Chapter 16

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It's a very somber Valentine's Day at Hogwarts.


Peter paced up and down the corridor through the dungeons. His heart raced in nervous anticipation of the meeting. He had hoped that maybe this would stop; the Death Eaters would find someone more interesting. He wanted out. He had to get out before something bad happened.

"Pettigrew, you made it." Severus called casually as he made his way to the shorter, slightly plumper boy currently fidgeting and looking very agitated.

"Yes, I—I did. You wanted to, er, speak with me about something?"

"Ah, yes. The Death Eaters and I feel that it is time for you to formally pledge your allegiance to the dark arts and the service of the Dark Lord. Things are being put in motion; the Dark Lord is lining up an important mission that Regulus Black is to be in charge of. He needs to know that you will be committed and not betray us," he announced formally.

Peter had feared as much. His initial spark of hope was crushed. "And if I don't?" he answered, quite bravely.

Severus chuckled. "You will die."

"What if I don't care about me? What if I would rather keep the honest confidence of my friends than live?"

Severus sneered. "Then we will kill your mother. Only after she is tortured quite heavily, of course," he finished, looking casually at his cuticles as if making simple conversation.

Peter felt a jolt of something go through his stomach—fear, perhaps?—the same jolt he always felt when the Death Eaters threatened to go near his mother. Originally, Peter had believed he was quite incapable of loving. His perspective had changed after his few chats with Severus Snape. Peter was not a traitor; he might have been a bit cowardly to some, but that depends on one's values. Peter was very loyal to his friends, but he never truly loved them like they each loved each other, just as they didn't quite love Peter as much. But Peter Pettigrew did love his mother. She had been through so much abandonment and pain, but she had always been happy and caring for Peter. As long as he could prevent her suffering, he would do it. No matter what it took; no matter that love can be a dangerous thing in the middle of war. Love is powerful; it could make you or break you, cause a win or a loss. Peter's fate lined up in a way that made his love unlucky. But he did what he had to do.

Peter looked into Severus's eyes reproachfully. "I will pledge my allegiance to the Death Eaters. Do not bother my mother."

"I thought you would choose correctly. We will hold a ceremony for this. Come to the Slytherin Common Room at midnight; come alone." He turned but then added something else. "Peter, love is not to be trusted, not in war, not in peace, not in life. It causes too much pain and produces much sorrow. You should try to rid yourself of it."

Then, Severus drifted into the shadows of the dungeon, recalling memories of a beautiful redhead, days when he was more lighthearted, and days when he believed in things like love and kindness.


Mary was very uncomfortable as she walked through the dungeons. She had witnessed a suspicious looking Peter Pettigrew emerge from there a few minutes earlier and had intended to retrace his steps in order to find out what he had been doing. Now, she felt that this might not have been the best idea; she strongly sensed that something or someone was following her. She turned around to go back the way she had come and fought the urge to run frantically.

Suddenly, she found the tip of a lighted wand an inch from her face.

"Going somewhere, little blood traitor?" came a drawling voice. She squinted in the light and saw that she was looking at Mulciber.

"I—I was just leaving," she tried to say forcefully, but her voice trembled a bit.

"You know, MacDonald, it's not safe for you to be wandering around alone in the dungeons. Not safe at all," he sneered.

She swallowed. "Why, afraid I might ruin a sacrifice or disrupt a Slytherin orgy?"

He snarled. "You'll be sorry you said that."

"Oh, really? Why don't you take all your dark arts shite and shove it up your arse?"

Her screams of pain could be heard from two floors above.


Remus limped into the dormitory and tried not to cry out. The night before had been the full moon and he wasn't fully recovered from it. He stopped when he looked at his bed and saw a large box tied with a bow.

What's this?

He gently pulled at the satin and the bow slid right off. He tugged the top off of the box—it was polished wood—and removed the decorative paper inside. What he found inside amazed him.

Chocolates of all kinds were piled high in the box. It looked like someone had cleared Honeydukes out. His mouth watered. He reached out a trembling hand dug around for a card. Instead, he found a much smaller box—also polished wood—tucked under a few bars of chocolate. A paper at the top read "Happy Valentine's Day" in an elegant scrawl, but there was no name. The handwriting looked familiar, but he was having a difficult time focusing on it. Underneath the paper was a long golden chain. He pulled it out and saw a charm at the end. It was a crescent moon with a star on top of it. And it was absolutely gorgeous.

Remus swiveled his head around to check for traces of the mysterious gift-giver but found none, though he had his suspicions.


Sirius watched from the shadows as Remus contentedly found a place to hide the box in his trunk. Then, Remus walked to the bathroom with a goofy grin on his face.

"Wow, Padfoot," Sirius jumped a little at the unexpected presence, "I think this is the first step you didn't mess up on. That was better than the emerald bracelet I bought Lily."

"Thanks, Prongs. I worked hard to get it."

"You're working harder to get him. I'm really proud of you, Sirius. I always knew you had it in you."

Sirius smiled at him.

James turned suddenly somber. "Did you hear about MacDonald? The girls were distraught."

"Yeah, I heard. It's a shame. Damn those Death Eaters, all of them."

"I second that. I think she's going to be okay, though."

"Probably, but okay is painful to reach. Mulciber is expelled, right?"

"Yeah, Dumbledore took care of that right away. He's the one that reached her first."

"These are dark days we live in, James."

"Dark days indeed."


Though I do enjoy writing in a more lighthearted mood, we must not forget that the Marauders' seventh year was war time. They would've definitely made the most of it, but bad things happen. The Death Eaters grow stronger, but as time marches on, we all know they grow closer to their downfall and the rise of the youngest Potter. The only thing growing closer and stronger than the Death Eaters is Remus and Sirius's relationship.

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