The Hospital pt2

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John's POV

I sat next to Alex in the Hospital, he looked small and weak in the massive bed, drowning in the hospital gown. It made me shiver, forcing memories of me being here with him before.

It was the same hospital, which meant I was already accustomed to the terrible food. Hospital soup may have been the worst thing I've ever tasted. Although the sandwiches weren't half bad.

The doctors told me he had Acute Hypothermia. Which made me feel stupid for not bringing him here straight away. I felt bad but I was at least calmed by the doctor telling me he was going to be alright, his body was just so exhausted that it had forced itself into sleep.

I was the only person in his hospital room at the time because the other had gone to get Alex get well presents. Well the others excluding Peggy, Sally, Maria and James who were back at the dorm rooms. Sally said that although she wanted to see Alex, hospitals brought back terrible memories and James agreed. I said that I was sure Alex would understand if they stayed back and so Peggy stayed too, along with Maria.

Alex's arm was dangling off the edge of his bed slightly. I gently took it and started to rub his knuckles with my thumb. I was wondering how I always ended up in hospital with my friends. Whenever I seemed to have sweet, calm or slow moment with Alex he always happened to be in hospital, just getting out or just going in.

I started to talk out loud to Alex. I couldn't think of much at first, mainly about food or classes but it soon evolved into me listing everything I loved about him.

The way his nose crinkles when he smiles.

The way he jumps up and down, fanning himself with his hands when he sees a baby animal.

The way he writes for three hours straight only taking a break to kiss me.

The way he looks at the ground when we're walking outside so he can make sure he doesn't step on any ants.

The way his eyes light up when I mention music of any sort.

The way he steps in front of me automatically when it seems there's any danger. It's mostly just spiders though.

I looked up from my focus on his hand to his face. Only to see his eyes open and a smile speed wide across it.
"You really think all that stuff" he said, in a groggy but joyful voice.

"Of course" I squeaked blushing heavily.

"You look like you did in the elevator, holding my wrist" he smirked which only made me turn even more red. I was really hoping he'd forget that. Then again he seemed to remember all.

I leaned in slightly and pressed my lips against his, in a chaste but much needed kiss. I pulled away from it grinning like a idiot.

"I missed you kissing me like that" Alex whispered, his lips still slightly puckered.

"Well there is more where that came from believe me!" I chucked.

It was at that point Angelica and Eliza burst in, holding flowers. A bunch on tulips to be more specific. Attached was a little note that read. 'Alex wake up soon or John might pass out himself'. They squealed with delight when they saw Alex with his eyes open. He pushed himself up, so he had his back propped up against his pillows. Both sisters rushed forward and engulfed him in a massive hug.

When they pulled away Eliza presented him with the flowers, which he took graciously laughing once he read the note.

The Schuylers were followed by Hercules and Lafayette who were holding a stuffed Lion toy each.

"Deux petti lions for mon Petti Lion" Laf justified, handing Alex the stuffed toy. I spotted tears welling up in Alex's eyes and immediately asked what was wrong. Scared he was in pain.

"That's what my mum used to call me!" He sobbed.
"Oh mon amie I am so sorry I didn't mean to bring back terrible memories" Lafayette panicked rushing over to hug Alexander.

"No no it's ok you didn't know" I wiped Alexanders eyes. "Thank you for the toy though. I love it"

Eliza then turned to scold Alex. "You are in here way to often."
"Not my fault" Alex said, throwing his arms up in defence.

Dr Hosack walked in to check over Alex's vitals. He groaned at the sight of our group muttering something along the lines of "not this lot again". Which made us all start to cackle. The Doctor simply rolled his eyes and ushered everyone out.

"Hey I think I'm going to go out and find us some edible food. Is that ok babe" I asked Alex. He nodded harshly asking me to get him some too. I told him to call me is there were any updates in his condition and kissed him on the head before leaving his room.

As I left I caught Eliza and told her to keep an eye on him while I was gone. She promised me she would and then walked up to Alex's room. I felt apprehensive leaving him but I knew Alex would be fine while I was out, for ten minutes tops just to get something to eat.

With that thought I left the Hospital and set out on my mission.

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