2. I liked the pink one.

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'And?!' Nick rapidly got up from the sofa and immediately loose all interest in what he was watching. 'You got it?'
Alex didn't answer and casually took off his jacket, smiling slightly, so his boyfriend couldn't see it. But when Nick placed his hand on his arm and made him turn around, he couldn't hide his grin anymore. 'You did.' He said, still not certain whether it was true, but when his flatmate smiled even more widely, he knew that for sure. 'You did!' Alex nodded in reply and let the boy hug him that tightly, that he couldn't make a single move. 'I knew you'd be great!' He let go of Alex, when he realised how weird it had to be, and cleared his throat. Turner just smiled at him, amused by his behaviour. Nick's always acted like they weren't dating yet, or like he wasn't sure about the other's feelings, but actually, Alex found that cute.
They fixed a meal together, so the older could tell his boyfriend how exactly the interview went while cooking. He described Mr. Kane as 'tough but nice', which was quite accurate to what Alex was about to know soon.

When he woke up, Nick was still sleeping, what's been a normal thing recently, after he started working in a pub with a view to making some money while having a break from collage.
Alex got up slowly in order not to wake him up, and after placing a little kiss on his head, he exited the room and entered the bathroom.

He got to work earlier, obviously, so he decided to wait outside for a while and despite Nick asking him not to smoke before work, he took out a little package of his leather jacket's pocket and pulled one cig out. He was standing there for a few minutes, with his helmet in one hand, cigarette in the other, staring at the tall building what made him smile - that was his first workplace.

'Nice bike.' The boy heard from behind and turned around to see whose voice it was. He smiled at the compliment his boss let out, and answered shyly 'thank you, sir.'
The man smiled back and took out his own packet of cigs, making Alex breath a sigh of relief, as he wasn't stressed anymore his boss didn't approve smoking. 'You've got a lighter?' The man asked holding a cig between his teeth, and hiding the box inside a pocket.
'Mhm.' Turner murmured, and quickly started looking for it inside his pockets. When he didn't find it in both of them, he unzipped the jacket and checked pockets of its lining. He straightened his arm with the lighter in his hand and lit the older's cig.
'Thanks.' The man straightened up, as earlier he had to bent a little, so the smaller boy could do what he was told, and after he turned his head and breathed a smoke, he looked at the boy next to him, who still didn't fasten the jacket he undid while he was looking for a lighter.
'I liked the pink one.'
'Hm?' Alex lifted his head, as he was looking at the ground he was slightly kicking with his foot.
'Shirt.' The man nodded at the piece of clothing and turned his head, letting out the smoke through his nose trills. He made Alex lower his head again and smile widely, as the baby pink shirt was definitely his favorite; also, the man seemed increasingly nicer.

As Alex was ending smoking the cigarette, he started getting stressed, since he didn't know whether to wait for the man, or walk away and enter the building. Luckily, he didn't have to decide, as when the older saw him throwing away the butt and stepping on it to put it out, he spoke to calm him down a little. 'We'll go when I end, yeah?'

They've been standing there for only about a minute more, but silence between them made Alex feel like it lasted for eternity. He breathed a sigh of relief when the man threw away the butt, and let out 'c'mon', making the boy follow him into the building.
Alex felt like everyone's eyes were on him, which was true to some extent; other employees have already known the boy was Kane's new assistant, as he followed him through the whole building. Also, what caught their eyes was how the new accountant looked - shy. Every employee they've ever seen in the company was a confident, big-headed person, who's always seemed to know what to do; though sometimes they had completely no idea about their job.

The man started explaining everything as far as they entered his office. Alex got his own tiny room, door in the older's one led to. There was a balcony connected with the boss' one, the man let Alex use to have a smoke, and when the younger noticed a few people smoking outside the building, he found it quite a big deal.
He liked the job so far, it didn't seem really complicated, there was nothing he's never been doing somewhere, or at least studying it.
After a few hours of the training and doing some little things like sorting some papers or filling tables on a computer the boss told him to, Alex left his office to ask if he could have a smoke. The man obviously agreed, even told him he'd join him in a while, so the boy thanked him and went out on the balcony, taking out a packet of cigs in the meantime.
The older joined him not even a minute later, and after lighting his own cigarette, he started a casual talk, asking the employee how was he doing, and if he understood everything. When a silence between them appear again, Alex's phone rung, making the other smile, as he heard a familiar song playing as a ringtone.
'Yeah?' Alex looked at the boss while answering to see if he had anything against him being on the phone then, but when the older smiled and looked away, the boy wasn't so stressed anymore and continued the talk, walking away a little. 'Sure.' He said smiling, though his boyfriend asking him about going out confused him a tiny bit. 'Wait, you're not working?' Nick explained he took the day off, and made Turner even happier, as he knew he did that to celebrate getting his first job. 'Oh, okay. Thanks.'
'I love you too.'
He smiled and after he hid his mobile inside his pant's pocket, and turned to Kane, he noticed him looking at him, what made him a little uncomfortable, even guilty for having a phone call during work. 'Sorry.' He said and turned to handle bar, flicking the ash from the cig behind the balcony.
'Who was that?' The man asked, and breathed out the smoke, looking into space in front of him.
Alex lifted his head a little and gave him a quick glance, not really willing to answer; also, seeing no use in asking him that. 'Um, my...' He started, and the rest of the sentence said slightly quieter. '...my boyfriend.'
Mrs. Kane lifted his head raising his eyebrows and smiling quietly, and looked at the younger. 'That's good.'
'Excuse me?' Alex frowned, confused what that was supposed to mean.
'Nothing.' The man smirked and turned his head again, looking at the people smoking outside, a couple of meters below them.
The atmosphere between them got tense (regarding Alex), so the boy threw away the butt, and turned around to enter the building again. He was stopped by the man asking for a coffee, and after the younger nodded, he got back inside, taking off his jacket, and heading to a coffeemaker.

They hardly ever went out, so Alex was worrying a little. He knew how stressed his boyfriend had to be, he's always overthought everything even more than the older boy. Turner was happy he decided to take him out somewhere in order to celebrate his first job, which was definitely quite an achievement Alex was really happy about.

They didn't go by bike, as they knew they'd be drinking, though Nick didn't drink much, and most of wine disappeared in the other's mouth. They were walking without touching each other; not even holding hands, which seemed normal to Nick, weird to Alex. The older decided to take steps to make his boyfriend more comfortable with showing off love, and hugged him by the waist while they were getting closer to their flat. Also, Alex was getting increasingly annoyed by not having sex, which used to be a dailiness in his other relationships, and now the 'fast' has lasted for over three months.
As the wine got him more confident, he hugged his flatmate from behind while he was opening the door, and leant his head on his shoulder.
When they entered the flat, the younger boy quickly headed to the bathroom, so Alex decided to give in for that day, and leave the other alone.

He smiled, when he woke up and saw his sleeping boyfriend hugged to him, with his head on his chest. He looked at the clock on the beige wall, and sighed rolling his eyes, seeing he didn't have a lot of time left till he had to leave to work. He slowly got up, trying not to wake up his boyfriend, who groaned quietly, when he felt his head being placed on a pillow. Alex smiled looking at him and gently caressed his hair.

He was working for the company for two weeks now, and it was just getting better and better. Things he did wasn't complicated, but with each day he was getting new tasks, what helped him not to get tired of boredom. He even got his own laptop, which at the beginning scared him a little because of lack of technology skills, but Nick helped him to learn basic things about computers, so just in a few days, Alex was proudly using some basic programs.

I have no clue how to end this chapter, so let me just leave it like that, okay?
The first story where Alex knows how to use a laptop, huh?

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