We fight my old enemy

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AN-I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't updated lately, I've been really busy with school and other things. I will try to make this chapter kinda long to make up for not posting. Luv yall❤
************Word count-1673
"Do you really have to leave?" Nico asked. "Yes Nico I've already told you that ten times." He looked at me worriedly, "what if something happens to you? I can't lose another sister." I gave him a big hug, "Nico if something does happen to me, I will always be in your heart." He gave me a weak smile, "your right. I guess you should be leaving now." I have him one last hug before walking off to go meet Leo, Cassie, Brian, Andy and Heather. "So we're all here now, what do y'all say about heading off," Andy said. "Sounds good to me," Cassie spoke up. "All right then let's head off." Andy lead our group to a van, "Chiron said that we can take this as far as we can." I gave Andy a friendly smile as I hopped into the van. Leo sat on my right and Andy on my left, Heather sat next to Leo. (AN-Heather does not like Leo!) "I'll drive," Brian said.
The trip was very uneventful, and by the time it was 9 pm we started looking for a hotel. "You tired Amanda?" Andy asked wrapping an arm around me. "Yes I am," I replied sternly shaking off his arm and leaning on Leo. "Guys I think we should stop here for the night," Brian offered pointing to a old house that looked like no one had lived in for years. "It looked kinda creepy," Heather commented. "Well I'm not scared," Andy stated grinning at me. Leo wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him. "Lets just park the van and go to sleep," Cassie commented.
We pulled over in the yard and stepped out of the van. "We should sleep inside, unless you guys are scared and want to sleep in the van," Andy smirked. "Let's just go inside and see what it's like," Leo glared at Andy.
Leo's POV
As we walked into the house I could see that Andy boy staring at Amanda. She is my girlfriend! Has he not figured that out yet. "Hey Amanda lets go look for a room," I said leading her down a hallway and up a set of stairs. "Leo what's wrong?" She asked noticing my tone of voice. "We will talk about it later," I told her. I finally found a room, "this one will do." (AN-They will be sharing a room, but there will not be anything inappropriate happening!!!!!)
We walked in and set our things on the bed, Amanda turned to me and I could tell she was upset, "Leo please tell me what's wrong, I don't like people keeping secrets." I lay down on the bed, "well I don't like people flirting with my girlfriend." She looked hurt, "Leo... do you- you think I like Andy?" She lay down next to me and the next thing I knew she had pinned me down. "Yes I do" I responded. Her eyes started to tear up but she stayed strong. "Leo Valdez, I have loved you since we met. Andy is just trying to get to you! He is probably trying to split us up and take me as his own. Leo if you truly loved me you would believe me." I stared into her beautiful brown eyes, "I'm sorry- it's just I don't want to lose you. Quests can be very dangerous and if I lost you... I don't know what I would do." A few tears fell from my eyes. "I love you," Amanda said as she lightly placed her lips on mine. I kissed back passionately. "Am I interrupting something?" Brian smirked in the doorway. "Brian, what's wrong with you," Amanda laughed even though I could tell she was embarrassed. "Sorry lovebirds... just between us- I was doing the same thing," he winked as he walked out of the doorway. "I'm starting to like that Brian kid," I chuckled. "Let's go meet the others downstairs," Amanda grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
Andy's POV
Leo and Amanda descended down the stairs to gather with the rest of us. Brian was smirking at Leo and Leo was returning the gesture. "Ok now that everyone is here, is anyone else concerned that we haven't been attacked by a monster yet?" Cassie asked. "I am," Amanda stated. "I think that we all should be on our guard tonight, because something could attack at anytime," Leo said. Ugh I hate that Leo guy, he acts like Amanda actually loves him. I bet that she likes me and is using Leo to make me jealous. "Well I think that we all should get a good nights sleep so we can be ready to travel, I mean we have to drive all the way to Hollywood," Heather commented. "I agree," Cassie yawned. Brian and Cassie made their way to their room, Heather made her way to her own room, and Amanda, who looked really pretty at the moment, and Leo made their way to their room. I glared at Leo as he walked with Amanda. Why did Catherine have to die. (AN-You will learn more about Catherine as the story goes on.)
Amanda's POV
I woke up with Leo's arms wrapped around me. I gave him a peck on the forehead and walked to the bathroom. It wasn't much of a bathroom but it had a sink with running water, a mirror and a working shower. I undressed myself and stepped into the cold water. As I was drying off I heard two voices arguing in the other room. I wrapped my towel around me and walked into Leo and I's bedroom. "Oh Amanda good your here!" I saw Brian standing in the doorway with a frightened face. Leo rushed up to me and started to explain what was going on, "Brain said that he woke up this morning and found that Cassie wasn't anywhere to be found. Andy came in and helped him search for her, but it appears that she has gone missing." I felt angry, I considered Cassie my friend even though we hadn't talked much, who would kidnap her? "What if a monster got her?" Leo said. Heather raced into the doorway with Andy following close behind. "I think I found her!" We all looked at Heather, and she told us to follow her.
We made our way outside and towards a old green house. "Now we must be very quiet, I think that Cassie is being held inside by a giant. While I was looking for her I saw a large shadow then heard muffled screams coming from inside this greenhouse," Heather explained. Our group quietly entered the greenhouse and heard two voices, "where are they?" the deep voice growled. "I don't- know. Please don't hurt them" a whimper said. "Well then I shall just kill you and then your friends," the voice announced. Andy peeked through a bush and whispered frantically, "if we are going to attack... we need to go now!" Leo was the first to charge at the giant, "For Camp Half-blood!" The rest of us followed him, except Heather, she said that she had an idea.
"Amanda watch out!" A voice yelled as I was scooped up by a large hand. "Well well, we meet again Ms. Storm. I should have killed you the first time, I shall not fail this time." I felt horrible pain as I heard a crack and cried out in agony. Brian quickly got Cassie untied from some vines that held her down, and Andy and Leo were both trying to make the giant drop me. "Father if I die here, please let no one else follow in my footsteps" I prayed silently.  I fell to the ground as he was wrapped in vines. "Noooo" he wailed as the vines cut into his thick leathery skin. "You will never touch Amanda again!" I heard Leo yell at the giant. "You shall not complete this quest!" He pointed at Cassie.
"And You will never hurt anyone again!" Brian shouted as him and Leo brought down their weapons on the giant. "We will meet again!" Was the last thing he said before he turned into dust.
Brian went over to Cassie in hopes of comforting her, Heather was tending to a gash Andy had acquired during the fight. "You alright?" Leo asked slinging an arm around my shoulder.
"I guess, I just wanted to get revenge- for my mom, since her death was mostly my fault." Leo frowned, "it wasn't your fault, it was mine." I was confused now, "why do you think that?" He looked me in the eye, "that night he attacked you, Jason, me and our friend Percy saved you but the giant had gone after your mother before you went after you. If we had gone after the giant and not you, your mother may still be alive." I kissed Leo right there, right in front of everyone, but I didn't care. "Watch out for lovebirds," Brian chuckled. I gave Brian a playful glare as he gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek. "Let's just get our belongings and get out of here," Andy said in a sour tone. Leo held my hand as we walked to our room to get our stuff and get out of this haunted house.
AN-Thanks so much for reading, I'm sooo sorry again for no being able to post in a while. I really hope that y'all liked this chapter. Comment telling me what the next challenge they face should be. Luv yall❤

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