13. I can.

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Alex quickened his pace when he noticed a suitcase which seemed similar  standing in the corridor. When he was sure the luggage was his, he started running and as far as he arrived to the door, he powerfully pressed the handle. When the door didn't open, he did it again, but after he didn't get any result he pounded on the door and yelled.
"Nick, I'm sorry, open the door! Let me explain!" Though there wasn't much to explain, he kept on knocking and yelling. His voice started to crack as he was crying and eventually he sat on the floor leaning against the door. When he stopped asking his boyfriend to forgive him, and ended up sobbing in front of the door, he heard quiet "go away" from the inside of the flat, followed by a sniffle and "don't make this any harder".
Confirmation of the boy's presence made the other start a serenade consisted of apologies again.
Alex lost track of time and had completely no clue how long he had been sitting leant against the door to his flat. All the confessions of love seemed like lies to Nick, who didn't open the door and patiently waited till Alex's footsteps and the sound of suitcase's wheels became increasingly quiet.
Turner wiped his cheeks and dialed his mother's number, so he could ask her if he could stay at hers a couple of days until he finds a flat to rent. Saying that, he knew it wouldn't be so easy and it was more likely that he'd have to move back in with his parents.
He caught a first train to Sheffield and also already bought a ticket to Liverpool for the next day, as he had to get back for his motorbike and hand Mr. Kane a notice.
After telling his mum a synopsis of what happened and calming down after that, he headed to his old room and opened the suitcase. On the top of all his unfolded clothes were laying all the lingerie he was hiding between a mattress and a wooden plank of a bed. When a thought of how Nick had to feel finding these haunted his mind, he started crying like a child again. He knew that his mum, hearing him sobbing, would come there in just seconds, so he closed the suitcase to avoid explaining her its content.
When he calm down a little, the underwear reminded him about Miles and he started crying again, this time even more heavily. The mother hugged him tighter and whispered something, which Alex didn't manage to hear, since he was completely lost in his thoughts, to calm her son down.
The boy couldn't understand why the man left him behind without any reason or explanation and it was still driving him crazy. When he was calmer about Nick, he started thinking about Miles. When he was calmer about Miles, he started thinking about Nick. Vicious circle of blaming himself for ruining both relationships.

Alex couldn't get back his bike first, as the train was delayed. He pushed the glass door and approached the secretary's desk.
"Is Mr. Kane busy? I've brought a notice." He said and waited till the woman lifted a phone and left a short message: 'A notice.'
She hung up and approached to the small boy in front of her.
"Wait until you're asked to come in." She stated and after Alex nodded, she lowered her head and got back to reading something.
Turner got into the lift and pressed the button he used to press every day. He turned left and after a short walk through the corridor, he took a seat in front of the door of the man's office. He waited for a couple of minutes till someone exited the room. An elegant woman exited the room and was followed by a boy, apparently a new assistant. Turner slightly smiled at the thought of the last clerk. The lack of his presence confirmed Alex's statement that the men didn't match at all. His smile disappeared right after he realised he still wished he was the one working with Miles.
"You can give me the notice." The tall boy in a grey shirt stated and straightened his arm to take the paper.
"Can't I hand it by myself?" Alex surprised even himself with the protest, but he definitely cared too much about seeing Kane to give in so easily.
The new assistant grimaced and disappeared behind the wooden door of the office, only to come out again just a while later. "Come in."
The boy nodded and stood up. The stress made his legs so weak that he felt like he couldn't even approach the threshold.
"H-hi." He stumbled as he entered. He took a quick glance at the man, but when his heart started thudding even faster, he bored his eyes into the floor. "Why are you quitting?" The businessman asked when the boy reached the desk and placed a paper on it. He tried not to look upset, but Alex noticed a tinge of sadness.
"Nick kicked me out of the house." Turner looked up at Miles to see his reaction, but slightly raising the eyebrows was all he was given as it. "I have to move back in with my parents."
He looked at the other for a few seconds but when he didn't say anything but started looking for something inside one of the drawers, he sighed and was just about to turn and leave, when Mr. Kane stood up and ordered him to follow.
Confused Alex stood in the same place for a while until the man passed by him and stopped next to the door.
Felling his eyes on him, the boy came to the door and let the other open it for him.
They left the office and headed to the lift. Turner hoped they'd be alone for at least a few minutes, so he could finally get an answer to the questions he asked a hundred times in the texts, but it was obviously full of people.
The last person left one floor before they were getting off, so Alex decided to take a try.
"Why was I moved, sir?" He said it in the most polite way, as he still didn't know if he did something wrong and was moved because of that. Also, getting a proper answer was the only thing he dreamt of in that moment, so he just had to be nice. Miles looked at him from above, making him bore his into the floor, and left the lift whose door just opened.
Alex followed him into the hallway, where on a rack hung a jacket he recognized as the man's one. Miles' long fingers slipped into the back pocket of his tight jeans which well exposed his butt, the younger focused all of his attention on. He took out a card and brought it nearer the sensor under the handle. The door opened and he waited until the other entered first.
Confused boy stopped and looked around the luxurious living room connected with a kitchen. There were big windows, so the room seemed like didn't need any lights, as it was beautifully touched with the sunlight.
"It's yours." Alex heard from behind and turned, stopping admiring the flat. He frowned, but the other didn't explain himself, but straightened his arm in order to hand the younger the card. The boy didn't move, only slightly opened his mouth. The older sighed placing the card on a white chest of drawers and continued speaking.
"I sleep here when I'm too tired to get back home. I'll send you a maid to clean up the mess I've left." He didn't look at the other, and when he was just about to leave, he was stopped by a question he hoped he wouldn't hear.
"Why are you doing this?"
The man stopped, but didn't turn to face the other.
"It's hard to find a new worker so quickly." He lied, and Alex obviously knew about it, then approached the door and pressed the handle.
"You said people would kill for a job here." The boy said, so Mr. Kane rolled his eyes and faced him.
"Can't you do this for me?" The man crossed his arms and looked at the other in a way that made him bore his eyes into the floor.
"I-" Turner stumbled and pursed his lips. "I can."

I'm sorry I publish new chapters so rarely

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