Chapter 20

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Hope you all like this. I wrote it completely at school, so I really hope it doesn't show that I was somewhat distracted.


"Moony!" Sirius called as he burst through the door to the dormitory. "Moony, where have you been?!"

"I've been here, Sirius. All day. Sleeping in, like any normal, sane person would do on a Saturday," Remus replied.

"Why would you do that? It's a beautiful day!" Sirius said as he flung open the curtains.

"Arg!" Remus yelled at the sudden burst of light.

"No, Rem, International Talk Like a Pirate Day is in September, remember?"

"Sirius Black, shut the damn curtains before you blind me!" Remus yelled, burying himself farther under his covers.

"Fine," Sirius sighed. "I just wanted to enjoy the sunrise with you."

"That's incredibly romantic of you Siri-sunrise?!"

"Yeah, it's lovely!"

"Sirius," Remus whined, "it's far too early for any decent, logical human to be awake! You're never up this early. Why are you up this early?"

"Because it's my most favorite day of the year!" Sirius announced proudly.

"It's not your birthday," Remus said with a grin, but then it hit him. His grin disappeared as he visibly paled. "Oh, no..."

"Oh yes!" Sirius replied giddily. "It's April Fool's Day!" He laughed loudly.

"Oh, Merlin," Remus groaned. He looked around the room. "Where are James and Peter?"

"They went on ahead. Troopers, those two, giving up their morning for the greater good. We're the Three Musketeers!"

"The greater good is tormenting people through ridiculous antics? And what happened to the Marauders?"

"Can't very well be the Marauders with the fourth lying lazily in bed, now can we?" Sirius reprimanded.

"I don't think it's actually considered lazy if it's dawn and the person just wants a normal amount of sleep," Remus grumbled.

"No time for normalcy now, mate, we've got a mission to accomplish!" Sirius said, finally crossing over to Remus's bed.

"I'd prefer to just stay here," Remus said, closing his eyes and snuggling back into the warmth.

"The only way you'd stay here is if I got to stay here too, and since I'm far too busy for any sort of canoodling right now, up you go!" Sirius said, yanking Remus up and steadying him with his own arms.

Remus landed with his nose in the crook of Sirius's neck.

"Mmm, you smell nice," Remus breathed.

Sirius let out a chuckle. "Yes, I know. Now let's go!" He leaned down and kissed Remus fully to wake him up, and then they were off.


"Men and Peter-"

"Hey!" Peter protested.

"Fine, you can be a man too," James continued, rolling his eyes. "Men, this is possibly the most important day of all time."

"Why is this day different than any other April Fools Day we've spent at Hogwarts?" Remus asked in an annoyed tone.

"Were you holding Sirius's hand during my speech on any of those other April Fool's Days?"

Remus flushed deep crimson and released Sirius's hand. Sirius coughed awkwardly, and James glared.

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