The storm

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John's POV
(1 day later)

I sat on my bed playing on my phone waiting for Alex to get back. We hadn't gone to class since James came to us for help. We didn't feel comfortable leaving him alone especially if we had a class at the same time, and there was no way James could go to class, he had a panic attack every time he walked towards the buildings.

That was until James made the decision to turn to the police. He practically begged to go to class, it was his escape, his way to get away. So Alex took him because they had Law together. Meanwhile I was stuck in the room bored and alone.

I looked over at my clock sighing, it was  21:30 Alex was about to come back from class and then we could finally genuinely help James.

I looked at my phone just as the screen pinged. It was Laf.

Baguette: hey can we come over, Peggy needs you

I panicked as I looked over at the text, oh god I had abandoned her.

ResidentGay: is she alright, what happened
Baguette: I'm sure she wouldn't want me talking about it, can we just come over
ResidentGay: nows not really a good time

I sighed. I couldn't keep doing this to her it wasn't right but I had to be here for James and I couldn't let him be overwhelmed by other people being here when he gets back.

Baguette: please John she didn't sleep all night, Sally ran out.

I nearly dropped my phone when I read that, it set off a wrenching feeling in my heart. I curled up sobbing. I had abandoned my best friend and a little girl that we had found in the most painful moments of her life.

I had been so focused on James that I had ignored Sally, I should have been there for both.

My tears were interrupted by rain slowly starting to patter on the windows. I scoffed thinking this was the perfect moment for the sky to open up it was as if it decided to imitate my feelings.

The rain started to fall harder and harder until it was all you could see when looking out the window. I started to feel worry bubbling inside me, remembering Alex's fear of storms. But I shook it off, rain couldn't hurt and he'll be coming back soon.

It couldn't have been for then three minutes later when a soaking wet James burst through the door, panting.
"I lost Alex!" He gasped

I jumped up to grabbed him a towel and so fresh clothes, my mind buzzing.
"What do you mean you lost him" I panicked

"He freaked out when the rain started to fall and he ran, I couldn't catch him, he's out there cold and wet, it'll kill him if he's out long enough." James stuttered.

My mind started racing, I texted Laf, thinking that he can help. We had to find Alex, I could help Peggy in the meantime.
ResidentGay: Laf, James lost Alex on the way back from class and he hasn't turned up, get the group we have to find him.

The whole group bar Angelica showed up. A couple minutes later. I didn't want to ask where she was, we didn't have time.

I grabbed Peggy and vaguely told the others to team up before getting a flashlight and a coat before running out.

As soon as we were out the door I started to talk to a still shaking Peggy.
"What happened Peg" I said worriedly.
She turned and looked at me her big brown eyes full of sorrow.
"You abandoned me Jacky" she sniffed.

I stood stunned for a moment, her voice sounded faraway, laced with hurt. It gave me a gaping hole in my stomach feeling. I couldn't say a word, I tried to speak but my words choked me.
"I'm so sorry" I croaked, feeling a lump form and my eyes gloss over.

Peggy seemed to have sensed exactly how I was feeling, or she saw the tears slipping down my cheeks. She shook her head and gripped my forearm pulling me to follow her.
"Shut up. You don't get to cry, at least until after I've had my go to yell at you properly, we find Alex first" she warned through clench teeth.

"You didn't have to come, you should be out looking for Sally." I looked down, shuffling my feet a bit.
"Don't be ridiculous, of course I did, everyone else is here and I want to help find my friend, plus if your husband dies I can't rant at you feeling guilty, which I do no need right now, besides Angelica found Sally, she's safe" Peggy sighed.

"A couple of things to question" I turned to Peggy. "One, why didn't you tell me she's safe, two husband?"

"Yeah after this you two are getting married after this" she deadpanned

"But?" I stammered
"You will do as I say" she growled
"Yes ma'me" I saluted and then I rocked onto my heels awkwardly and picked up the pace a bit.

-Time Skip-

It have been a hour, and the storm was still raging just as hard. Peggy and I hadn't uttered a word to each other the whole time and we still hadn't found Alex.

As the minutes went on I felt myself panicking more. It got to the point where every shadow or dark object my brain automatically turned into Alex.

I suddenly heard a scream followed by Peggy yelling for me. My thoughts turned to the worst possible situation.

He's dead, she found his body I'll never see him again. We're too late.

"John get over here now" Peggy beaconed. 

I rushed over to Peggy, why was knelt next to a motionless Alexander. I hurriedly felt for his pulse and sighed with relief as I felt a faint beat.

I hooked my arm under Alex's legs and picked him up bridal style. Clumsily running back to the dorm room.

As soon as we were back inside I sent Peggy out the room so I could take the wet clothes off Alex. I gently dried him off. Then I gave him my sweatshirt and sweatpants because I knew it would be too big for him so it would be warmer for him.

I wrapped him up in as many blankets as I could find and called the others to tell them he was back and safe.

While Peggy called and ambulance I snuggled up with him, hoping my body heat helped to warm him up. I felt myself gently rocking him subconsciously. I held him tightly, never wanting to let him go again.

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