Chapter 4

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We meet a few new characters in this chapter, though I'm sure if you've read many Lily/James fics, you've encountered them before. This chapter starts out about 2 weeks into the new term at Hogwarts and involves a frustrated Lily and a flustered Sirius.

"Lily! Lily, wake up!" Mary called.

"Dammit, I swear if we're late because of her I'll—"

"Well Marl, you didn't exactly have to stay. We could've done without you," replied Alice coolly.

"It's just that she's supposed to be the responsible one! She's always been the first one up so that she could wake everyone else," Marlene said crossly.

"It's not her fault we all became too lazy to bother ourselves with waking up on time."

"Still, I just wish—"

"Dear Merlin, would you just shut up already? I can hear everything you're saying!" came Lily's muffled voice from beneath her blankets.

"Lily! We thought you had died!" cried Mary.

Marlene rolled her eyes. "No, we didn't."

"Lily, if you've been awake this whole time, why are you still lying there?" Alice asked cautiously.

"I'm sick." Lily let out an obviously fake cough.

"Oh right. I bet you are. You're lovesick," laughed Mary.

Lily suddenly shot upright in her bed. "No I'm not! There's no one to be lovesick for!" she yelled.

"Yes you are," snorted Marlene. "It doesn't even stop at lovesick. You want to be James Potter's bitch."


"Oh really? Because you have rounds with Potter tonight, and suddenly you're 'sick'? I don't buy it." Marlene replied.

"I'm not faking it! I'm completely knackered!" She let out another fake cough and all the girls snickered.

"Potter's bitch, Potter's bitch," chanted Marlene.

"Forget it; I'm getting ready for class." Lily climbed out of bed.

"Oh look, a miraculous recovery!"

"Shut it Marlene!" growled Lily.

"Mary, Marlene, why don't you two go on down to breakfast? Lily and I will see you in class," Alice suggested.

"Whatever." Marlene exited with Mary close behind.

"All right, now what's really bothering you? And don't try to lie to me; I'm your best friend. I know it has something to do with James."

"I hate it when you call him James."

"Just because you choose to regard him with cold formalities does not mean that I will do the same. Now tell me what the problem is before I grow irritated. It's been a long day."

"You just woke up."

"Exactly," scowled Alice.

"Fine. Marlene was right. I don't want to spend time with Potter. He drives me crazy," Lily groaned.

"He drives you crazy in a good way; he used to drive you crazy in a bad way, but that ended last year. No, don't look like that. You fancy him."

"No, I don't Alice, and I would appreciate it if you would stop insinuating such defamations," Lily glared coldly.

"You're going to have to admit it to yourself sometime; the sooner, the better in this case. It would make everything much easier if you would just claim him as yours now."

Lily continued to glare, and then she picked up her clothes, walked into the bathroom, and slammed the door.

"Oh Merlin. She'll kill us all before this situation resolves itself," groaned Alice.


The boys were sitting at the back two tables of Transfiguration, Remus and Peter in front, James and Sirius behind. It was very warm and the windows were thrown wide open. Sirius was having a great deal of trouble concentrating. He had already been reprimanded by McGonagall once for having fallen asleep and had been assured that, should it happen again, there would be consequences. Sirius tried continuously to find something to focus on that would help him stay awake. Paying attention to the lecture was immediately tossed out. He had tried to start a conversation with James, but the bloke insisted he had to take notes.

Stupid James for being stupid Head Boy and taking stupid notes to impress stupid Lily Evans, thought Sirius.

He was about to pass back into blissful oblivion when a movement in front of him caught his eye. Remus was stretching. Sirius watched as Remus's back muscles became defined; his sandy hair shifted slightly as his muscular arms reached into the air. Remus made a quiet noise and Sirius felt lightheaded. Remus did not appear overly muscular, but when he did things like stretching, his fit body was evident. It was one of the only good things that came from Remus being a werewolf.

Finally Remus was done. Sirius shifted his gaze lower and studied the perfect shape of Remus's arse. It was gorgeous and just the right size, in Sirius's opinion. He continued to study it, wonder what it would feel like. He had an extreme urge to just reach out and grab it, his hand moving of its own accord—

"Padfoot, what are you doing?" James whispered.

"Not staring at his arse!" Sirius replied, startled.



"Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, what is going on back there?" McGonagall asked.

"Just asking to see James's quill for a moment, Minnie. It seems I have broken mine. Erm, may I be excused? I don't feel well."

"I suppose, Mr. Black. Though, if you please, don't dally in the corridors. Return straight to your dormitory."

"Of course, Professor," Sirius jumped up and grabbed his things, carefully avoiding James's incredulous gaze when he caught Remus's confused one. Sirius blushed and rushed out the door. He absentmindedly ran all the way back to Gryffindor tower.

Did I just shamelessly check out one of my best mates? What the hell is wrong with me? Thought Sirius as he collapsed on his bed.

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