4. I like them like that.

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As Alex managed to learn his boyfriend not to be so embarrassed about kissing, he pulled him closer by the waist and connected their lips in heated, though short kiss. 'I'll be back as soon as possible, okay?' The older smiled, and the other nodded in reply. 'Gotta go.' Alex glanced at his watch and gave his boyfriend a little peck, right before he let out 'I love you' and left the flat.

He smoked a cigarette while waiting for  his boss to pick him up, trying to calm down at least a little. The older arrived about five minutes later, and after the boy got into the car, the boss asked if he was waiting for long.
'No, sir. I've always had tendency to arrive earlier than necessary.'
Mr. Kane was reassuring the boy everything was going to be all right when he saw him being all stressed, and Alex was really thankful for that. He told him about the first time he's been to such a party and how bad it went, when he didn't realised who he was talking to, and started hitting up on some big fish that invented the party. Turner was laughing at what he was saying, and was glad atmosphere wasn't that tense anymore; he even managed to admit he was beginning to like him, and feeling comfortable when he was around.
They arrived after about an hour, as the mansion was located in the suburbs of Liverpool.
Alex's mouth opened in shock, when they stopped next to a big villa, a lot of exclusive cars were parked in front of.
He stood in the same place for some time until his boss placed his hand on the younger's back and let out 'relax' patting the other's shoulder.
An aisle tiled with light grey paving slabs was leading to the wide door touched with the light coming out from the inside. There were some people outside smoking, and the older had to greet some of them, but luckily for Alex, he didn't know them well, so their conversations ended with simple 'hi.'

When they entered, Alex stopped and inhaled deeply, but not because of the exclusive look of the place; the amount of people terrified him, and he wasn't sure if he could make it and talk to any of them, as he knew he'd probably have to. Only after some seconds, when he managed to settle down a little, he took a glance around the room, what made him widen his eyes as he was looking at the luxury of the villa.
He got interrupted by someone grabbing his arm to turn him; and of course it was his boss.
'-is my assistant, Alex.'
'Where do you always find such cute employees?' A man laughed before introducing himself, and straightened his arm to shook the boy's hand.
'Nice to meet you, sir.' Turner smiled shyly, and grabbed a glass of champagne from one of trays waiters were carrying all around the room.
Alex didn't calm down at least a little, though the men were at the party for over an hour, which was enough time for the younger to drank six or seven glasses of champagne to relax. It didn't do much, so the boy stopped the man by grabbing a sleeve of his navy suit to ask if he could go for a smoke. The older obviously agreed, even wanted to go with him, but was stopped by someone who approached. 'Miles! Long time no see!' The boss rolled his eyes and whispered to Alex he'd join him in a while, then turned around and his grimace immediately turned into a wide smile. 'Oh, hey!'

Turner caressed his arm with his free hand, as it got quite cold outside. He was standing as far away from the others as possible, enjoying the silence and loneliness, he missed a lot while being inside the mansion.
After a few minutes, when the boy was ending the cigarette he was smoking, and crossed his arms to keep himself warmer, Mr. Kane approached him from the back and placed his hand on the younger's shoulder. 'Cold?'
Alex lifted his head to look at him and nodded smiling shyly, making the other take off his navy jacket, leaving him in a dark shirt with red spots on it, and cover the other's arms with it. 'Thank you, sir.'
'Please don't call me that. Unless we're in the office or in bed together.' The older laughed making Turner chuckle too, who was too drunk to overthink what the man said. 'Miles will do.'
He smiled, and took out a packet of cigs to pull out one. 'How are you doing?'
'I don't know. Weird, stressed.' The younger sighed, and put the cig between his pinkish lips again.
'We can go somewhere else if you don't wanna be here.' The older teased, and breathed out the smoke, then looked at the boy, who seemed like he was thinking really hard about what to say.
'What d'you mean?' He asked finally making the other chuckle at how innocent he was, though it wasn't exactly true, but Miles didn't know that yet.
Alex sighed rolling his eyes, threw away the butt, and took out his mobile, so the older looked at him, wondering what he was going to do. 'Hey, I'll be late, so don't wait for me.' 'Summat came up.' 'Yeah, sorry.' 'I love you.' 'G'night.'
Mr. Kane was staring at him surprised during the whole phone call, but before he could say anything, the younger spoke. 'Can we go now?'
'You have a boyfriend, Alex.'
'I do. But also I'm drunk, so it won't count.' The younger laughed, but then immediately stopped. 'Wait. What the fuck am I doin'.'
The man opened his mouth to tell the other to think it through, but Alex cut in. 'Oh, god, you didn't mean it, did you?!' Turner got scared that he'd just wanted to jump into his boss' bed.
'I did.'
Awkward silence appeared, and after a while the older broke it to ask what they were doing next. 'So?'
'Ahh, fuck it, let's go.'
They weren't talking much while driving, both busy with their thoughts, but as they were about a hour away from the office, and silence was getting awkward, the older spoke to break it. 'I got invited to another one in two weeks.' He said not looking at the other, but to end the sentence, he looked at the boy fiddling with a strand of his hair, who didn't move, but directed his eyes at the man. 'You're invited too.'
The younger lifted his head and frowned staring at the other. 'By who?'
'Did you remember any of the names?' Kane chuckled.
'No.' Alex laughed in reply, and then, the boss started describing the people they met that night, so the other wouldn't mistake them on the next party.

They stopped in front of a tall, modern building, which made Alex gasp in delight. A whiff of wind drove him to grab his boss' jacket and pull it, in order not to let it fall off his shoulders. He murmured quiet 'thanks' when Mr. Kane opened the door for him, and headed to a lift he immediately noticed while entering.
Alex didn't know and probably will never know Miles was planning to push him into the lift right after it arrived, as when the door opened, he saw someone inside, and had to back out. When some woman exited the elevator, and the men were both inside, the older decided to realise his urge, and pinned the smaller boy to the wall, so he could kiss him heatedly, making the other lose his breath after some seconds. The boy lowered his hands which were placed on the other' back, but when he almost reached his bottom, the boss grabbed the hands and rapidly pinned them down right above Alex's head.
The younger gasped when the man moved lower to his neck, a whispered quiet 'don't leave hickeys' the other agreed to by murmuring simple 'mhm' onto the boy's pale skin.

'Hope your boyfriend tops.' Kane whispered to his ear after a while of snogging, and before he could continue teasing the other, 'Um, we...' let out by Alex, made him stand back a little. '...don't.' They boy ended, but when he saw the other's face, he explained himself. 'Most of my exes did tho.'
The older breathed a sigh of relief, and smirked at the other. 'Most of? How many of them you have then?'
Alex smiled too, and mysteriously answered with 'A couple.'

As Miles noticed they were only two floors away from the right one, he didn't continue teasing the other, and just waited till the door opened.
While they were exiting the lift, the boss couldn't help himself but ask why his assistant and his boyfriend don't fuck.
'He's just too shy.'
'Is it possible to be shyer than you?'
The boy didn't answer, or even look at the other, as he felt offended a little, but when Mr. Kane noticed that, he spoke to calm the other down.
'It's not a bad thing. I like them like that.' He chuckled making the younger smile slightly, also stress him.
'Hope it's your only kink. Don't wanna end up in a room like from fifty shades of grey.' Though maybe it sounded like a joke, Alex was bloody serious about it.
'Very funny.' The man rolled his eyes and made a pause. 'A box of toys is more than enough.'
'What?' Turner mumbled and swallowed hard, when he saw a smirk on the other face while he was saying that.

'Woah.' The boy took a look around his boss' flat, and didn't move for a while, admiring the modern living room, they were in.
'I can show you round it. Why don't we start with the bedroom, huh?' The man smiled, and patted the younger's back after he agreed by nodding his head, then headed to the mentioned room, leading the other after him.

To all horny ones, they're fucking in the next one.

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