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The entire fight with the slayers left us all exhausted. We had all checked up on Shadow repeatedly to make sure he was still breathing. We were all so paranoid for god knows what.Then again...What else could we do but prepare.

I had started to leave the infirmary after my visit with Shadow. It felt good to talk to a fellow dragon again, even though that dragon happened to be high on pain medications.

I decided to visit Tiamat’s palace. Her and Eryx were practically conjoined together, no one had ever seen them apart. I swear she’ll get knocked up…

I walked inside and took a look around. I saw different servants and such hurrying around to make sure everything was in order. I decided to walk to the nesting grounds to see if anyone was there.

I saw Tiamat kneeling by one of the nests. She was helping a newborn along. Poor thing didn't seem to have a mother as Tiamat crooned it to sleep.

I smiled faintly watching her. She’ll be a good mother someday… I thought as I walked over. “Hey, Tiamat.” I said softly. “Who’s this little one?”

She looked over at me and smiled softly. "This little one came early," she whispered as it started falling asleep.

I smiled back and knelt by her. “He’s so tiny…I bet he’ll grow up big though…”

She nodded and set him down gently. Her hand stroked his spine lightly till he fell into a peaceful slumber. "I'm going back to're free to stay out here if you like..." she smiled softly at me.

I looked to her, folding my arms. “What of the one we took during the fight? Where’s he at?”

“’s in my dungeons...I haven’t told anyone he’s there yet…” she seemed sad as she said it. “I haven’t known what to do, I don’t like punishing people. Maybe I can change him,” she rubbed the back of her head.

“I’ll go with you. I know what makes slayers tick.” I said with a smile. “Don’t worry...We can end this godforsaken war.”

She smiled at that and nodded. "Right now I'd like to go to Eryx. I'll let him know..." she looked happier when she mentioned his name.

I smiled softly. “Go to him then. I’ll meet you in the dungeons.” I said and made my way there.

The trip to the dungeons was almost as terrifying as the slayer dungeons. Different cells lining the hall, some empty, some occupied with remains. I shook my head and walked to the cell where the leader had been.

"Reaction, wait...!" Tiamat called from behind me as she ran over with Eryx close behind her.

I stopped and looked back. “Sorry, Tiamat. Where is he anyways?”

“Um...follow me…” she muttered as she rubbed the back of her head.

I nodded and let her lead on. “Do you really think he’ll change?”

“Maybe...I mean, Knight, Eryx, and Karma changed...I’m sure he will too, I think…” she sounded worried and unsure as she spoke.

I put a hand to her shoulder reassuringly. “We can try. And if not...well...we tried. And I’m ready for whatever’s coming.  

She sighed and nodded before leading me to a cell farther down the hall. It looks to be the least cluttered with the remains of the people executed here before. “In there…”

I looked into the cell. “When did you ever use this place anyways?”

The man was inside chained at an ankle. He looked filthy and beaten like he didn’t go willingly. He looked over with anger in his eyes at both Tiamat and I. “Well now...the two lizards show themselves again… I can’t believe I let you inside our home filth…” He said glaring at me. “After all we’ve done for you.”

“Enough,” Tiamat snapped. “What have we done to cause you such pain?” she whispered suddenly.

The man looked over at her with an icy glare. “Dragons don’t deserve life. They never should have existed. You shouldn’t be here, wretch. You’re all monsters created from the darkest pits of Hell.”

She folded her arms as she listened to him. “Why? We’ve done you nothing wrong…”

He leaned back onto the wall behind him, folding his arms. “Your existence in this world is enough. You’re dangerous, not to mention you’ve killed several of my slayers’ families and villages. And you claim you rule them. I don't think you deserve to be called queen.”

She looked down at his words and rubbed her arm. “There are thousands of dragons. They’re their own people, I won’t be a tyrant when I can be their friend...It’s true. Not all dragons are kind, not all want peace. There’s always that handful, even in a non-dragon kingdom…”

He sighed angrily. “You’ve destroyed our kind throughout history. It’s about time that your entire species stayed in the history books. You converted slayers against me. You’ve used spies.” he said, nodding his head towards me. “If I wasn’t disarmed, I’d have had you both killed.”

She sighed before nodding. “I know, and that’s why you’re here. To show you. To allow you to understand. And you will...if you allow me to show you…”

He folded his arms and stared at her for what seemed like an eternity and a half. “Fine. But I expect to stay in a more...suitable space. Your dungeons are barbaric.”

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