Chapter 13

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We are back from the Christmas hols and the race is on between Sirius and James! It's time for the puppies to push their relationship to the next level!


Sirius sat quietly humming to himself as he pieced his thoughts together. This has to be perfect if I am going to let Remus know how I feel about him before James does.

Sirius had just put the finishing touches on his parchment when he heard the door open. His head snapped up quickly to find James and Remus walking through the doorway. His heart racing, he quickly pushed the parchment underneath a pillow and turned to face the two boys.

James quirked his head, a mysterious glint in his eye. "Hullo, Padfoot."

Sirius cleared his throat. "Prongs. Moony." His gaze lasted a few seconds longer on Remus than it had on James.

"What were you working on?" James asked.


"You know. Just now. That parchment you shoved under your pillow," James smirked.

Shit. He knows it has something to do with Remus! "I don't know what you're talking about, mate."

"Oh, well then. Perhaps it was only a trick of the eye."

"Oh yes, that's probably it." Sirius breathed a sigh of relief as James began to walk toward his own bed. Just as Sirius turned his head, he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. He swiveled back around just in time to see James sail through the air onto Sirius's bed.

"No!" Sirius yelled as James grabbed the parchment and took off. "James Potter, get your fat ugly arse back here right now!"

James pulled up short. "Fat?" he whimpered. "I am not fat! I thought you of all people would accept me the way that I am! I thought you loved me, Sirius Black!"

"I could never love a scrawny teenage boy with sex-hair and fat jeans. It's just too much," he said as he discreetly crept toward James. "Besides, we both know Moony here is my true love." They both turned to look at Remus whose cheeks were quickly growing bright red. Sirius winked at him.

"Padfoot, I can see you moving closer to me. You're not getting this back."

"Prongs, give me my damn paper! Moony, tell him to give me my damn paper!" Sirius said, flashing a pleading look in Remus's direction.

Remus sighed. "James, give him his damn paper."


"Sorry Padfoot, I tried."

Sirius turned to glower at James. He quickly lowered his voice so that only James could hear it. "What the hell is this? I told you I would tell him myself."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just giving you a little boost, that's all."

"James, please."

"Let's see here," James said as he looked at the parchment. "7 Ways to—" James's jaw dropped. "7 Ways to Make Someone Fall in Love with You!"

"Give me that!" Sirius hissed and started to lunge again, but Remus caught him by the arm.

"Don't you dare. I want to hear this," Remus said, a shocked expression on his face.

"Step 1: Subtly Flirt. Ha! If he gets any more subtle, I will definitely have to—"


"Step 2: Don't Look Away. Give the eye. What the hell does that mean? Step 3: Be a little mysterious. Oh yes. Every man loves—"

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