The Club

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John's POV
I was still holding Alex's wrist when we got into the Elevator he looked up at me and smirked, "your holding on tight John" I looked down and realised I was squeezing his wrist a bit hard and let go out of embarrassment. There was a red ring where I had been holding him. "Sorry just wanted to get you out" I mumbled.

"No no it's ok I don't mind" he chuckled. I felt myself start to turn a shad of red not yet discovered. I looked over at him, he had such nice eyes, a deep chocolate brown. When I'd talked to him before I'd always look into them, they gave me a sense of comfort and familiarity. Stop it John he's in a relationship.

As soon as we stepped out the Elevator we were mobbed by my friends. Peggy of course wanted to take a good look at my 'potential love interest'. She pulled me aside and left Alex to be interrogated by Herc, I gave him a pitiful look and he sighed and turned back.

"When are you going to ask him out?" Peggy hissed in my ear.
"I'm not." I shrugged "he's straight"
"At the very lest he's Bi"
"He's still in a relationship"
"A relationship we based off rumours"
"Oh please you're just saying that because you like Maria"
"So what if I am it's still the truth, neither have ever confirmed it" she insisted, I did find it funny when we had conversations like this she always managed to sound like a crazy conspiracy believer.

Peggy strutted back over to the group and I looked at Alex, who at that moment had Laf very close to his face and Eliza trying to pry them apart. "WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT LIKE ANIME!" I heard him scream. I grabbed Alex by the arm again and pulled him away from the group. They all turned their attention to us and then I saw Angie give Herc 5 dollars.

Hercules' POV
Angelica said it would take until we were all plastered for John to make any sort of physical connection with Alex. I said that he would pull Alex away from us. We bet on it. I won.

John's POV
I realised that my group were staring and I dropped Alex's arm. Peggy sighed and gave Eliza 5 bucks.

Eliza's POV
I knew he would get embarrassed by us.

Alex's POV
I laughed to myself, I wondered how many of them had made bets on John and I. "Ok can we go now, you all look like a bunch of obsessed FanGirls" John groaned. We started to walked to the Club and I noticed John shiver, he didn't have a jacket on him so I didn't blame him for being so cold. I wanted to give him my coat but I knew that would probably make him feel really uncomfortable so I let it be.

When we finally reached the club it was nearly Midnight. I yawned and Peggy tutted. "Is this nerd serious we haven't even gone inside yet"
"Says you little miss 'just 5 more minutes' "John mocked
"That was one time.... ok it was a bit more then once" Peggy said in a very defensive tone.
"A bit. Pegs you literally did that this morning!" Eliza giggled. Peggy huffed.

We were at the front of the line when a very large man stopped us and demanded ID. Everyone groaned and got it out of their pockets, except Peggy who started to shuffle around looking very nervous. "Oh shit I forgot she's only 18" whispered Eliza. Thankfully Angie came to our rescue. She whispered something to the bouncer and he turned white letting us all in.

Once we were inside I was very curious as to what she told that guy. Angie just shrugged hercshoulders and claimed she'd just let him know that she knew a secret him. Then she ran off to the bar.

I turned around to see Eliza having what seemed like a very stern talk with Peggy
"Now I would normally say that you are not allowed a drink because you are way too young." She said, much to Peggy's dislike. "But its legal in England and I know you'll hate the taste so won't die from poisoning anyway." Peggy's face lit up and she skipped off to join her sister at the bar. This made me laugh, Peggy is really sweet, I was glad I was out with them that night.

----------------Time skip----------------
I suddenly caught a glimpse of John on the dance floor he was awkwardly jumping up and down and wriggling his arms, I sighed he did look really cute. He looked over at me and our eyes met, he smiled and beckoned for me to join him. I wondered over to the dance floor and stood next to John. The first thing I noticed was he was very drunk. The second thing I noticed was that he gets very flirtatious when he's drunk.

"Heeyyyyyyy" he called, putting and inflection on every other Y "you know I really like your hair" he got really close to my face and started to run his hands through my hair, my heart fluttered, but then I remembered how drunk he was and took a step back, this wasn't really him, he probably didn't even realise it was really me, he was probably just flirting with the first available human. He grabbed my hand and started to twist me to the beat of the music, I felt my stomach flip.

Mercifully I looked over at the other side of the room just in time to catch Angelica's eye. She walked over and pried John away from me. Don't get me wrong I did like being that close to John, and the feeling of him dancing with me but I knew how drunk he was and it just didn't feel right, if anything ever did happen between us (which would be highly unlikely) I wanted it to be fully cognitive and sober, and not something he would wake up to regret.

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