Chapter 19

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Unless you are fluent in pirate, I would highly suggest that you keep this link open during this chapter: post/31632941945/a-list-of-piracy-terms I made this list for all of you based on the one I used. So, like I said, you should probably use it unless you are fluent in pirate, in which case I am highly impressed at your completely useless but still totally awesome skill.

Update: This link is gone now. Sorry. Just Google the words if you need help.


James and Sirius sat in the Great Hall with their heads together, snickering and grinning wildly. Their excited whispers spoke of some trouble or mischievousness planned for the day ahead. Lily took a deep breath and walked toward them.

Sirius looked up and smirked. "Me thinks your lady has come for a bit of cackle-fruit and grog."

"Aye, or perhaps loblolly," James replied.

Lily stopped short. This...was not what she had been expecting. A prank, yes; made-up words, no. Had the boys sunk to a new low? Were they that desperate to do something different? Hell, how many other teenage boys went to a school for witchcraft, were an illegal animagus, best friends (or boyfriend) of a werewolf, and had a map of the school grounds that could track everyone? Surely that would be different enough for them. Lily sighed. It was never enough for them; that was part of their charm.

"What are you two doing?"

James gasped. "Sink me! Don't you know? We ARR practicing the sweet trade!"


Sirius grinned as Lily sat down confusedly. "Shiver me timbers, you bilge-sucking swab! We ought to keelhaul you for such disrespect!"

James audibly snickered at this comment.

Lily turned to Remus. "What are these two on about?" she asked exasperatedly.

"I—I think they're pirates?"

"ARR!" answered Sirius.

"Like, International Talk Like a Pirate Day?" Remus continued.

"Aye, sir!" James yelled.

"But that's not today. Is it?" Remus asked.

"I assure ye, it bum-squabbled us too, but by and large we will keep our watch to the eye of the wind and practice the sweet trade all day!" Sirius replied nobly.

"Oh Merlin. All day?" Remus groaned.

"Aye. You best get that booty ready to kiss the gunner's daughter. If you're good I'll skip the flogging." Sirius winked at him.

Remus's face quickly turned red. "Sirius!" he hissed.

Sirius and James laughed loudly.

James pointed toward the Slytherin table. "Keep a weather eye open. If they plan an attack and we're not watching, devil to pay, we'll be dead as bilge water."

"Aye, Jamesie. Have ye the rum and spirits?" Sirius answered.

"Aye, aye! Let us be three sheets to the wind!"

"Yo ho ho!"

"This is going to be a long day," said Lily.


Lily, Remus, James, and Sirius all sat in a row in the Potions' classroom.

"Arr, I'd rather ye clap me in irons than force me to mix this brew!" Sirius said.

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