Chapter 17

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Two whole weeks since my last update! I feel like a horrible person! Anyway, we're down to one last step! Step 7: Hang around a lot. Then become suddenly unavailable. Okay, we'll talk more at the bottom. Read on!


"Hello, Moony. What are we doing today?"

"You mean we as in I? I am studying."

"Hmm. No, no I don't like that idea."

"Sirius, NEWTS are—"

"—bloody months away. Study time later. Now is fun time."

Remus sighed heavily as Sirius snatched the book from his lap and snapped it shut.

"Fine. Do as you wish, master."

Sirius sneered and then winced, thinking of certain unmentionable possibilities. "Not a good choice of words there, wolfboy."

Remus looked at him with confusion, not understanding, and then shook his head. "Just pick something to do, dogboy."


Sirius shot up to Gryffindor Tower taking two steps per stride. Thanks to a spell placed between himself and Remus, he could hear a steady counting from the other boy somewhere below. He quickly flung open the door and dove under the nearest mattress. As he lay trying to stifle his loud breathing, his canine ears heard soft footsteps coming from the staircase. He froze.

Remus's sneakers appeared in his line of vision as the door creaked slowly open and shut. The figure walked three steps to the right and stopped, sniffing the air.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are! I can smell you, Sirius Black."

He walked forward ominously and then sank slowly to the floor. Sirius looked into the werewolf's brown eyes and—

"Padfoot. You're it."

"Damn! How do you always manage to find me so quickly?!"

Remus chuckled. "The same way you always manage to find me: canine senses. Sound and smell."

"…okay, so maybe hide and seek isn't the best game for people like us."

"I'd think not," Remus agreed.

"But it's been fun! Much more fun than studying like you would've done!" Sirius answered as he climbed out from under the bed.

Remus breathed deeply and snapped his head toward the closet. "James is in there. Why is James in the closet?" he whispered.

"I don't know, but I can smell him too," Sirius replied.

Suddenly the dormitory door banged open. A wild-eyed Lily Evans stalked in.

"Where is he?!" she yelled. "I know he's here!"

"Good lord, she's gone mad," Remus whispered to Sirius.

"Maybe she's dealing with her own monthly gift…" Sirius whispered in return.

Lily growled at this and advanced toward Sirius, her body in perfect attack position.

Sirius did something very uncharacteristic to himself and the entire Black family (a family filled with dark magic obsessed purebloods, by the by); he cowered and shrieked like a little girl.

"Lily! Don't kill him; he was just making an observation! Sometimes he doesn't use the speed bump in between his brain and his mouth!" Remus yelled, desperately trying to keep Lily from committing murder.

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