Chapter 8

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This chapter begins on Halloween evening/night at Hogwarts. The dialogue is a bit confusing, but for the most part you can follow who is speaking; I was trying to create a hectic mood. Please enjoy!


"Sirius, can you please pay more attention to where you're aiming that? You almost hit me."

"Sorry, Moony."

"Bloody ow! Sirius, really!"

"Come on, Padfoot. That's dangerous; you're going to kill a Marauder, mate. That's not on."

"Yeah, yeah. Once again, sorry, Moony."

"Just put the bloody thing away before you blast off my arse."

"But Remus, I—"

"Potter, a word?"

"Yes, Lily?"

"Oi, McKinnon, looking good."

"Thanks, Black."

"I've noticed that you've seemed to be shirking your duties as head boy lately."

"You too, MacDonald." He was answered with an eye roll.

"Padfoot, would you sod off? I'm trying to have a conversation here... shirking how exactly?"

"Well...that prank! Honestly! And...and you're referring to the first years as 'midgets!' And—"

"Really, Lily? I thought that when you asked us to come here for backup, you might actually have a legitimate reason." She snorted something that vaguely sounded like 'Potter's bitch.'

"It is a good reason! Wh-where's Alice, anyway?"

"She's off snogging Longbottom. Whoa. Hahahahaha, snogging longbottom. That sounds hilarious!"

"Sirius, do shut up." Sirius's second eye roll, this time from Remus.

"Wow, Evans, I've got you so torn up inside that you can't even keep up with your best friend anymore. Tragic."

"Oh, really? If you're so much better off, where's Peter?"

"...oi, where is Peter?"

"I swear, you're all such—"

BOOM! The lights went out, and everything was fuzzy.


"Ow. Merlin, what was that?"

"Remus? Remus, is that you?"



Remus sat up rubbing his head. "Where are we?"

"I don't know; I can't see anything."

"Hold on, I'm going to see if I can find my wand." Remus rummaged around for a moment before his hand located a hard, thin stick.

"Lumos. There we are. But, hullo, where is there?"

Remus and Mary glanced around. They were sitting in the middle of what seemed to be a large cave.

"How the hell did we get here?" Remus looked at Mary.

"And more importantly," she responded, "how the hell do we get out?"


"OWW! Bloody, ow! What is on top of me?"

"Black, is that you?"

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