Goodbye my friend...

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AN- I added a set of rules in chapter 2 please go back and read them. Thanks! Also this chapter is going to be very emotional...I'm really sorry if it makes you upset! Luv yall❤
*********Word count-1873
We had been driving for hours. The van was becoming really messy on the inside due to the fact that we had been sleeping in it for multiple nights. "How much longer do we have to be stuck in the van?" Cassie moaned. "If we keep driving and don't have any monster encounters, then I would say about 4 days," Brian replied. Andy gazed out the window and looked really tense. "Andy are you alright? You look tense," I asked. Andy shot me a death glare, "I'm fine," he snapped. I was alarmed by his sudden tone and it made me slightly angry, "well I'm sorry! I was just worrying for you because that's what friends do!" He looked sad and continued to look out the window. "How about some fresh air? There are some cliffs over in the direction," Heather pointed out.
Brian parked the van and we all got out. "Look at this view!" Leo announced. I raced over to him and looked at the huge ocean that was before us (imagine a beautiful ocean view from a cliff, with the sun setting in the distance).
"It's so beautiful" I said in awe. "Not as beautiful as someone I know," Leo grinned as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "And who is that?" I gave Leo a playful punch. "Not telling." He pecked me on the cheek.
"This is really nice," Brian commented. "Yeah... where's Andy?" Heather asked in a worried tone. "Andy?" I asked walking towards the van. "Amanda no!" Leo said shoving me away from the van as it burst into flames. I fell to the ground and felt my leg getting hot... not again. "Amanda your leg! It's metal," Leo told me urgently. I moved farther away from the flames in hope that my leg would cool off. "Watch out Cassie!" Heather warned as a leopard like creature pounced from the burning van. Cassie backed towards the cliff and tried to keep her balance. "Cassie stay calm!" Brian commanded as he and Leo charged at the creature. The monster slashed at Cassie but I had leaped in front of her and took the blow.
"No! Amanda why?" Cassie held my body sobbing. "Cassie take the others and run, I will try to hold him off," I told her as I attempted to stand. I let out a cry as pain surged through my body. "Amanda don't die on me" Cassie sobbed. My vision was going black but I could still see the monster being attacked by Leo and Brian. Heather rushed over to me and started to apply a green substance to my injury, "this may sting." I groaned as the pain subsided but I could feel a faint stinging. "Take this, and remember me," Cassie said as a tear slid down her face, "goodbye my friend,"she pressed a ruby gem above the middle of my chest. It burned slightly but I didn't care. "Cassie watch out!" Leo warned as the monster jumped at Cassie and this time succeeded at reaching her. "Cassie no!" I screamed as she started to fall off the cliff and into the sea. Brian launched himself right after her, but Heather wasn't going to let him die just like Cassie. Heather grew long vines from the ground and sent them after Brian. "Cassie-no..." Brian sobbed onto Heather. "She was my first love... I will have revenge, that monster may have escaped for now but not for long..." he mumbled. I leaned on Leo as he examined my leg to make sure everything still worked. "Hey Amanda... it me Cassie," A voice said. "Cassie?" I asked. The group gave me a confused look before turning their attention back to Brian. "Listen to me Amanda, the gem that I placed just above your chest is a powerful object. It allows me to talk to you in your head. I can read your thoughts too," she giggled. "Wow" I thought. "Yeah. Now listen, I can still assist you on this quest by giving you hints...only hints about what your next challenge shall be. Tell Brian I love him please." She said. "No problem Cassie," I responded. "Hey Brian, listen...Cassie really loved you, and she still does. Maybe we will see her ghost in Elysium(AN-for those of you who don't know what that is, it's like the heaven-ish place in the Underworld)." Brian embraced me, "thanks Amanda."
We decided to sleep on the ground, since we were too far away from civilization. Brian took first watch...he said he needed to think some stuff over. Poor guy, I can't imagine loosing Leo...
"Leo how did you not get burnt when the van exploded?" Heather asked as we ate some tacos that we found in Leo's backpack.
"I'm fireproof and can summon fire," he responded playing with a flame in his hand. Heather stared in awe. "What do we do now? Cassie's dead, we have no van, Andy is missing and most likely dead," I asked. Brian frowned when I mentioned Cassie, "I say that we try to catch a taxi or bus for the remainder of the trip." I smiled, "sounds good, let's go!"
We walked about 15 miles before we were able to catch a taxi. "Finally!" Heather exclaimed as she hailed a taxi. "Where to kids?" The driver asked. "Hollywood," Brian responded. The man looked surprised, "that's going to be a lot of cash." Leo frowned. Heather smiled at the driver, "we will pay when we get there." He shrugged, "ok whatever I guess."
The drive was so fun! Just kidding, it was silence. Nothing but silence, I think the driver actually was starting to worry about us. "Hey Brian?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah Amanda?" He gave a fake smile. "Listen I'm really sorry about Cassie. I'm glad that you're not moping around. I miss her too." He stared me right in the eyes, "I'm not moping around because I will avenge her. Im determined..." he paused looking out the window as rain fell from the sky. I lay my head on Leo's shoulder as small tears rolled down my face. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you Cassie," I mumbled. Leo kissed my forehead as I drifted off into sleep.
"Wake up love," a voice said shaking me awake, only it wasn't Leo, it was...Andy?? I sat up, but I wasn't controlling my body, "hey love." What was going on? I asked myself. "We have to go, the others have disappeared," Andy frowned. I grabbed his hand and walked towards a door, "Andy if something happens to us on this quest then I have one thing to tell you...always remember this, I lo-" I was cut off by an explosion that blew me backwards and into a wall. Andy raced over to me but was yanked back by something. "Im sorry Catherine!"He yelled as the creature grabbed me. "Andy don't leave me," I pleaded. It was too late, the monster had thrown my body out a window. I crashed in a small garden, "mother please help me... don't let me die." Andy appeared next to me, "I'm sorry...I had to do it." My vision blurred. "Andy..." I mumbled as my last breath left my body.
"Nooo!" I shouted as I woke from the dream. "Amanda what is it? Calm down love," Leo said as he wrapped his arms around me. "I-she-died," I babbled. The group looked very confused, "Amanda your not dead, please stop scratching yourself!" Leo commanded. I looked down at my arms and stared at the cuts and blood that were now on my arms. "I'm sorry, I'm just a little worked up right now." Heather hugged me, "it's ok, a lot happened while you were asleep." I looked at my surroundings and noticed we were in a hotel room, and someone had turned up...Andy. "Hello Andy," I mumbled trying to conceal my anger, it was his fault that Catherine girl died. "Hey Amanda, I heard about Cassie...I'm really sorry about that," he said. I smiled, "Andy it's not your fault." He looked nervous, and I knew he was hiding something. "Can Andy and I have some privacy please... it's about my nightmare," I asked. Leo frowned, "can I at least stay?" I nodded yes. Heather and Brian went outside and left Andy, Leo and I alone. "So..." Andy started. "Listen, I'm sorry if this question makes you uncomfortable but did you ever know a girl named Catherine?" Andy's eyes went wide, "how did you know about her?" Leo glanced at me as I responded, "well in the dream I was Catherine, and you told me that the other demigods had disappeared. I- I mean Catherine walked to the door, and just as she was about to say something she was blow into a wall. You kept apologizing to me. Soon I was thrown out the window and I fell into a small garden, you told me you had to do something and that you were sorry... then I died." Andy and Leo stared at me, their faces blank. "Amanda... I don't think that you guys are ready for the full truth," Andy started but Leo cut him off, "she's ready for the truth and I think the rest of us are too!" I was disappointed in Andy, "what could you have possibly done to cause a girl, whom you loved to die!?" Andy looked hurt and angered, "do you think I meant for the love of my life to die when I made that choice?!" I jumped back at his sudden burst of anger. "I made a horrible choice and now I have to live with it for the rest of my life! I had to come on this quest! If I don't complete what I have to do then I will die!" Leo grabbed me and rushed out of the room as Andy went on a rage. He started tearing up the bedding and pillows, he punched the walls, and threw furniture with his immense strength that I didn't know he had till then. "Guys what's going on?" Heather asked as Leo and I lead them away from the hotel and into subway station. "We had to get out of here! Like now," Leo explained. We quickly boarded a subway and Brian made us explain everything. I told him about the dream, and how Andy reacted. "Oh my..." Heather said in a hushed voice. We sat in silence for the rest of the ride. I could tell the next two days were going to be not so good....
AN-Oh my gods! I actually did it! I killed Cassie😭😭. I'm sorry if y'all didn't want Cassie to die...but in the prophecy it did say "two shall perish..." so you should have been prepared for someone to die. Comment telling me your reactions  when Cassie died. Tell me if you have figured out The Who shall betray, who shall die, who shall be cursed, and who shall learn truths untold! Luv yall!❤

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