The return

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Peggy's POV

I paced the floor of John and Alex's dorm room. Alex was still out cold and John was cradling a blanket cocoon containing him.

I had demanded that the others stayed outside so I could talk to John without one of them over cutting me in the conversation. But I knew Hercules had his ear pressed up against the door.

"I'm not mad at you anymore." I sighed? John starting to rock Alex. I scoffed at the ridiculous sight.

"What do you mean you're not mad?" John stammered.

"Well I'm not mad because you didn't do anything, you just didn't answer your phone which I'm sure you have your reasons for" I replied sharply

"Look I...." John began. I groaned at his attempt to come up with an excuse.
"Save it, just defrost your boyfriend and come at me with your explanation later" I sighed before walking out. Annoyed.

As I stormed into the hall I saw Laf, Eliza, Hercules and Maria jump back. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Maria by the arm as I started to walk away.
"Your turn my love" I said. Pulling her along.

We were stopped on our way to my dorm by Angelica. She looked frantic, her hair looked as if she'd just run 50 miles.

I was about to ask her to move out the way when she gripped by forearm.
"I have someone for you" she whispered.

Angie then stepped aside to reveal Sally. I gasped and dropped Maria's arm immediately so I could hug the little girl.

Sally wrapped her arm around me too, talking quickly, but her voice was muffled by my top.

I shushed her, I just squeezed her tighter, holding her closer.
"You scared me so much Sal" I sniffed, pulling away so that I could look at her but keeping my arms on her shoulders.

She looked up at me, her eyes watering.
"I was scared that you were trying to get rid of me" she whimpered

"Oh Sally" I pulled her into another hug. This time I dropped to my knees to match her height, I was much taller than her.

I was still holding her when I heard someone from behind me clear his throat.
"John!" Sally shouted excitedly, breaking away from me and rushing over to the freckled boy just behind us.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair a little.
"Hey kid." He smiled.

"Sal you know I would never 'try and get rid of you' I love you like my little sister I could never hurt you, I would never want to" I sighed, I was still crouched balancing on the balls of my feet.

Sally looked at me and nodded her head slowly, her grin slipping slightly.

"And next time you're upset don't run off, talk to us. You scared the living-daylights out of me. We are always open to listen" John said, his voice slightly sterner then usual. Sally nodded again, obviously picking up on his harsh tone.

I stood up and walked over to Angelica, she had slight tears in her eyes, watching to reunion.
"Thank you Angie" I whispered, as I threw myself into a hug with her, "you saved the day"

She laughed slightly and pulled back, wiping away the tears that had started rolling down her cheeks.
"Yeah only because I was the villain of the day first!"

"You messed up a bit, but I forgive you. We all have bad days and you are my sister after all" I smiled, my voice cracking slightly mid-sentence.

"Thank you" she said, her voice being caught out by her crying, but I could still understand what she had tried to say.

"Well Alex is still unconscious we should probably phone an ambulance!" James yelled peaking his head out the room.

We all agreed quickly, rushing back inside the dorm room to get to our phones. The mood was broken but it was nice while it lasted.

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