The walk

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AN: From here on out the story gets really sad and dark, I didn't mean it to but it did so if that's not really something you like then I'm really sorry, otherwise keep reading and just know you have been warned. I will try to lighten it up again along the line but for now it is what it is, and that is no longer a lovely romantic Lams story. Sorry.

John's POV
We walked down the road talking, we were just talking. I realised that Peggy had been suppressing her feelings for a while now and walking always got her to open up to me.

We hadn't been out for long before we heard screaming and crying. Instinctively we looked around but it was only us in the street. The screaming continued and Peggy started to run towards the sound, I followed her.

The screaming suddenly stopped which made me panic even more then when it was there. I started to sprint, when I when past an alleyway and saw a young girl passed out on the floor. Naked. And a fully grown man standing over her.

I started screaming at him to get away from her and he bolted. I was about to run after him when the girl grabbed my ankle.
"No h-h-he has a gun" she shook.

Peggy ran up behind me and gasped at the shaking girl. She immediately took off her jacket and wrapped it around the little girls shaking form. Then she slid down next to her asking if she could put her arm around the girl.
"What's your name sweetie" Peggy said trying to sound as soothing a possible.

The girl trembled but replied. "Sally Hemmings." She pulled her knees up to her chest.
"Do you think you need an ambulance Sally" Peggy asked. Sally nodded hesitantly
"I think so. He grabbed my arm pretty hard, I think he broke it, it doesn't hurt now but I know it will when the adrenaline wears off"

I pulled out my phone typing in 911.
911 what service will you require
Police and ambulance
Can you please give me your location so I can send your services
Yes we are on right outside Kings College along 42nd street
Can you describe the nature of your emergency
We just saved a young girl from rape
How old is the victim

I looked over at Sally. She had curled up in Peggy's arms while Peggy was gently stoking her hair.

She is about 14
An ambulance is on its way, dose she have a description of the rapist
I don't think she's up to talking but I saw him
Can you please give me a detailed description of them please
Well he is about 6'2 and has very large afro hair. He's quite lanky and has very dark features and.....

I trailed off as I realised I was describing Thomas Jefferson. I stayed quiet for a few moments, I could hear the operator asking if I was still there

"I know his name" I croaked
Brilliant can you please give it to me so I can put in the system
Thomas Jefferson. He goes to Kings College room 1789. If he isn't there his roommate will know where he is.

I hung up the phone and crouched down in front of Sally
"Hey I called the police" I said, trying to be as nice as possible.

Peggy looked over at the little girl
"Sally where are your clothes, I don't want you to go to hospital with just my jacket"
Sally nodded slowly and raised her shaking hand to point behind us. I looked over to see a pile of clothes, I picked them up and brought them over to her.

Peggy raised a hand shooing me away so Sally could get changed without feeling fear. I saw genuine terror in the poor girl and when Peggy said I could go back to where she was Sally had crumpled up crying.

That was when we heard the sirens, the police showed up first, they immediately started to question Sally, bombarding her with awful questions. I could see Peggy getting progressively more angry with every question. She stepped in front of Sally protectively,

"I'm very sorry sir but I think Sally would feel more comfortable saying this with her guardian, and to a female officer. I know you are trying to help but she is in a very fragile state and you are being very overwhelming for her" she said, trying to sound as strong as possible.

Then the ambulance arrived. The took Sally but she wouldn't let go of Pegg's hand, so Peggy got in with her. I was left with the police, they wanted to talk to me too, since I made the call and I knew a lot about Thomas. They wanted to know if I knew if he'd done anything else. I told them about what he'd done to Alex but they didn't seem to care about that since Alex technically started it.

Once they let me go I called Alex. It had been nearly 5hours since me and Peggy went out. I knew he would be worried sick.

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