3. Cute.

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Alex, busy writing something, didn't see his boss entering the room and leaning against the doorframe. The man smiled seeing how much the by was focused on what he was doing, and after a while of staring, he cleared his throats and spoke, making Alex flinch slightly and lift his head.
'Coffee?' The man asked, so the younger started slowly getting up from the chair, in order to approached the coffeemaker. When Mr. Kane saw him doing that, he chuckled quietly and made himself clear. 'No, no, no. I don't want you to make it.'
Alex stopped and turned to the man frowning, not really understanding what he was supposed to do then.
'I'm asking you out. Wanna grab coffee after work?'
Alex raised his eyebrows, as he completely didn't see that coming, and before he answered, he hesitated, wondering if it was a good idea to hang out with his boss he didn't even talk to really much. 'Uh... Yeah, but why?' Alex couldn't help himself but ask, though he knew it wasn't the most appropriate thing he could do. 'If it's okay to ask, sir.' He lowered his head, hoping what he added helped him not to be rude in any way he thought he could be.
'We see each other every day and I know nothing about you. I thought it'd be good to change it.'
'Oh, yes, right.' Alex tucked a strand of his hair behind the ear and smiled shyly, making the other smile too. 'Thanks.'
The older nodded and left the room, leaving Alex still standing in the same place. He felt like he couldn't move; the question he heard definitely surprised him, and he had no idea how to feel about it. It seemed weird to be asked to grab coffee with your boss, you didn't talk to very much; Alex thought even the man was hitting up on him, but quickly stopped considering it as possible reason of what he asked, as it just seemed ridiculous.
The situation got him much less focused on what he was doing before, and he was sure he'd have to take the laptop home to get everything done.
He quickly packed his things when the boss asked him if they could go, and left the office, following the taller man.
When they exited the building, the younger immediately headed to his bike, but when he lifted the helmet, and the man noticed him doing that, he stopped the boy, who stopped a few meters away. 'You can come with me, I'll drop you off later.'
The boy nodded, and after placing the helmet away, he followed the man heading to a dark car parked in a shadow of the building.
It wasn't a long ride; the cafe was just a few minutes away, so they didn't even start talking in the car.
After they stopped, Alex took out his phone and dialed Nick's number in order to tell him he'll be later. 'Hey, I'll be later today.' He said when he exited the car, as he didn't want the older to hear what he was exactly saying. He looked at the boss while they were entering the cafe, not sure if it was okay for him to call while he was around. 'I dunno yet. 've got some work to do.'
'Yeah. See ya, love you.'
'Ve got some work to do, huh?' The older smirked, while taking a seat, but when he looked at the boy, who seemed to be ashamed of lying, he tried to smile nicely, and continued. 'Why didn't you tell him?'
'Um, I... I don't know, sir.' Alex murmured and scratched the top of his head. 'I don't want him to worry.'
'Cute.' The older said viciously, and waved at the waitress to order something to drink.
The boy was really stressed about the whole meeting, but with time it was increasingly easier to talk. They were talking about some basic stuff like where they lived, where they were from, and what were their interests. Besides music taste they had similar, there wasn't much more to talk about, so they got going not even an hour later.
When the older asked Alex about the address, the boy shook his head no, and asked him to give him a lift to the workplace, as he left the bike there. 'I can pick you up tomorrow.'
The younger hesitated a little, but then nodded, and murmured quiet 'thank you'. He was afraid Nick would see him being dropped off by someone, but he was too shy to refuse; also, his boyfriend probably wouldn't even ask about it, not willing to dip.

Alex spent the rest of the day ending what he started in the office; he didn't want to put off anything, and had nothing more interesting to do.


'Alex? Could you come here for a second?' Alex almost threw the documents he was holding, and rapidly got up, already stressed if he did something wrong.
'I've got a certain business party next Friday.' The boy breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, but then, he got tensed again, still not knowing why the boss was telling him that. He tried to calmed down, telling himself he'd probably have to prepare some documents for it, but before he could think of anything else, the other explained.
'I've got no one to go with.'

Alex couldn't believe what he said, and wasn't really focused when the man was explaining him details of the party. He didn't know if he should've agreed, especially as it wasn't just a meeting, it was rather like a party for rich people, talking about their newest deals, cars, kids in collages, and whatever rich people talk about.
Eventually he agreed; he was too shy to tell the boss 'no', and also, he was actually happy to be invited for such an invent he'd never been to before.
He was worried about Nick; he was sure he wouldn't mind, but still, that would certainly upset him. Anyway, what was done, that was done, and Alex had to find a way to tell his boyfriend about the whole event. He decided not to tell him everything and describe it like a business meeting, not like a party people take their wives or husbands to.
He told him the same day the boss proposed that, willing to get it over as fast as possible. Nick didn't say much when he heard that, just simply nodded and let out a quiet 'cool'. Turner's already known his boyfriend wasn't happy about him going out with someone else, so he tried to explain it was just a business party, and he had to do what he was told to.

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