6. You keep saying that.

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As Alex felt incredibly guilty for what he did, Nick heard the 'I love you' phrase a few times more often than usually. Actually, they didn't even talk as much as Turner was saying that, since the boy was completely lost in his thoughts; he felt bad, but sill, he somehow wanted to continue the 'relationship' he started last night.
Nick asked him several times if he was okay, as he seemed weird, but obviously he replied with simple 'mhm', and the younger was just to shy to get a little pushy, and drive the other to tell what had happened.
Alex got up early in the morning, so he could go shopping without Nick knowing about it. He's never been good at cooking, but as he wanted his boyfriend to feel more loved, and prove himself it was just sex, he found the easiest recipe for pasta and decided to make it.

'Where 'ave ya been?' Nick asked weakly when he felt his boyfriend laying down next to him and hugging him from the back.
'Shopping?' The younger couldn't really believe that, and turned to Alex, so now they were laying face to face.
'I'm makin' dinner today.' Turner smiled proudly, but his lips became a straight line again, after his boyfriend started laughing.
'You? You can hardly boil an egg!' He was chuckling for a while more, but when he saw his flatmate being still all serious, he slowly stopped. 'Why?'
'I love you, so why not?'
'You keep sayin' that.'
Alex frowned, as he didn't get it, so the other sighed, and rolled his eyes smiling. 'That you love me.'
'Because that's true!' Alex defended himself and made the other giggle.
'I know.' Nick calmly answered and moved closer to his boyfriend, so he could hug him and place his head on his chest. 'I love you too.'

The younger fell asleep again, but Turner couldn't. And though he was exhausted, his thoughts didn't let him close his eyes for at least five minutes. He was just staring at his boyfriend sleeping on his chest, seeing how his head was slowly moving up and down as he was breathing.

'You need help?' Nick asked from the couch, turning his head to see the older running all over the kitchen, trying to do a few things at once.
'No!' Alex shouted, a little annoyed Nick didn't believe in his cooking skills, though he was aware they were still horrible.
'You sure?' The boy asked again when he heard a loud 'fuck' Turner let out after he cut his finger while chopping peppers.
'I'm! Fine!'

Though Nick assured his boyfriend the food wasn't so bad, Alex knew it wasn't true, and promised him to take him out on Monday when the boy wasn't working.

He was stressed about going back to work, not sure how the relation between him and the boss would be, but when he arrived to the workplace, nothing was unusual, so he could breath a sigh of relief.
He was glad Miles didn't mention the other night, but when he stopped worrying about it completely, his boss entered the room and casually asked about going to his place later.
'Actually, I'm... going out with Nick, sir.' Alex mumbled and lowered his head so he didn't have to look the older in the eyes.
The man shrugged his shoulders and when he was about to turn around and leave the room, he heard the assistant trying to say something again, and came closer to the desk.
'And... I'm not sure if-' He noticed the boss leaning his arms on the desk, apparently wanting him to look at him, what the boy obviously did, slowly lifting his head. '-if we should.'
'Hm.' The man straightened up and grimaced with wonder. 'Then let me know when you're sure.'

Alex was afraid quitting what he unconsciously started would lead to getting himself fired, so he was almost certain the affair would continue. He couldn't hide from himself that it was also an excuse to sleep with the boss again and it was just a matter of time he would do that again; with him or anyone else.

'Have you decided yet?'
Alex immediately locked the phone, and looked at his boyfriend sitting on the other side of the restaurant table, like he was afraid the younger could see the text. He smiled weirdly at Nick, and unlocked the phone, aware what he did was odd; the other couldn't see the message and even if he did, he wouldn't know what was that about.
'Who is it?' The boy asked while Alex was staring at his mobile, wondering how to text back.
'Hm?' Turner lifted his head and after he met his boyfriend's eyes, he hesitated and let out a quiet 'umm', so he could get some more time to think about an answer. 'Just a boss.' He finally said, and looked down at his phone again, but when Nick asked what he wanted, his hands were all shaky again. 'Nothing.' Alex quickly stated, but when he realised it sounded kinda suspicious, he added that it was only about some papers he was supposed to sort.
'Will you fire me if I say no?'
'Of course I won't, I'm not a dick x'
'I don't know yet. Can we talk tomorrow?'
'Waiting impatiently x'
Alex locked his phone and got back to the talk he was having with his boyfriend, though he wasn't really focused on what he was saying, still being in two minds about having an affair with his own boss.

As Alex could clearly feel his boss staring at him walking through his office to get to his one, he stopped before opening the other door and turned around to looked at the man.
'I don't wanna stay after work, but despite that I'm kinda willing to agree.' The boy said in one breath and exhaled deeply when he finally made himself clear how he felt about the 'thing' between him and his boss.
'Okay, great.' Kane said smiling and lowered his head, getting back to what he was doing before Alex entered.
Since the answer didn't satisfy the younger, Turner was standing in the doorway staring at the man for a while, until the older lifted his head, and frowned when he met the other's eyes.
'Nothing. Sorry.' Alex said nervously and quickly turned around to enter his office.
The boy was wondering what his boss' answer meant; he seemed to understand that Turner didn't want to stay longer and have less time for his boyfriend, but that made Alex a little confused how he wanted to continue the relationship, though he was just about to know.

'Alex!' The boy quickly stood up and headed to the other room his boss' voice was coming from. 'Are you done with everything?'
'Only the CVs you wanted me to read left.' The boy answered smiling, glad he was doing well, and though he had over an hour till the end of the shift, he was almost done with everything he was supposed to do.
'Pack your things then. We're going to mine.'
'But the-'
'You can read them tomorrow.' The man said, and started collecting the documents from the table, then putting them into a briefcase.
Alex was riding the motorcycle, as he didn't want to be a problem for Miles who would've had to give him a lift, and wanted to get home as quick as possible.
They enter the building together, and headed to the lift which this time was full of people, so they had to just stand there in anticipation, waiting till they got to the apartment.

'I'm glad you said yes.' The older stated while helping Alex take off his jacket. The boy didn't answer and just slightly shrugged his shoulders, knowing everything he was doing was really, really wrong. 'Hey.' Turner turned his head and looked at the boss, who placed a hand on his shoulder. 'It's okay if you changed your mind.'
Alex opened his mouth to answer, but then he realised he had no idea what to say, so he closed them and let out quiet 'hm.'

'I didn't.' He finally said lifting his head and looking at the older, who smiled and let out simple 'good.', taking a step towards the boy in order to push him closer by the collar of the baby pink shirt.
Alex stood on the tip toes, as he thought the other would kiss him, but when the man saw him straightening up, he chuckled and ignored that, slowly unbuttoning the piece of clothing. The younger wanted to do the same with the man's grey shirt, but was stopped by a hand on his wrist. He backed his arm and waited impatiently till his chest was exposed. The man smiled as he was looking at it, and then bent to kiss the other, while placing his hand on Alex's jaw. The sweet kiss quickly became passionate, and the younger's anticipation was finally gone. Miles grabbed him by the butt, and squeezing it tightly, he lifted the boy, letting him wrap his legs around him. The older turned, and headed towards the bedroom. Though he didn't want to break the kiss, and so didn't the other, he tilt his head in order to see where he was going, and let Alex hid his face in the crook of his neck.
'Can I get the ears?' The boy asked when he got pinned down the wall, so the man couldn't kiss him again like he had planned. Kane smiled and let out 'sure' while placing the younger on the bed, then he opened the wardrobe to get the box and the band he was asked for.

And from now on they mostly just fuck
I'll let you know when the plot continues

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