Chapter 6

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This chapter begins a few weeks after the last chapter ended. I'll have more to say in the AN at the bottom. Enjoy! :)


"Men... the time has come to once again stake our claim as kings of Hogwarts and prove our courageous, daring, and dashing selves are fit to be Marauders. It is time—"

"Please tell me this hasn't anything to do with something that will land us in detention for a month."

"Quiet, Remus, you're ruining the mood! Continue on, Prongs."

"Thank you, Padfoot. Now, as I was saying, we must assure the people that we have not forgotten our sworn duty to create mischief, laughter, and lustful sighs from ladies everywhere, maybe a few men as well."

Remus rolled his eyes at James's melodramatic speech. "Prongs, I really don't think we've been given any reason to believe that someone in this castle doubts our abilities."

"Moony, think of the first years!" Sirius said. "What do they know of the infamous Marauders and our beautiful gift to Hogwarts, if not the entire world?!"

"Honestly, Sirius, I don't think they're any worse off for not having experienced such a...'beautiful gift.'"

James and Sirius blanched. "You don't mean to say that you think the Marauders should actually follow rules this year?!"

"Well, I just—"

"Because that would be absolutely absurd!"

"Remus, I think we'll just have to hear them out. I'm sure they've got it all planned; James does for sure. He always has a plan."

"Thank you, Wormtail. You're a good man. I shall make sure that I wait to trip you last when the zombie apocalypse arises. Now, back to what I was originally saying: I propose we begin work on our first prank as seventh years. We will need the invisibility cloak, muggle water balloons, and access to the taps, as well as means to transport filled balloons from the taps to the small overhang above the entrance to the dungeons."

Remus gulped and Peter shrank away a bit, both excited and frightened at the same time.

"I like where this is going," Said Sirius, a slightly malicious smile adorning his lips.


A week later the boys had gathered all the supplies they would need, complete with a few dungbombs. It was James and Sirius's logic that no prank was ever complete unless it had dungbombs.

Remus watched as James and Sirius tiptoed out of the dorm early that morning, quite content to stay where he was and not be included in the mischief until absolutely necessary. However, Remus had been wary of the time James and Sirius had spent alone since Remus's unintentional confession. He was very confident that James was trustworthy enough to keep his secret; how could he not be? James and the others had been keeping the werewolf secret for years now. Still, Remus knew that James and Sirius had a close bond, and if Sirius were to ask the right questions, James would divulge anything Sirius wanted. Sirius Black had an uncanny ability to get what he wanted out of anyone. He always seemed to know just the right things to do and say, and the exact time to strike. It was this ability that always left Remus with regret when it came to the pranks of the Marauders, much like the feeling in his gut this morning. Remus had really hoped that since James had become Head Boy this year, he might cut down on normal shenanigans. Of course poor Remus was wrong.

Remus was in charge of concealing the Marauders during their tomfoolery and was to meet up with them in an hour. There really never was another option for him; the moment he caught sight of the excitement in Sirius's eyes he knew there would be no stopping him.

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