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Lafayette's POV

I heard a gun fire somewhere in the distance and felt my stomach twist, making me want to throw up. Herc and I realised something was wrong as after John sent a text calling us off, then he sent one giving a sentimental speech to the group.

I tried to calm myself. We were in Brooklyn guns, or gun sounding things go off all the time. This didn't mean John was hurt it could have been anything. But no matter what I told myself I knew I was lying.

I looked over at Hercules to try and calm myself but he was no longer next to me. Instead he was sprinting as fast as he could in the direction of the shots. I quickly picked up my pace as well and ran after him.

As I was running I could feel my hot tears rushing down my face and my brain decided to make me think of the worst possible scenario. I heard Hercules screaming John's name but there was no reply so we just kept running.

Soon we ran past an alley and I knew in my core that this was it. I didn't want to go down it, feeling that if I saw what I thought I was going to it would all be real. Too real.

I crept slowly and bent down to pick up a drain pipe. That's when I heard a bloodcurdling scream almost directly in my ear. The tears were in full fruition now as I knew exactly what it was.

As I walked round the corner I saw Jefferson knocked out cold and Hercules clutching John's (who I prayed was only unconscious) body, although the truth was undeniable. I called 911 for police officers and an ambulance but I already knew deep down it was too late.

I knelt next to my friend and took him in my arms as Hercules weeped. I held my close and felt his fast flowing blood stain my clothes although I didn't care. I tried to open my mouth, in order to tell Herc to hold down Jefferson but all that came out was a chocked sob.

I'd know John since freshman year of high school. When I first immigrated to America, John and Hercules were the only ones who bothered to make an effort to understand me and teach me English, although their French was deplorable. Thinking about our past only made me sob harder as I realised how fast it had all just slipped away. My tears started to drop onto John's face and I quickly wiped them away, tucking his fallen curls behind his ear.

I wasn't sure how much time had really past but it felt like an eternity before we heard sirens. The paramedics arrived first, whisking John away and trying to revive him. Then the police. They locked the returning to consciousness Jefferson in tight handcuffs and pulled him up.

Shoving him into a police car and driving away. Then two female officers approached Herc and I asking if we wanted a lift home. I shook my head and told her to leave us with John. She nodded her head but stayed behind just in case.

We were informed that John would be going to the hospital Alex was at, presumably because it was the closest one. I demanded that we go with him in the ambulance but they told us that the sight was too gruesome for someone so close to things.

The female officers told us they could follow the ambulance, to which we reluctantly agreed to.

The car was deathly silent, the only sound before Hercules' laboured breathing. Once we finally got to the hospital I picked up the phone and called Angelica, which was difficult since my vision was fogged by tears.

"Hello! LAF WHAT WAS JOHNS LAST TEXT ABOUT" she practically screamed down the phone.

"He's in the hospital, I think they took him for an emergency surgery, Jefferson shot him. Keep Alex as calm as possible" I shook, finding the air harder and harder to breathe.

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