on the clock

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No no no no no no no no this wasn't really he wasn't dead he couldn't be her cousin tommy was dead.

And here she was at his funeral well she was slightly observing from underneath a tree tears silantly rolled down her face.

Tommy was her only cousin he was a few months older then her she only saw him a few times in the summer when he would come to Vagas to visit with his dad.

But now she would never get to see him again all because of a  stupid brain tumor.

She picked at the grass beneath her there was no way she was going to he able to go down there she was the only family of tommys that had actually shown up her mother couldn't get out of work and her uncle malcome was in China tommys mother died when they were 7 and thry didn't really have any more family.

Felicity had been so caught up in her grief lately she hadn't noitced her timer had gone down rapidly.

She herd the priest calling her name and people looking around and muttering.

She slowly came out of her hiding place from behind the tree and slowly walked to the stand that held a small black microphone.

She herd a few small gasps and a few people asking each other if they knew who she was felicity didn't make eye conntact with anyone just pulled out the small pice of wrinkled paper.

She stared at it blankly and a few stray tears rolled down her cheeks she looked into the crowed and focused somewhere on a young couple in the middle.

Felicity opened her mouth but no words came out she looked back down at the pice of paper then back up.

"...hello" she swolled she was doing this for tommy.

"I...I-I've known tommy my whole life..." felicity screwed up the pice of paper in her hands "Tommy didn't deserve this after everything he had been threw losing his mother and his father in the process I know tommy could be...difficult at times and I know he was a frat boy but whenever I needed him he was there ever since we were kids he's been there for me...when I was 5 and he was 6  we went to the park some kid pushed me over and I scraped my knee and I started to cry..." Felicity paused for a moment and smiled a little at t1he memory and a tear ran down her cheek.

"So he went up to the kid and pushed them back the kid broke there wrist and he got in trouble but he promised me hw would keep me safe...he used to call me fizzy and I hated it we made so many gappy memories he bought me my first beer even though I was only 14" there were a few laughs from the crowed.

"He took me ice skating for my birthday and rented the entire ring out because he knew I'd always wanted to go but was embarssed of falling in front of people...I went to visit him in thr hospital and when I got there he was smiling and telling jokes even though he knew he was going...to- to" Felicity couldn't finish her sentance before she burst out in tears.

"Ollie who is that?" Thea whispered to her brother.

"I think she's tommys cousin" Oliver replied.

"But she's like really pretty like super pretty"

"Thea this is not the time" oliver replied through gritted teeth and stood up and aproached felicity.

There were a few whispered as Oliver walked up to stand next to her she was the only family that tommy was close to and that ment he had to look after her because oliver had lost his closes friend and he felt like hell but she had lost her cousin and he couldn't imagine what that felt like.

Oliver placed his had on her arm and he looked up at her and her watery blue eyes met his.

That's when he herd a bleeping in fact 2 bleeping he looked Down at his timer that flashing zero felicity also looked down at hers and it was also flashing zero.

There were countless gasps from the audience and the word soulmate was passed around alot.

"I have to go" she mumbled before running off Oliver was left speachless.

He stood there frozen for a few seconds before running after her "felicity!" He yelled and she turned around to look at him.

She looked beautiful she was wearing a black dress with small grey  flowers that stopped at her knees her hair was in lose curles down her back and her eyes and cheeks were red from crying.

He didn't say anything to her just pulled her aginst his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

"Its going to be ok" Oliver reassured pressing a kiss to her hair.

"He's gone" Felicity sobbed

"I know I'm so sorry"

Felicity just nodded aginst his chest he was trying his best to stay strong for her his soulmate because she was hurting.

Oliver lifted her in to his arms and she buried her face in her neck.

"Where are we going?" Felicity mumbled.

"We're going to my apartment I don't want you driving like this and I think you need rest...is that ok?"

Felicity nodded "thankyou"

Oliver smiled a little "you don't need to thank me"

Oliver walked felicity over to his car and placed her into the passangers seat and then strapped her in felicity faced away from him and stared out of the window

Oliver placed his hand over hers and squeezed it and she squeezed  his hand back.

When they pulled up to his apartment oliver walked around to the other side and opened the passenger doorband unbunkled her and lifted her back into his arms he didn't even have to ask her and she didn't have to tell him he knew she wasn't strong enough to walk or speak.

Felicity melted aginst him and oliver carried her in to his apartment and set her down on the sofa and sat felicity on his lap.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Oliver questioned

Felicity shook her head "no... just don't leave me"

"Never" Oliver whispered

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