Not the plan...

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Leo's POV word count-1539
I was glad that Amanda had gotten some ghosts to get us safely out of the Underworld because not many heroes got that gift. "Does anyone have an idea how we are going to get to Olympus?" Amanda asked the group. "We should probably make our way to New York first," Brain stated. Amanda pointed to a taxi, "we could take that to an airport." I frowned, "but that's Zeus's realm, he could strike the plane down." Heather made a suggestion, "we can pray to him for a safe trip."
Amanda started to mumble words that no one could here. "I prayed, let's hope this works or we're doomed." Amanda led us over to a taxi and hopped in. "What are we going to pay with?" I whispered as Heather told the driver where we needed to go. Amanda shrugged, "we don't have much money left from the last time we took a taxi, but I have about fifteen dollars."
The driver took us a huge airport then parked, "twenty dollars." Heather grabbed the fifteen from Amanda and handed it to the driver. "Five more kiddos" the driver explained. Brian started to open his door and signaled me to do the same, I nodded and we both grabbed a girl and raced out of the car towards the entrance.
I could hear the driver yelling as we entered the building. "That wasn't the smartest thing to do," Heather told Brian and me. I just shrugged along side Brian.
Amanda's POV
A sudden thought hit me, 'how were we going to pay for tickets?' I silently prayed to the gods for mortal money to pay for tickets. "Guys how are we going to pay?" Leo asked frantically. I reached into my pocket and! "Thank the gods" I said. The group turned to me and saw what I was holding, "that must be 20000 dollars!" Heather squealed. "Well I say we put it to some good use and get down tickets," Brian grinned.(AN-I don't know how much money plane tickets cost)
Once we had the tickets and had made it to the entrance of the aircraft I felt sick to my stomach. Leo noticed and intertwined his fingers and mine, "don't worry love, we will be fine." I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong, but I didn't say anything.
Takeoff was probably the worst thing I had ever experienced today, besides my leg almost getting detected in the metal detector. I practically attached myself to Leo during takeoff, due to the fact that I had a horrible feeling that my uncle wasn't going to be so nice to me, and we were all going to die. "Don't be scared love, if Percy can survive a plane ride than so can we," Leo smiled. (I know Percy isn't really in this story...sorry) I looked out the window, "wow." In the sky was the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen, it reminded me of the sunset I had seen the day Cassie died. "It reminds me of Cassie," Heather said from the seat behind Leo and I. Leo wrapped his arm around me, and I thought that nothing could ruin this moment.
I was dead wrong...
"Please make sure that you and your belongings are secured, we are facing dangerous winds and snow." The speaker announced. "Guys look," Brian pointed to his window. I touched the window and noticed that it was slowly getting colder and ice was beginning to form over the whole airplane. "Guys this isn't right, we need to get off the plane now," I whispered to the group. "I suspect I God or giant," Brian told us. The plane completely shut down and down we went.
I knew that if I didn't do something then we all were going to die. I looked at Leo and he smiled. I need to get on the top of the plane, I think I may be able to unfreeze the plane," Leo explained. "No Leo! You'll die!" I cried as he hugged me. "Don't worry love I've been through worse, we have to use our powers to help these innocent mortals." Heather and Leo exchanged glances and stood up. "Heather and I can do this, stay on board," Leo commanded. Brian and I nodded. I watched the love of my life and my best friend walk up the isle and towards the exit. People were to afraid to stop them as they opened the door making some things fly out of the plane. "No!" I sobbed as Leo and Heather jumped.
Heathers POV
Leo grabbed my hand as we jumped. Somehow I knew what he wanted me to do so I managed to grow vines and wrap them around Leo and I and attach us to the plane. "Go Leo!" I shouted at Leo. I made the vines carry him to the top of the plane, "the vines will hold you!" Leo's hands lit on fire and the ice slowly melted. The plane was getting extremely close to the ground now, I knew we didn't have enough time. "Leo we have to get back inside the plane!" I shouted. He made his way back to me but was swept away by a gust of wind. He was now hanging off the plane and was holding onto a vine. I started to pull him up and into the plane, "almost there." I grunted. "Mother please help us" I prayed. Leo made it to the top, climbed inside the plane and closed the door.
Amanda's POV
I clung onto Brian as the plane descended closer and closer to the ground. I looked towards the exit where Leo and Heather had jumped and saw them! I jumped up and ran towards them dragging Brian along with me. The plane started to rotate causing everyone and their belongings to fly around the plane. Brian was thrown towards Leo and Heather but I was tossed to the back of the plane. "Mommy!" I heard a girls voice yell. I turned around and saw a girl who looked about four crying over a lady who was laying limp on the ground.
I raced towards the girl and checked her mother for a pulse, there was none. I grabbed the girl and held her close to me as the plane was only 30 seconds from hitting the ground. "Father please help us and these mortals," I prayed. Everyone on the plane panicked as the plane hit the ground. And we all died. The end.
"Amanda please wake up, please, please." I voice pleaded. I opened my eyes and saw the love of my life, Leo Valdez. "Leo...where are we? Is everyone else ok?" He helped me stand and motioned around him, "I have no idea where we are but it resembles a prison of some sort." I frowned, "what happened, where's Brian and Heather? And what happened to the mortals?" Leo hugged me tightly, "Brian, Heather and me were in the front of the plane when it crashed, and you were in the back. The second the plane crashed the mortals disappeared leaving us the only ones on the plane. It wasn't Zeus that caused the crash, it was a giant. The giant took the four of us and out us in these cells." Did Hades answer my prayer and get the mortals to safety? I wondered. "Who was the giant?" He frowned, "the same one who killed your mother and the same one who tried to kill Cassie." Anger surged through me and Leo seemed to notice. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me, "I'm not going to leave you, we will get out of here."
The cell was cold, and there was no beds. "You cold?" Leo asked. I nodded. He smiled and summoned some fire in his hands, "better?" I smiled and cuddled up closer to him, "you bet."
It felt like we had been there for almost a day. No one came to give us food or anything. "Do you think that the giant forgot we were here?" I asked. Leo frowned, "let's hope so, we need to get out, find Heather and Brian, and get to Olympus."
I walked towards the cell door. "Hello!" A ugly face popped up in my face. I screamed and fell backwards, Leo caught me. The figure laughed, "did I scare you? Oh I'm so sorry! Just kidding I'm not!"
I was already hating this guy, "who are you and what do you want?" The figure stepped into view and man was he ugly. His face was distorted and covered in scars, his body was muscular but still hideous, he wore a old tunic and no shoes and had a cold aura "I am Gajae the greatest frost giant! Well I was..." he trailed off looking at the floor. "Until your filthy father!" He shouted at me. I staggered back at his sudden burst of anger. No one insulted my father and got away with it. "what do you want with us?" I asked trying to keep my cool. He smirked, "I want the same as everyone else... for you to be dead. Now come on your death awaits you!"

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