Character info page!

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Name-Amanda Catherine Storm
Godly parent-Hades
Relationships-Girlfriend of Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus

Name-Amanda Catherine StormGodly parent-HadesRelationships-Girlfriend of Leo Valdez son of HephaestusAge-13Picture-

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Hey guys! My name is Amanda Catherine Storm. I may be the daughter of Hades but that does not make me a bad person! People sometimes miss judge me but get to know me and you learn that I'm really sweet, kind, loving, and brave. I will do anything for my friends!
Name-Cassiopeia (Cassie) Marie Rose
Godly parent-Aphrodite
Relationships- Girlfriend of Brian son of Athena.

Sup! My name is Cassie Marie Rose

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Sup! My name is Cassie Marie Rose. I'm a strong, beautiful girl who will do anything for my friends. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Brian whom I love very much. I may be a daughter of Aphrodite but that does not mean I'm helpless!
Name-Brian Wolfric Mason
Godly Parent- Athena
Relationships- Boyfriend of Cassie Marie Rose.

What's up? My names Brian Wolfric Mason

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What's up? My names Brian Wolfric Mason. My mother was never there when I was young, but I never judged her for it. I was always a smart kid in school and many people judged me. Camp half-blood is my true home.
Name- Andy Marcus Flamer
Godly Parent-Ares
Relationships- Son of Ares and Mary Flamer

***********Name- Andy Marcus FlamerGodly Parent-AresRelationships- Son of Ares and Mary FlamerAge-13Picture-

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Hey bros! My names Andy. I've never liked being a demigod, and I have never really liked my father. I mean he was never there for me!
Amanda is really cute...I hope she's not with Leo, they seem really close.
Name- Heather Thea Rena
Godly Parent- Demeter
Relationships- Daughter of Demeter and Mark Rena

**********Name- Heather Thea RenaGodly Parent- DemeterRelationships- Daughter of Demeter and Mark RenaAge-14Picture-

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Hiiiiiii. The names Heather, in a proud daughter of Demeter! I love my mom and my father Mark Rena. My mom may not have always been there for me but I know she had a good reason for being there.
AN- Comment telling me which character you think your most like! I made Heather have the same personality as my friend Emma😜Luv yall!❤

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