Chapter 1

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September 1st of seventh year is shown from the perspective of five different people (which might just be the Marauders and Lily). A few flashbacks and back stories are thrown in with some perspectives. Takes place upon waking up until arriving on the platform and boarding the Hogwarts Express.

Remus pushes his way through the crowd of people saying goodbye to their parents. He wishes he could be doing the same with his own parents, but they had been uncomfortable around him ever since he had been bitten by Fenrir Greyback, a notorious werewolf, when he was younger. It was quite sad really. Remus knew they still loved him; he could see it in the little things his mother did for him: bringing him snacks, tidying up in wake of his teenage slovenliness. His father always told Remus how proud he was of his son's genius, how much he admired Remus's work ethic and perseverance through trial.

No, it wasn't that his parents didn't love him at all. The reason was that their son was a werewolf, and, no matter how much time had passed since this occurrence, his parents had trouble accepting the fact that Remus would have a hard life from there on out. Remus had potential to do amazing things, change the world even. But because of one highly unfortunate event marring Remus's childhood, his potential was likely never to be recognized. No one wanted to hire a werewolf; supposedly they were untrustworthy and deadly beasts. Most people seemed to forget that all but one night a month a werewolf was still a human being with thoughts, feelings, and ambitions. Remus would have been one of the hardest working people around, but he had been branded with the word beast for life.

After Remus's accident his parents had difficulty looking him in the eye. He knew they never meant to hurt him; he didn't know what the problem was: if they were ashamed of having a werewolf for a son, or if they were scared that he would lose control and the wolf would take over, or maybe even both. Whatever their reasoning, it hurt Remus that he couldn't do anything to fix it.

After his final year at Hogwarts he planned on moving away from home. He didn't know where he would go, but he didn't feel he could stand the tension in his own family for much longer. Not knowing that he was the cause of it, at least. Remus knew his parents would be saddened by his decision, but he also knew that however sad they might be, it would grant some relief to the poor people who grew old quickly beyond their years with the stress they endured over his condition. In a way, they were like the children and he the adult making responsible decisions that would, end the end, better them all.

So Remus had said goodbye to his parents that morning. His mother stood next to the table in the kitchen and gave him a one-armed hug, afraid to devote too much to him in case something awful should happen. His father patted Remus awkwardly on the back. He walked toward the door and turned once more, calling his adieu and affections to them. They both echoed his love and his mother gave him a teary smile, his father a half-hearted wave. Neither quite looked him in the eye.

Remus had walked onto his front porch and apparated into a little clearing right outside of London about a half-mile from King's Cross Station. He strolled casually along and observed the clouds, thankful for the mild weather and trying to rid himself of the painful memories bidding his parents farewell before his last year at Hogwarts.

On the platform as he continued to mill through the rushing conflux, he began to observe his surroundings. He hoped for a sign of Sirius or James or Peter, or maybe even Lily Evans at this point. Though he supposed James and Lily would be in an extra hurry to arrive on time to the prefect meeting. It was odd that James had been chosen over Remus for Head Boy this year. Not that Remus was necessarily jealous, he just wasn't sure what he would do with all the free time he usually devoted to prefect meetings and making his rounds.

Finally Remus spotted the shaggy black head he had been searching for. It turned, and Remus saw that Sirius had a scowl on his face. Remus turned to find what Sirius was looking at; Remus locked his eyes on Regulus Black and Sirius's mother.

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