1. Thanking jinxes.

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I'm back, writing this is better than sleeping the whole day. xoxo enjoy <itskindacute>

Though Alex's always been neat and organised, this day he and his room were a complete mess. A bed was covered in a few shirts, still really crumpled, and he was standing in the middle of the room with his arms leant on his hips, looking at the clothes he took out from the wardrobe about ten minutes ago. He sighed heavily, and entered the bathroom to take a shower before he had to leave. 'Blue, pink, grey, maroon; blue, pink, grey, maroon-' was the only thought stuck in his head while hot streams of water were flowing down his body.
He was in two minds between blue and pink, and maroon and grey. The pastel ones were definitely his favorite, but the others were definitely smarter and more appropriate for a job interview.
Still with no idea what to wear, he put on boxer briefs and a random t-shirt which was hanging on a chair's back.
The boy exited the bedroom, and approached his flatmate from the back.
He grabbed his hand without saying a word, and led him to the bedroom, stopping in front of the bed with his shirts placed on it.
'You know which one's my favorite.'
Maroon. Of course that one, that was the first thing Nick got Alex after they started dating a few months ago, and though the older knew what his mate was exactly going to say, he still hoped he'd help him a little more this time.
'Take baby pink.' The boy said, and made Turner look at him and frown with wonder. 'It's your favorite, you have to feel confident today.' Nick squeezed his boyfriend's hand, and made him smile in reply. 'D'you want me to iron it?'
'I can do this.' Alex smiled, but before he could protest again, the younger boy grabbed the shirt from the bed and approached the other again. 'Go put on the rest.' He kissed his forehead and left him smiling, still standing in the middle of the room and staring and his boyfriend leaving.

'Where are my cigs?' Alex asked exiting the bedroom and looked around the living room, while walking all around it. He was nervously patting his thigh while walking, and when he didn't find what he was looking for for a couple of last minutes, he groaned loudly with dissatisfaction and theatrically plonked himself down on the sofa.
'Your future boss won't like your smell if you smoke now, babe.' Nick chuckled and lifted the shirt to see if there were any folds left.
'I'm going to fucking explode, Nick.' Alex sighed and leant back on the sofa, then straightened up again, to grab the shirt the boy was handing him. 'Thanks.' He smiled and stood up to put it on. While he was fastening it, he started mentioning everything he had to take, making his boyfriend chuckle quietly. 'Um, documents are here, my keys...' He lifted his head from above the papers laying on the table and turned his head, looking towards the kitchen.
'Okay there.' He stated when he noticed them on a kitchen island, next to his helmet. 'My fuckin' cigs are fuckin' nowhere, and... that's all.' He smiled triumphantly and leant his arms on his hips.
'Phone.' Nick rolled his eyes smiling, as he's always found it funny; the thing most of people can't move without, Alex's always forgotten.
'Yeah, right.' He turned around and faced the younger again. 'I dunno where it is.'
Nick took out his mobile from the back pocket of his jeans and dialed a number below the 'Allie <3'. After a few seconds, the boys heard 'Barely legal' coming out of the bedroom, so Alex followed the sound and found his phone ringing on a shelf above the bed. 'There are they!' He shouted and grabbed a packet of cigarettes, then left the room smiling.
'Oh. Right.' Alex nodded and got back to the room he's just left, making the other laugh at him again.

'All set?' Nick asked smiling and handed Alex his leather jacket.
'I guess.' The boy sighed heavily and took out a package of cigs from his pants' pocket, but was stopped from pulling one by his friend placing his hand on his.
'Do me a favour and don't.' He raised his eyebrows and though he smiled, Alex rolled his eyes irritated.
'I'm gonna die if I don't smoke!' He said annoyed, but when Nick gave him a judgemental look, he sighed heavily after rolling his eyes, he nodded and hid the package inside a pocket. 'Fuck.' He whispered and took a deep breath, making Nick smile lovingly.
'You'll do great.'
'Don't. Thanking jinxes.' He chuckled and moved closer to Alex, so he could give him a quick peck on the lips; then he stood back quite quickly, and smiled shyly. The older smiled back, and then headed to the door, grabbing the helmet he placed on the floor earlier. Before he left, he turned around  in the doorway and let out 'I love you' approached to the boy inside the flat.
After hearing 'I love you too.' from Nick's mouth, he smiled, and closed the door, heading to the staircase.

He went down the stairs fiddling with the keys, already hurrying up; he's always stressed unnecessarily he'd be late, though in the end, he's always arrived on time, or even earlier.
He got on the bike and turned on the engine, then looked up at the window of the flat, to see Nick staring at him through it. He waved at him, put on the helmet, and drove away, making a cloud of dirt appear on the street behind him.

The closer he was, the faster his heart was thudding and if he wasn't holding the bike's handlebars, his hands would be definitely shaking, taking away the skill of holding literally anything.
He stopped in front of a modern building, located just a few kilometers away from the Liverpool centre, and realised he got there twenty minutes before his interview.
He was wondering whether to enter or wait, not sure which of these things was weirder. But after he started overthinking it, and the urge to smoke was getting increasingly more annoying, he took a deep breath, turned around and headed to glass door, which was tinged with blue.
He pushed it with his shaky hands, and entered the building, already looking for a reception desk, where he was informed where to go next.

'You're earlier, boy.' The elegant woman in her fifties look at him from behind her glasses, and before he could excuse himself, she grabbed a phone and called someone, asking if Alex could come already.
'Second floor, door no. 201' She said when the short phone call ended, and immediately looked back at the papers she was filling just a few minutes ago.
The boy simply nodded, as 'thank you' got stuck in his throat, and turned, looking for any signs informing about a staircase or a lift. He tightened the grip on a briefcase he was holding, and headed to the elevator located a few meters behind a sign telling about it.
He entered it with two other people, who apparently worked there, as they looked really serious; in dark suits, holding smartphones in front of their faces, typing something or calling someone. Alex exited the lift as quick as he could, for sharing such little space with other people got him really stressful; though he thought it couldn't get worse.
He looked around the hall full of other smart dressed people, trying to figure out where was the office he was looking for. He found it quite quickly, and after taking a really deep breath, he headed towards the pine, wooden door.
He pressed his documents harder to the chest, then knocked, and when he heard 'come in!' coming out from the room, he pressed the handle, and slowly opened it, shyly looking inside.
'Good morning, sir, I'm here for-'
'I know. Take a sit.' The man in his early thirties said dryly, not looking at the boy, and still staring at computer's screen, and typing something, which seemed to have him really busy.
Alex hung his jacket he was holding on the chair's back, then sat placing the briefcase on his lap, and waited patiently until the man spoke again.
'And I'm... done.' The man said when he theatrically pressed something on the keyboard, and leant back, so he could finally face the boy on the other side of the white desk. 'Sorry.' He smiled making the other smile too, but of course less widely; shyly. Though the man seemed though at first, when he apologized, the boy hoped it wouldn't be so bad after all.
Alex was stumbling the whole interview, and his hands was shaking that much, that he didn't even try to lift the glass of water standing in front of him, aware most of the liquid would end up on his shirt, though he could feel how his throat was getting increasingly dry.

'You know how employers always say they will call you?' The man asked seriously, looking at his watch impatiently.
'Um, yes, sir.' Alex answered and tucked a strand of his hair falling onto his forehead behind his ear, feeling how the stress inside him was rising.
'I won't.' Alex's heart stopped when he heard that, because he didn't know the interview went that bad. He nodded and after murmuring quiet 'thank you', he slowly got up from the chair, and wanted to turn around and leave, but was stopped by the man speaking again.
'Tomorrow at eight, my office.' He stated, and got back to what he was doing earlier, acting like there was no one else in the room again.
Alex grinned and though he's never been that excited, he said only 'thank you, sir' and exited the room, not willing to interrupt the man already busy with something apparently really important.

Tag urself I'm Alex

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