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I folded my arms, witnessing the sight before me. My own sister and Shadow, making out after an hour or so after they had met. I glared at Shadow and looked to Karma. “What do we have here, dear sister?”

She looked to me afraid, nearly tripping as she staggered back. “Please, brother, it’s not what you think…!” she said, her eyes pleading.

I raised my eyebrow. “You’re already making out with a guy after an hour…” I said glancing to shadow. “What do you have to say about this?”

Shadow looked over at me coolly as he spoke. "Nothing at all. Obviously there was something otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

“Then tell me… What caused you to do such a thing with her? I don’t trust you for one thing, and then you go and do this?” I said with a growl in my voice. I glanced to Karma to see her glaring right back.

“You’re one to talk, brother.” She said glaring at me. “I don’t need your approval. I trust this man. You just need to learn to listen.”

I sighed angered. “Fine. But you know the rules, Karma. If you wish to be cast out with him… Then don’t expect me to help you.”

She glared at me and took Shadow’s hand. “I’ve felt happier than I ever did before. I want this feeling. And I’m guessing that you have feelings for her as well.” she said, pointing to Noir.

I went silent and looked back to Noir, then back to Karma. “What?”

“You heard me. Go on. Ask her.” I hate when she’s right…

I heard footsteps behind me as Noir walked over. She beamed up at me, happily. “What’s going on? Shadow finally stopped staring at her?”

“I uh...Well… There’s something I have to say…” I stammered.

“Hmm?” she tilted her head curiously. “What is it? you can tell me anything.” She smiled at her words.

I looked away shyly. “I have...feelings for you. Feelings that I’ve never felt before.” Why. Must. She. Be. So. Damn. Attractive?!

As I said the words I heard Shadow choke on his laughter as he raised an arm to cover his face and look away.

Noir glared at him then smiled back at me. “I feel the same, silly.” she said as she took my hand.

I looked down shyly. “You do? I-I never would have guessed.” I felt so helpless. I’ve never done anything like this before.

I looked to Karma as she was hiding her face laughing to herself. I rolled my eyes and looked to Noir again.

“Seriously?” Shadow managed to choke through his muffled laughs.

“God dammit don’t make me shank you, Shadow!” Noir yelled making Shadow raise his hands like he was surrendering.

I shook my head. “I’m so behind on everything.” I heard Karma yell ‘Ya think?!” from behind Shadow. I swear I’ll strangle her…

Noir smiled up at me. “It’s fine, now we know, right?” she looked over at Shadow with a look of an unanswered question. Shadow only stared at her for a moment before he nodded and returned his gaze to my sister.

I sighed. “Yea...I guess you’re right. Anyways. Now that’s gotten off our chests… Let’s get this food eaten before it goes bad.” I said gesturing to Reaction and Eryx hauling a deer behind me. Eryx seemed to be struggling while Reaction could care less.

As we were making our way to them, Noir grabbed my wrist to stop me. “Can I talk to you a quick minute? There’s something important you should see…” her eyes looked sad as she spoke.

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