Chapter 15

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Middle of the week update! You guys are so welcome! Haha! So, beginning of February? Yeah, let's go with that. I like this chapter. Read on!


Remus and Sirius sat quietly on their respective beds in the dormitory. Remus's eyes were glued to his book and Sirius's eyes were glued to Remus. Though if anyone were to really inspect this vision, they might find that Remus's book was actually upside down and that he was indeed sneaking furtive glances at Sirius.

A knock echoed on the door. Remus called, "Come in!"

Lily entered. "Well, if it isn't Mrs. Potter," Sirius said.

"Sirius," she regarded him, not unkindly. "Remus, are you ready to go?"

"Oh, yeah Lily. Just give me a minute to straighten myself up and we can be on our way," Remus said as he jumped up and jogged to the bathroom, letting the door click shut behind him.

"Where are you going?" Sirius asked.

"Oh, nowhere, really," Lily answered nonchalantly, toying with Sirius. "Remus just has a little date."

"Uh, you mean 'date' as in the fruit, right?"

"No, no Sirius. I mean date as in he's going out with a girl." She fluttered her eyelashes on the last syllable.

"Why the bloody hell would he do that? He's gay, for Merlin's sake!"

"I don't know, Sirius. Maybe he got tired of waiting around for someone else," she replied as she looked pointedly at him. "He's got his reputation to uphold, you know. Can't go tarnishing the Marauder name by not flitting around and romancing the entirety of Hogwarts, staff included."

"You mean he's dating Minnie? Wait, no! It's Dumbledore, isn't it? I knew that man was a poof! He just won't stop staring at Remus! Lusting after his wolfy body, no doubt," Sirius scowled as he continued to mutter to himself.

Lily huffed. "No, Sirius. I just mean he has a date. A normal one, not one that could get anyone into serious trouble or have them known as a pedophile for the rest of their life."


"Don't ask me the name; I'm not going to tell you."

"Ready!" Remus said as he came out of the bathroom, looking quite dashing with his hair combed and swept gracefully to the side. His button-up shirt was open at the top so his chest and the freckles dotting it could be seen. He wore muggle jeans that fit just perfectly around his legs and arse. In short, he looked like a male model.

Sirius glared silently at him. Remus withered a bit under the glare, but walked out the door with Lily.

"Uh, bye Padfoot," he called over his shoulder a bit nervously. The door slammed.

"Hey, Lily? What did you tell Sirius while I was getting ready?"

"Oh, not much really. We just had a pleasant conversation. You know, the weather, nature, quidditch, the like," she answered, not quite meeting his eyes.

"Oh, really?" he asked skeptically. "Is that why he looked so pissed?"

"What do you mean? He was perfectly fine."

"Lily," he looked at her sternly. "I thought he was going to rip my head off."

"Okay, okay," she replied guiltily. "I might have told him that you were going on a date…with a girl."

"Lily! You know very well that I'm gay!" He lowered his voice. "And also very in love with him. That's what was wrong. He probably thinks I made the whole thing up, told him I was gay just to get his deepest secrets out of him."

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