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Above is a rough picture of their dorm

John's POV
I walked into my new dorm room, praying that I didn't have one of the Virginians. I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Alex sitting on his bed, typing on his laptop. We had the same History class and although I didn't talk to him a lot he seemed decent enough.

It also didn't hurt that he's cute. My friends Hercules, Lafayette and of course the beautiful Schular sisters tease me about it all the time, literally if I'm was even looking in his general direction Herc will start to ask if he could be the flower girl at our wedding. I'd made it no secret that I'm gay, since I got to College I'd felt so free about my sexuality, since I got away from my dad.

Alex's really smart, he was currently doing a major in Law then 3 minors in American History, English and Drama. He also got in on a full Scholarship, the school even pays for his living arrangements. I didn't 't know how he keeps up with it all, the man must never sleep.

Ok so I may have thought that he's a bit more than just cute and I also have have done some light stalking. But I don't have a chance with Alex, especially considering that he has a girlfriend, the gorgeous miss Maria Reynolds, or so Peggy tells me.

It was a that moment I realised I had been standing in the doorway to my room for at least 10 minutes and for about 8 minutes a very confused Alex had been staring at me. Embarrassed I hastily pick up my bag and scurried to my bed.
"Hey John, nice to know a familiar face is my roommate" Alex smiled. God his smile is so beautiful. No John snap out of it he likes girls. And yet again I was staring off in silence, leaving poor Alex to look awkward. "Sorry" I laughed "just got a lot on my mind"
"No it's ok I totally get it, first day of junior year, it's easy to get distracted" he laughed. Oh sweet Jesus what's he doing to me

Suddenly my phone pinged. The group chat.
FeminismFTW: hey guys did you get to your dorms ok
Baguette: yeah me and Herc are roommates and I'm assuming you guys are in the special dorm your dad paid for again.
SmolSchular: is it that predictable now
HullyMully: I'm afraid so ladies
FeminismFTW: what about you Turtle Boi
ResidentGay: ok don't freak out if I tell you
BlueCinnamonrole: no promises
ResidentGay: it's Alex
Baguette: Aaaaaaahhhhhh, it's destiny
HullyMully: invite him out tonight we can go to the bar get drunk, and then you and Alex can( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ResidentGay: please he's in a relationship and is definitely straight
Baguette: that is still yet to be confirmed.
SmolSchular: even spaghetti is straight till things get steamy
BlueCinnamonrole: PEGGY!
SmolSchular: what I'm just trying to give John words of encouragement
HullyMully: I still think you should invite him out with us, I want to meet him formerly
ResidentGay: ok fine I'll ask

"Hey Alex, some friends and I are going out tonight, do you want to come?"
"Yeah sure, I'll just finish this essay"
"It's the first day how can you have one already?"
"I asked if I could do the homework for tomorrow's lecture today, I like to start the year off ahead"
"How many pages?"
"20, it's not too bad"
"Jesus dude that is going to take you forever"
"Not if you help." He said rather nonchalantly. I laughed, the Alexander Hamilton wanted my help on a paper
"Sure, why not" I sighed, still laughing a bit. I pulled out my laptop and Alex shared the document.

We'd been working his Law essay for about 2 hours when I phone started to ring. I took a break and picked it up. I was greeted with Angie yelling at me.
"JOHN LAURENS WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" I looked at the clock. Shit. It was 22:00.

"Alex we need to go now if we want to wait for us to leave any longer"
Alex looked up "oh sure, just two more pages" 
I sighed, he was really determined to get this done "what time do you have Law" I asked
"13:00, why"
I groaned "you can get that done in the morning, we are going now" I dragged Alex out his chair. He stood up with his arms crossed. He's at least a head smaller than me so him trying to be intimidating looked very cute. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out the room.

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