A dream.

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(Chuuya's pov)

I saw myself stabbing at my own body. It may seem impossible but why did I do that. I faintly remember that Dazai just committed suicide. My chest hurts everytime I think about it and yes, I loved him. The faint and disappearing image of his corpse is slowly fading into an abyss of black. The more I try to recall it, the more my chest hurts, the more it is harder to breathe, the more painful it is. Watching him disappear is more painful than seeing him on the tub, laying in the pool of water and his own blood.

Where am I anyways? It feel so cold and my body is warm inside. Is this death? Am I going to be with Dazai? Or I would just end up in the sad and quiet place. I am cold. I huddled up and curled while floating in this dreamland.

I could feel something warm. On my forehead. I, I can hear, my name and, a very familiar sound. A song! That voice! Can it be? I can hear my heart beating fast but, am I dead? What is this feeling. A feeling of relief and happiness.

My feet landed in nothing but I could feel a floor underneath me. I tried to search for the sound. It is Dazai's favorite song.

"But with two, you can, double suicide"

And I was blinded with a very bright light that appear before me. If it is death then, this is the end of the line. But I can feel something more as I step nearer onto the light. A feeling of content, safety, a very weird feeling but yet, I crave it.

This is the last step i'm going to get and as the light shine brightly on the front me, I can see Dazai well and alive, reaching out for me. I smiled and gladly took his hand and we went into the light.

I woke up grasping for air and breathing deeply. As I suddenly sit up, a warm and wet cloth flew right into the sheets. I was expecting to be inside a hospital or something because of my stab wound but no. I was inside my room. My house. I took a look around me and just stared unto the wall. I silently let my tears fall down as I reach down to the area of the "stab" wound. There is nothing! I really am crying right now. I am smiling and laughing and crying.
As I realized where I am now,


I screamed and hopefully waits for the answer but I waited for nothing. Tears silently fall down and my breathing deepens. Is it a dream?

I am starting to cry when i heard a thud.

"Chuuya do not force yourself to sit! You have a burning fever, and do not scream. It is just 3 in the morning. I am just getting some medicine, chill. You missed me already? "

He said in a sleepy yet flirty tone. The first sentences that I came from the mouth of someone whom I thought just died is so cheesy. And I love him for being that way. Yes, I love him for who he are.



"D, Dazai, come here"


As he come into the bed, I grabbed his arm and hugged him tightly. He seem surprised by this sudden action but soon relaxed and hugged me. I wept in his shoulder and he just hugged me and rubs my back in a soothing manner. It is helping and as I stopped crying, I held his shoulders and make him face me.

"Chuuya, you know there is something I need you to know."

"Me too. I want to tell you something"

"What is i--"

I did not let him finish his sentence as I pulled him closer to me and, well. I kissed him. I kissed him as passionate as I can. He seem surprised by this but soon he kissed me back. We are making out and it turned into a french. He just kisses me until we both ran out of air. We plopped down into the bed and laughed. We looked at each other in the eye and we giggled again.

"So what is it you want to say ChuuChuu?" Dazai said

"I,..... I love you Dazai" I said while blushing and of course he saw it.

"Awwwwww. I love you too!"

And he pulled me in onto a sudden embrace. We are just like that until he fell asleep. I just cuddled into his arms and I felt the heat. The heat that, I once thought was gone.

"Don't you ever do think about leaving me Dazai."

"D-don't worry. I wont"

Dazai mumbled in his sleep.

I just smiled because I know that he won't lie in a thing like that. I cuddled and fell asleep in his arms.

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