rejected part 1

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Dedicated to NyxStars

"Ok so it looks like we've found someone who matches your mark" said the peppy woman with a smile.

"Really I didn't expect you to find my match so quick" Felicity was currently sat at one of the soulmate match facilities after her room mate at MIT had practically dragged her there and told her she wasn't alound home untill she had regestered her mark.

"Well matches aren't usually found so fast but your soulmates family seemed to of put him on the VIP list"

"Oh" Felicity replied shocked.

"Well according to this the family and your soulmate get a notification the second your mark is entered into the database"

Felicity gaped "can they do that what if I don't want to meet him?!"

The woman just shrugged "if you really don't want to meet him you can leave no one is forcing you to stay"

Felicity smiled "Thankyou so much" felicity said rushing off.

She practically ran back to her dorm and locked the door when she got there.

"Hey how did it go?" Sara her room mate asked.

"Apparently my soulmate is some rich guy so our mark was on the VIP list they found my match stright away and he was notified and  he is probly at the facility right now...I know I'm a horrible person for running but I just...its to much to fast I wouldn't of even gone of you hadn't of forced me" Felicity babbled.

"Wait he's rich?" Sara said raising an eyebrow.

"That's what you got from that really?" Felicity rolled her eyes and headed to her room.

a few hours later Felicity found her mself stating at the mark above her shoulder blade there was a knock at the door and felicity went to anwser it.

She opened it to find a young Burnett no older then 16.

"Felicity smoak?" The girl questioned.

"Yes I'm her I mean thats me...errrrrr why does this happen to me...yes I'm felicity smoak"

The girl stared at her for a moment then giggled "your so adorable mind if I come in" she said walking in.

"Sure" felicity muttered and watched the girl make her self at home.

"Ummm who are you?"

"Oh I didn't tell you sorry I'm just so exited I've waited so long for this... I'm Thea your sister"

Felicity gaped at the young woman "sorry I think you have the wrong person my mother is only family and we don't even look a like"

Thea giggled "no silly I'm your soulmates sister that makes us sisters to"

Felicity didn't respond at first she was just stood there shocked "how did you find me?"

"I may or may not of coursed a distraction so I could take a peek at my brothers soulmate's records why weren't you there when we came to meet you by the way?"

"Ummm I wasn't told I had to stay"

Thea saw right threw her lie but said nothing.

"So sister sister when do you wanna meet my brother?"

"Sister sister?" Felicity questioned

"Yeah like the TV show" Thea exsplained.

"Oh ok and I'm not really sure when I want to meet your brother or if I even want to meet him it was my friend/room mate who made me register my mark"

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