Chapter 3

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The boys drink tequila to celebrate their return to Hogwarts, and Remus gets a little shock he hadn't bargained for.

As was tradition, the Marauders always had a small party amongst themselves on the first night back to Hogwarts. This had involved illegal alcohol since the boys' third year. Many wondered how they could go about attaining such a drink, but the realization that this was James and Sirius obtaining it put such wonderings out of mind; those boys were capable of anything. Remus and Peter helped too, but they were often overlooked because people thought that Remus was incapable of being anything but perfect and that Peter was completely moronic, but in all actuality, neither was true. Remus and Peter didn't mind their reputations much, though; they were saved from a lot of punishments that James and Sirius were not.

This year, the boys had smuggled in muggle tequila. When asked how exactly Sirius had been able to procure this, the other boys were given the simple answer of: "I am Marauder, mates." That seemed to be answer enough for them, though Remus continued to squirm a bit.

The boys crowded around a lantern and the bottle of tequila in the middle of their dormitory floor and passed cups around. Sirius grinned mischievously as he filled the four glasses.

"All right mates, drink up. The count of three. 1, 2, 3, Chug!" Sirius cried as he poured the liquid down his gullet. He looked around at the empty glasses in a satisfied manner; that is, until he came to Remus.

"Moony! What are you doing, mate? Did you not hear the countdown to chug?" Sirius asked.

"Well, yeah Sirius, I just don't really, uh want to, you know...drink this."

"And why the bloody hell not? It's tradition Moony. You can't break tradition. Next thing you know, Lily will fall in love with James!" James shot him a look. "Uh, sorry mate, you know what I mean. It's just not right! Come on Remus, be a man! Chug the damn drink!"

Remus's face turned bright red. "I am a man, thank you very much. I've got proper working parts and everything." Sirius's insinuation had struck a chord in Remus's confused feelings about manhood and the correct feelings that accompany said manhood. To put it simply, he was confused about his sexuality.

"...I wasn't suggesting that you didn't, mate. I just want you to drink the tequila. Come on, do it for me. Pleaseeee Remy," Sirius whined and displayed his puppy dog look.

"Urgh, fine," Remus snapped. He turned his head back and drained the cup.

"REMUS, WAIT!" Sirius yelled. Remus snapped his head back up to see Sirius standing in front of him wearing a tutu. "Shit, he just drank the worm. James, can't those things cause hallucinations?"

"Bloody hell, yeah I think they can."

"Why is Sirius in a tutu? And why does Peter have purple hair? You guys look funny. I'm just gonna go jump out our window into the giant pit of jello now," Remus stood up and walked to the window. The jello did look extra bouncy. He began to climb out.

"Shit, Remus, no!" Sirius and James rushed forward to grab him. Peter let out a hurt whimper at Remus's comment about his hair and rushed down to the common room to sleep. He had low self-esteem issues and never was very bright, not even bright enough to figure out that Remus was hallucinating and hadn't meant to insult Peter.

"Oh shit, shit, shit. What do we do with him James? He's bloody well likely to kill himself if we let him go."

"Ah, I don't know! You couldn't make bloody well sure that the concoction you brought us all wouldn't end in death?"

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