Dragon's Fate

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I got up slowly and rubbed my neck as I stumbled away from the slayer. Why must I be blamed for their actions…? I couldn’t believe he got to me so easily. I wiped my eyes and soon enough I felt one of the more slender dragons curl around me in a comforting embrace. It rested its head down and kept its eyes on the slayer who nearly killed me.

I couldn’t even meet his eyes. Why was he even here…? I didn’t speak, instead I stroked the dragon’s spine. I wanted him to leave.

It was Noir who stepped forward by the slayer’s side. “Tiamat...I’m sorry. We just wanted him to see…”

I shook my head, I didn’t want to speak to them. I knelt and wrapped my arms around the dragon’s neck. “Leave my palace, the lot of you…”

“But Tiamat-”

“I said leave!” I snapped at her, silencing her.

Noir sighed shakily and looked at Eryx. “Nice job,” she mumbled as she walked back to Knight.

Eryx had looked to her silently. I could see in his eyes that he knew he had done wrong, all of his past actions showing in one glance. He looked down silently and retrieved his sword without a word, sheathing it. The one called Knight shook his head in disappointment.

“If only you held your ground a little longer, newbie.” He said sadly. “Now you’ve screwed up everything. Don’t bother coming back with us. You’re on your own tonight.”

Eryx looked over to him. “Yes sir…” were the only words he managed to say softly. I watched as he turned to leave from the group out into the village again.

Knight sighed and shook his head as he looked to me sadly. “I’m sorry, he’s never had an outburst like that before. I assure you that you’ll be safe. We’ve all seen what has happened now.”

I looked over at Knight sadly then at Eryx. Slowly, I got up and walked over to him. I grabbed his wrist stopping him. “Wait…” I murmured softly.

Eryx looked back to me, startled. “Y...yes…?” He said softly.

“It’s...it’s ok, Eryx…” I squeezed his wrist gently, reassuringly.

Eryx glanced down to my hand, and then up to me sadly. “Why do you pursue me now? I almost killed you…”

“Hey...it’s not the first time someone has tried to kill me...it’s fine.” I smiled at him reassuringly. Now that I see him without all the anger, he’s kinda cute…

He looked away sadly, like he was a small child getting scolded for something. “It’s not fine. I never should have done that.” He whispered sadly. I could see the guilt written all over his eyes.

The dragons around me were silent as they waited for me to make my decision. I put a hand to his cheek lightly. "It's ok...um...how would you all like to stay for dinner...?" I said as I looked up to the others.

The others looked to me almost confused. “Stay? But...you just ordered us all out?” Knight said curiously.

“I...I know...but seems we can get along, and I’d like to make you feel welcome. Forgive me, the killings have taken a toll on me so I’m not quite myself. But...would you stay?” I asked, smiling my best at them.

The others looked to each other like they were discussing. Knight looked back to me and nodded. “That’s fine, we have a long journey back home anyways, the food and rest will do all of us good. Thank you, Tiamat.”

I nodded kindly and led them inside. Soon enough they had all seated at the table and ate from the feast that was left before us. They eat like pigs...must be from their journey… I minded myself as I ate in silence. Shadow, Chaos, and Noir nearly cleared out two plates.

Breaking the silence, was the sound of banging on the table. Looking up I saw Noir, Chaos, and Shadow hitting their fists on the table as they started chanting “Lava cakes, lava cakes, lava cakes!”

I couldn’t help but facepalm at their childlike stupidity. My chef, who was probably my only friend within the palace grinned so wide, it made my cheeks hurt. The slayers looked confused at what was going on.

Eryx looked over to me with the weirdest look on his face. “What are uh...lava cakes? They sound...hot.”

“Eheh...they’re just chocolate cakes with hot fudge inside…” I murmured.

“The most amazing cakes ever!” Chaos whined as he sank in his seat.

I shook my head and told the chef to bring some for everyone. His easy grin was glued onto his face as he walked off into the kitchen.

Eryx watched as the chef left, and then looked to me. “I have a feeling those three are gonna be fighting over the last piece.” He whispered, gesturing to Shadow, Chaos, and Noir with a grin.

I looked at him and smiled softly. “I agree…” A few minutes after, each one of them had a plate and the three children started eating before the plates were even set down. “Honestly...were you three raised in a barn?”

“Possibly.” Shadow answered with a his mouth full.

I heard a soft giggle as I glanced over in Karma’s direction. She watched Shadow smiling. “Shadow please…”

Shadow swallowed his bite and kissed her cheek, smiling. “What?

“You’re...um...together?” I asked, curiosity clear in my voice.

Karma looked to Shadow, then me blushing faintly. “Well...uh...Knight doesn’t approve…”

I saw Shadow roll his eyes as he looked back to his plate. I couldn’t help but smile. “Why not? Seems he’s taken a fancy on Noir? If you’re better off with anyone it would be Shadow...he can be,” I ran my hand through my hair as I thought of the proper word that wouldn’t offend him. “very overprotective.”

“More like...extremely.” Noir said, putting an emphasis on ‘extremely’. Shadow was doing his best to ignore us.

Karma smiled faintly. “I don’t care about that. As long as he’s happy with someone like me.”

“I’m very happy with you…” he mumbled, sulking.

I smiled softly as I watched them. Second later I felt the prickling of pain from another dragon’s death. Shadow turned his attention to me. Concern etched in his face. “I’m alright,”  managed to say. “E-Enjoy the rest of your meals...my maids will take you to your rooms for the night…” I used the arms of my chair to push myself up as I staggered out.

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