10. No.

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'Then go home and get 'em!' Miles shouted at Alex who bored his eyes into the floor and whispered 'I'm sorry.' again. 'I don't care if you're sorry, I need those papers, for fuck's sake!'
Turner quickly turned around and exited the office; he was almost running through the halls, so as to get back home as soon as possible.

'What are you doin' 'ere?' Nick asked when his boyfriend rapidly opened the door to their flat and nervously looked around the room.
'Forgot some papers, Miles is fuckin' mad at me.' He said not stopping walking all around the room, looking for documents he left somewhere there.
'Miles?' The boy turned his head and looked at the other with wonder. 'Your boss you mean?'
'Yeah, my boss, uh... There!' Alex smiled victoriously, and only now he realised how he's just failed with calling his employer by his name.
'You're friends?' Turner had no idea what emotion his boyfriend asked it with; anyway it wasn't a positive one.
'Uh, yeah, he... he's nice.' Alex packed the papers and the looked at Nick again. 'Didn't like it when I called him sir.' He smiled slightly and approached the boy on the sofa, so he could bid him goodbye with a short kiss on the lips.

'Sorry.' Kane ignored another apology, and rapidly grabbed the papers the assistant handed him, then looked at the computer screen again.

'Do you want me to stay longer?'
'No.' The man said dryly not even glancing at the other, who sighed sadly, and exited the office.

He was sad about what had happened and also a little nervous, as he knew exactly what was the fallout when he acted wrong; also Miles telling him to go home surprised him a little, since he was sure they would go to his place and he'd get what he deserved. He explained it to himself that his boss was just too busy to go, but it was about to turn out it was definitely not the reason of that.
'Are you still mad?' Alex quietly asked while leaning on the doorframe of his office.
'Are we going to yours today?' A silver lightning appeared and the boy didn't sound so sad anymore, he even slightly smiled.
The answer he got immediately made the smile disappear; Turner sighed sadly and got back to his room.

When the situation repeated a few days in row, Alex started to understand what his punishment was this time. And it was driving him crazy.
As he was completely fed up with Kane's games, he finally got the guts and entered the man's office.
He approached the desk and stood right in front of it; he touched it with his fingers he was staring at, and waited some second till he quietly spoke. 'I said I was sorry.'
Miles wasn't sure what to say, and when he said nothing, the other lifted his head to look at him and speak again. 'You said you weren't mad.'
'I'm not mad.' Miles said but when the boy frowned, not really believing his words, he sighed and continued. 'You know I have to give you a lesson.'
'Hm.' Alex wondered how to finally end this torture, and when he kinda came up with an idea, he moved closer to his boss. And leaning on the desk, being just a few centimeters away from the man's face, he looked him right in the eyes. 'So what do you want me to do?'
Miles slightly got up from the chair, so he could reach the younger's ear. 'Firstly, don't be such a tease.' He nibbled the younger's ear and sat; Alex's cheeks became pink. 'Grab a dinner with me.'
'What?' Turner immediately straightened up and with wonder looked at the other, who raised his eyebrows questioningly, waiting for an answer. 'What's the catch?'
The man chuckled. 'No catch.'
'Hm.' Alex went silent for a while, trying to find a reasonable explanation for all of this. 'Why?'
'You wouldn't agree to that any other time.' The boy grimaced to let the other know he didn't fancy going.
'Jesus, Alex, that's not a date. Friends sometimes go out, don't they?'
Turner nodded at it, and told his boss he had to ask his boyfriend.
'You didn't need a permission to get banged by me.'
Alex gave Miles a judgmental look, but the other just chuckled, and got back to work.

'I'm going out with Miles tomorrow.' Alex stated, though he was still unsure about that. He turned his head to Nick leant on his shoulder. 'Are you okay with that?'
'Why would I be not okay? I am.' The younger looked at the other frowning, then immediately made himself clear. 'As far as it's not a date.'
'No! God, no.' Alex chuckled, then repeated exactly what his boss said. 'Friends sometimes go out, don't they?'

Turner was relieved he didn't lie to his boyfriend about going out with Kane; what was kinda funny, since he lied about a way more important thing - that the boss was only a friend.

Kane had obviously chosen the poshest restaurant in the whole city and Alex wasn't feeling really comfortable there. Fortunately, having Miles by his side made him forget about all the elegant people around him, and everything else that made him feel weird. They hardly ever talked with each other, what could seem strange, as after all they fucked, but then, when they had a chance to change that, the talk was easier than they both thought. If someone listened to them, they would definitely think they knew each other for many years; but apparently, it was just about the connection, which is not given to all to find it with someone.
They were there for about two hours, which seemed like they lasted just a few quarters, and if Alex hasn't been in rush to get back to Nick, they would've certainly stay there longer.
After the dinner, they obviously headed to Miles' place, but didn't go straightaway to the bedroom, as the older promised the other to show him his guitar collection they talked about earlier.
Of course Alex was delighted by it, and if he hasn't been waiting for what was coming for a few days now, he would've look at the instruments for much more time.
Turner thought the punishment ended, but how disappointed he got when he saw Miles throwing on the bed the white rope he knew just too well. It's not like it was used only when Alex acted bad, but still, it was a rare toy they used, and the boy was almost sure, there wouldn't be much pleasure saved for him tonight.

'I've got two ideas for your today's lesson.' The man stated when his assistant has been already laying on the bed only in his white lingerie, tied up with the rope which matched the colour of the underwear. 'I can either use this-' On the bed, just next to the boy, landed a small vibrator which, regarding Alex, didn't look like could do a lot of harm. '-or I can call Matt.'
In that exact moment, the choice seemed obvious, and Turner nodded at the toy on the bed, with no hesitation letting out 'this'.
But as far as it touched his chest, sending vibrations throughout the body, he started regretting the decision, though he knew his boss wasn't doing it for his pleasure, but anyway, he didn't think it'd feel so uncomfortable; but he was just about to know it could get much worse.
The boy started squirming when the toy touched his tights and as it was moving higher, more whimpers were escaping Turner's mouth.
Alex, with his eyes closed and fists clenched, was close to come, and when he did, Miles obviously didn't stop; he was just getting started.
The rope left red marks on Alex's wrists, and the skin started to sting.
He didn't think it'd be such a torture and he was saying on repeat quiet 'please', though he didn't even know what he was begging for.
The rope on his ankles left red marks too.
'C-call h-' A whimper cut in. '-h-him.'
'Hm?' The man lifted his head but didn't meet Alex's gaze, as his eyes were still closed, completing the grimace on his face.
'C-call Matt, for fuck's sake, I-ah!' He squirmed again. '-I don't f-fuckin' want it, f-fuck, stop!'
Miles smiled and turned the toy off, making the younger fell on the bed relaxing all the muscles, which were tense during the whole process. 'Where did you learn such bad words, hm? Should we go for another round for that language?' The man teased bending over the assistant.
'Fuck you.' Alex mumbled, angry for what the man was doing to him, not caring if it could make things worse.
'Hm.' Kane straightened up, then got up from the bed, and headed to the other room, where he left his phone.
After Matt heard his friend asking if he remembered Alex, he agreed to come at once. His workplace was pretty close, so he promised to be there as fast as he could.
Miles sat in front of the tied up boy and looked at his boner, then at the pink toy still laying on the bed. As Turner's legs were clamped, he couldn't take off his underwear, but it wasn't a problem; Miles ripped the white lace, setting free the younger's cock.
When Alex saw the other reaching the vibrator, he let out quiet 'please, don't', but didn't stop the man, who spat on the toy and pressed it to the boy's entrance.
Once it was inside, he turned it on, making whimpers start coming out from Alex's mouth. The rope tensed again.
Cum landed all over the younger's chest and his hair was sticking to his face; he was exhausted and for the first time ever, he wanted this to end. Despite that, he didn't use a save word. He didn't even think about using it.

The Office [boyxboy, milex]Where stories live. Discover now