The prophecy from Rachel

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AN-The pic is Rachel, for those of you who don't know who she is. Rachel is a girl who's friends with Percy, and she becomes the new oracle to take the place of the creepy hippie one in the attic. In my opinion I really don't like Rachel(she tries to ruin PERCEBETH!!!!!) sorry fangirl moment😂
*************Word count-936
Leo took me into the Hephaestus cabin. Some of the campers gave me weird looks but Leo pushed me through a door before anyone could say anything to me. "This is my private area," Leo said. "Wow it's nice." He grinned, "now let's get on with that leg."
Leo said he had to put me to sleep so wouldn't feel any pain as he attached the wires and stuff into my leg. I slept a dreamless sleep for what felt like hours. "Leo?" I mumbled still half asleep. "Yes love, I'm here. Your legs done" he stated proudly. I gazed down and saw that my leg had a metal part to replace the part I was missing. "I don't deserve a boyfriend as great as you." "You deserve whatever you want." Leo helped me stand up, I immediately fell forward right into Leo's arms. "Your always falling for me aren't you," he chuckled. I stuck my tongue at him. He placed his hand on his chest dramatically, "I'm so hurt." I giggled as he picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room, where a bunch of his roommates were staring at us. "This is my girlfriend, so live with it," he announced leaving the cabin. "I love you Leo." He grinned and pressed his lips on mine, "I love you more."
We walked to dinner. "Leo I'm not wearing jeans, people can see my leg" I whispered. "Are you really afraid of people seeing your leg?" I nodded. "Ok ok, I think I have something to cover it up with." He dug in his tool belt for a minute before pulling out a cloth and covering up the metal part of my leg. "All better love?" I nodded, "you bet."
I sat down at my table with Nico. "Hey Sunshine," I giggled. "You still remember that nickname? Wow, I need to give you one let's think..." he pauses when he noticed my leg, "wait, how are you walking?" I uncovered my leg revealing the metal part. "Oh wow. Did Leo make you that?" He said. "Yeah just a few hours ago actually." He nodded then went back to eating his food. I did the same.
"Everyone quite! Rachel's about to give a prophecy... I think" a boy who sat with a red head girl whom I assumed was Rachel. The girls eyes went blank as smoke came from her mouth,
"The daughter of Hades shall lead five half-bloods to the dark lands of her fathers
To retrieve what's been stolen and in the end
One shall turn
Two shall perish
One shall learn truths untold
And the last two shall have a curse bound to them till death
If failure comes thy world may perish."
Everyone had gone quiet. Slowly murmurs were heard throughout the crowd. I looked down at my food but I felt every eye even Nico's glued on me. "I need Ms. Storm, and Mr.Valdez to see me in the big house immediately" Chiron announced. Leo, and I rose from our tables and made our way to the big house. Leo grabbed my hand and intertwined his finger through mine, "don't worry it's going to be fine." I gave a fake smile, "ok."
The big house gave me the creeps. The walls seemed to speak to me saying, "your doomed," "this quest is destined for failure." I moved closer to Leo as we made our way towards a office like room where Chiron and Mr.D stood. "Now Ms. Storm, in the prophecy it stated that the daughter of Hades which we can only assume is you and not Hazel, will lead five half-bloods to the land of your fathers. This could only be saying that you will lead five half-bloods and yourself to the Underworld. I'm afraid that we cannot just let you choose who your taking in this quest so I will only let you pick one person." I looked at Chiron, than Leo. "I will go with her," Leo spoke up before I could say anything. "Are you ok with this Amanda?" Chiron asked. I nodded, "yes if that is what Leo truly wants to do." Chiron whispered something to Mr.D, and Mr.D left the room quickly. "Now Mr.D has gone to get four campers who have special abilities that will make parts of your quest easier," Chiron explained. As if on cue two girls and two boys walked through the doors Mr.D had gone through. "You summoned us Chiron?" One boy asked. "Yes Andy. It seems that you, Cassie, Heather, and Brian are needed on a quest." Chiron pointed to each camper as he introduced them, "this is Andy son of Ares, Cassie daughter of Aphrodite, Heather daughter of Demeter, and Brian son Athena." I gave them a small smile, "I'm Amanda Storm daughter of Hades, and Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus." Heather smiled at me then looked to Chiron, "when do we leave?" "Tomorrow morning."
AN- sorry if the chapter was too short. I will try to make the next one longer. If you think I messed up something in this chapter please comment telling me!! Luv you guys❤

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