coffee shop

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Felicity's legs hurt she had been in her feet all day and she just wanted coffee from her favourite coffee shop with lots of creme and lots of sugar and the rest of the night to herself.

The coffee shop was fearly busy considering it 7pm.

When it was fianlly felicity's turn to order she ordered the stingray coffee thry had with alot of cream and alot of sugar.

"Name?" She asked rudely over chewing her gum.

"Felicity smoak" she replied and the waitress scribbled her name and order on to the carbored to-go-cup.

"Next!" She yelled felicity stood at the other end of the counter while she waited for her coffee.

The rude waitress handed her a coffee and she paid for it she took a generous gulp then made a face this was definitely her coffee.

It was bitter and rich.

Felicity ciuagrd tying to get the taste out of her mouth.

"Exscuse me" felicity said to the waitress but she was to busy flirting with some customer to hear her felicity rolled her eyes and turned the cup around to see who's evil coffee she was drinking.

Oliver queen was scribbled on the cup with his order and a winky face underneath his name.

She decided to try fine the guy who had her coffee herself she looked around the room searching for anyone who's might be named Oliver or who was spitting out her over sweetened coffee but no luck she gave up with a sigh but when she turned her head towards the exit a tall man with blue eyes stood in front of her.

"Felicity smoak?" He questioned nodding towards the coffee cup in his hand.

"Oliver queen?" She said looking down at the coffee cup in her own hand.

He nodded.

"Just to let you know your coffee is terrible"

Oliver huffed "and yours doesn't even have coffee in it"

Felicity rolled her eyes and streched her arm out to hand him the cup he did the same and his eyes narrowed on her hand where her soulmark was she glanced at him and followed his eyes to her soulmark.


Oliver shook his head and smiled "can I see your soulmark?"

Felicity stared at him blankly for a minuet her eyes breifly landing on the spot underneath his sleeve where she knew his soulmark was there eyes met for a moment and she nodded slowly.

She placed her coffee on a near by tabled and pulled up her sleeve to reveal the small black arrow.

Oliver smiled and pulled up his own sleeve to show her his mark "its nice to meet you felicity Smoak"

Felicity beamed "its ts nice to meet you to Oliver queen"

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