New Beginnings

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Hell yes I can actually get a chance at killing their damned queen! I thought excitedly as we neared closer to the palace. The walls of the kingdom seemed to go on forever. Why in blazes would they need walls? They’re giant fire breathing lizards!!

As we neared closer, I watched the newer teammates of ours go to the gate first. I watched curiously as the guards paid no mind to us and let us in. I shrugged. They are dense things after all…

I watched as Noir spoke to one of the guards. He seemed to nod in understanding as he opened the door of the palace for us.

As we all stepped inside, I looked to my surroundings. It looked like it had been built by master architects, the palace itself seemed to be something from a fairy tale. They don’t skimp on the details do they…?

I looked to Noir and Shadow. “Where are we going now?” I asked curiously.

"To the queen," Shadow answered. "She's supposed to be at the nests."

I nodded. “Lead the way, Noir. I’m itching to kill today.” I said with a smirk. Perhaps killing the queen will send all the dragons packing. My village will be safe again.

Noir nodded once and lead us all out the back. I saw dozens of nests around; on the grounds, on mountain sides, everywhere. They didn’t seem provoked as most watched over their nests. Near one of the closer nests, I saw a beautiful woman in a violet and orange dress. She was sharing hushed whispers with one of the dragons. It must be the queen.

I looked to the others and then to the woman. Now’s my chance. I thought putting a hand to the hilt of my blade. I watched the woman to see what she would do next. She almost seemed oblivious to our presence. Perfect… I thought and slowly made my way forward.

She must have sensed us because she looked up from the dragon towards us then at me. Her light red violet eyes nearly glistened in the light. I saw as they widened in fear like she knew what was to come. She took a step back, away from us.

I narrowed my gaze and let my grip tighten around the hilt of my blade. I smirked with pride as I went to rush her, drawing my sword for an instant killing blow. Time to die, filth…

The queen turned and broke into a run like she thought she could get away. I noticed as she started to reveal her wings to take off.

I growled. Don’t even think about it. I thought angrily as I took a leap into the air, tackling her to the ground, keeping my sword at her throat. “So you’re the famous dragon queen? Not so special now are you, hm?” I said smirking wickedly. “Sending all of your pets to destroy helpless villages...Well now that ends here.”

She looked up at me afraid. “N-None of the dragons are my pets...they’re my allies…” Her eyes were gentle as she kept her eyes locked with mine. “I’d never ask them to attack…”

I glared at her, pushing my blade into her throat a bit. “I’ve lost my family, my home, to your damned lizards! Your excuses to save your damned life won’t help you now…”

She stayed silent for a moment. “My life means nothing if I can’t protect them...kill me, maybe it’ll end the pain of their death that I feel every day…” her voice wavered as her tears threatened to fall.

I looked her over silently, still keeping my blade to her throat. How could a beast feel pain? They certainly don’t feel remorse after killing… “You say you feel pain. But all I see in your kind is anger and hatred for us humans. What could you possibly feel about pain?” I felt the twinge of relaxation as I had almost let down my guard.

“Look around you...none of my dragons are attacking you...I haven’t told them to do so.” she closed her eyes letting a tear fall down her cheek. “You don’t understand how tired I feel of this pain. Sure...a few angry dragons destroyed your home, there are a handful of them...slayers killed my family...Noir’s family, Chaos, and Shadow’s family...they tortured Shadow for the longest don’t see the world like we do…” From the corner of my eye I saw a few baby dragons watching me, they’re in empty nests like their mothers had died.

I relaxed my grip on my blade’s hilt, and turned to look back to the others. “You’re saying the one’s that came with us...are dragons? Acting like slayers?” I said, looking back to the woman. I felt my heart twist into a knot. What the hell am I doing….? I glanced to the sword, seeing the reflection of my face in it’s metal. I forced myself away from her, tossing my blade aside.

Looking around now, I see all the dragon’s that were looking onto me. Their gazes cold, angry with me. I felt so small. What have I done? Better yet...What would I have done…?

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