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Morgiana panted as she ran down the halls of the palace, sweat dripping off her chin. She was sprinting to get away from her young master who was determined to "punish her" with a hot poker. 

'No!' she screamed in her head. 'No! Don't hurt me!' She could hear Jamil's footsteps behind her. 

Using her small form to her advantage, she ducked under a table. She prayed he wouldn't find her there. 

She could see his feet enter the room. 

"Morgiana..." He said in almost a whisper. "You can't run away from me. You're my slave."

Tears built up in Morgiana's pink eyes. 

Jamil had plenty of other slaves and servants, but he seemed to take special enjoyment out of making the young Fanalis' life a living hell. 

Morgiana had closed her eyes at this point, hoping that he would go away. That maybe this was a dream, but when she opened her eyes, his face was inches from her own. 

She let a gasp escape. 

Jamil grinned sadistically, grabbing her arm and dragging her out from under the wooden table. "You see, Morgiana?" he began.  "There's no escaping me. Ever." He lowered the poker to her arm.

Morgiana could feel the heat radiating off of the metal object, but mere centimeters before it came into contact with her pale skin, the poker was yanked from Jamil's hand. 

Both he and Morgiana looked at the culprit. 

It was another slave. It was a five year old girl with blue eyes and unkept brown hair that went down to her waist. 

Jamil narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Give that back." 

She narrowed her eyes as well. "Come and get it, perpetual shower-head!" she yelled, pointing to his turban. 

"Why, you little shrew!" 

The girl began running and Jamil followed, leaving Morgiana alone. Tears streamed down her face. She could still feel herself quivering, her heart pumping impossible speeds, adrenaline rushing through her system. 

"Psst!" came a soft voice. 

Morgiana lifted her head up. She saw a girl with kind, brown eyes, and shaggy, brown hair that didn't even reach her shoulders. She looked about ten. 

"W-who are you?" Morgiana asked, voice cracking. 

The girl kneeled down and stroked Morgiana's hair. "Shh," she comforted. "It's okay now. I'm a slave, just like you." She glanced over her shoulder. "We better leave, before he comes back."

"But what about the other girl?" 

The brunette smiled. It was such a warm, calming smile. Morgiana wondered if anyone had ever smiled at her like that before. "Rashil?" She said, helping  Morgiana to stand. "Don't you worry! If anyone can handle perpetual shower-head, it's Ra." 

She extended her hand to Morgiana, who gladly took it. The warmth of her hand was amazing. 

'What is this feeling?' Morgiana wondered. 

The brunette looked at her.  "You're all scraped up," she said, looking at Morgiana's legs and arms. 

"It doesn't hurt too bad," Morgiana lied. They did hurt. Especially the deepest one on the back of her leg from when she cut herself on a sharp object while running. 

The girl smiled at her again, nose crinkling up in a rabbit-like fashion. "Lying is bad, you know?" 

Morgiana's eye widened. "How'd you know I was lying?"

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