Tears formed in my eyes. She raced towards me at an incredible speed. I fell backwards as she jumped into my arms. "Leo I'm so sorry I left you. I love you so much!" Amanda sobbed into my shirt. Heather and Brian were frozen in shock as I hugged Amanda back. "I love you too. Please don't ever scare me like that again love!"
Amanda's POV
Leo and I embraced and cried into each other. I felt two other bodies embrace me, I assumed they were Heather and Brian. "Don't ever scare us like that again!" Brian said once everyone pulled away. I let out a small laugh, "guys I will try not to die again, but I'm not making any promises." The others laughed.
"You guys are my family, and family means no one gets left behind." I smiled.
Leo grabbed my hand and Brian grabbed my other hand, and Heather held Brian's other hand. As a family we walked hand in hand into the temple which would hold all of our parents except my father.
If I ever thought that my mother was intimidating these Gods and Goddesses were 100 times worse. I saw my Uncles, Zeus and Poseidon, Brian's mother, Athena, Heathers mother, Demeter, Leo's father, Hephaestus, and Cassie's mother, Aphrodite. Seeing Aphrodite's smile made me remember how pretty Cassie's smile was. "Welcome demigods!" Zeus boomed. "Lord Zeus we have come to return something to Lord Hermes." Heather explained. Hermes glanced in our direction and smiled. "Please show us what you have brought for us."
I reached into my backpack and pulled out the golden sandals. "Good work Amanda!" Zeus commented. I frowned. "I didn't do it on my own, Heather daughter of Demeter, Brian son of Athena, Leo son of Hephaestus, Andy son of Ares, and Cassie daughter of Aphrodite. Cassie and Andy gave their lives so that we could have a chance to complete this quest!" I shouted the last part. The Gods in the room looked shocked at my sudden outburst. "Andy Flamer is not worthy of being called my son! He was a weak, ignorant, selfish boy!" Ares was fuming.
I was outraged, "your son Andy sacrificed his life for me! Andy may have committed some crimes in his life but he was just confused and he felt like you didn't love him!" I saw a flash of sadness in Ares' eyes. "Andy will never have the title as my son, he is not worthy." Few tears streamed down my face, "he was more worthy than you know!"
Ares stood up (AN-He is really really tall still!) "I would blast you to dust-" Leo grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. "But I don't think anyone would be very happy if I did so, and because I know that my so- Andy loved you like a sister." And with that he sat down shaking the ground.
"Amanda daughter of Hades would you please return the sandals to Hermes in order to complete your quest?"
I nodded my head and walked to the feet of Hermes and bowed. "Thank you Amanda Storm I won't forget what you and your friends sacrificed to get these."
All of the Gods left the room except Athena, Hephaestus, Demeter, who shrank down to the size of a normal adult. Athena went to Brian, Demeter went to Heather, and Hephaestus went to Leo to congratulate their children.
You did good Amanda.
Thanks Cassie.
Can you give everyone a hug for me?
No problem sister!
"Amanda!" Leo shouted. "Yes?" I said walking over to where him and his father sat by a pond. "Amanda this is my father." I shook his hand which was rough just like Leo's. "It is an honor to meet you sir." I bowed. "There is no need to bow Amanda. Leo has told me much about you."
I smiled. "Good things I hope." Hephaestus chuckled, "yes my dear." Leo walked over to me and wrapped a hand around me and placed it on my hip. "There is nothing bad to be said about you love." I laughed, "so charming Leo."
Hephaestus stood up, "may I talk to you alone?" I nodded and followed him towards a small garden. "I'm glad my son found you. I always worry that my children won't find true love, but I can see by the way that Leo looks at you and the way he acts towards you that he truly loves you and that you love him back."
I smiled, "I love Leo with all of my heart, and I don't think I could ever love anyone else." The God walked me over to where the rest of my group waited. "It was a pleasure getting to meet you Amanda." Hephaestus said as he walked away.
"Now who's ready to go back to camp?" Brian asked. "I think we all have some people that miss us, so let's go!" I shouted with joy.

It was at this moment that haunting question was finally answered. I knew what I was now, I knew who I really was.
I was a daughter of Hades.
I was a hero.
AN-Hey my little mortals! I'm thinking of ending this book and not turning it into a series. I'm so sorry if you guys were enjoying it. The good news is that I will be starting another book! It won't be about Percy Jackson or Harry Potter or any book series that I've read. It will be my original story with my own characters!!!! Thank you all for reading this, there will be one more chapter!!!!!

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