Chapter Ten: Battle Between Magis; With The Occasional Interjection from a Nerd

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Judal floated above the crowd on a piece of cloth reminiscent of Aladdin's flying turban.

"Judal," Sinbad said.

Judal jumped down from his flying apparatus, landing on his feet.

Xander morphed into his human form, standing protectively close to his master.

"What are you doing here?" Judal asked.

Alibaba's eyes widened. "That's the guy from earlier."

Mikha nodded. "Judal, priest of the Kou Empire."

Xander looked at Rashil. "Mistress, I'm almost certain of it now."

"Certain of what?" Rashil asked.

The dirty-blonde Djinn leaned down to her height and whispered something in her ear. Something that made her eyes widen. "You're positive?" she asked.

Xander nodded.

Aladdin's flute continued glowing.

"Judal," Sinbad said. "Did you come here as Abhmad's pawn?"

Judal put a hand on his hip. "Huh?"

"Or at the behest of the Kou Empire?"

Judal waved his hand. "Oh, neither one, actually. To be honest, I don't really give a damn about that kind of thing."

"And we don't give one about you, so maybe you should beat it," Rashil snapped.

Mikha elbowed her, signaling her to shut up.

"What are you planning to do in this country?" Sinbad asked.

"Who knows?" Judal shrugged. "I have no interest in the economy, but there is something I do like."

Xander narrowed his almond eyes. "And what might that be, Mister Judal?"

The black haired priest smirked. "Getting in a war."

Sinbad and Alibaba gasped.

"The great Kou Empire is powerful! We've got tons of soldiers, and we've got five dungeon capturers, too! We've even set up a dungeon monster squad." He laughed. "Isn't that something?"

"What the heck?" Mikha said. "Is he serious? A war?"

Rashil pushed up her glasses. "Still think he might be a good person?"

Sinbad glared at him. "Damn you, punk."

"Hey," Judal said. "Don't get the wrong idea! I'd much rather team up with you than anyone, Sinbad. So enough's enough, join me and we can take over the world together. The two of us together? We'd be unstoppable!"

"Hey, Mister Jafar?" Aladdin said. "Who is that?"

Jafar looked at him. "He's called Judal. There's some bad blood between us and this man."

Rashil turned to him. "Really? You never told me!"

He straightened his keffiyeh. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you, Rashil, I just didn't want you doing anything reckless if you ever met him."

Mikha wrapped her sash around her arm a few times. "A little late now."

Rashil glared at Jafar for a moment and then sighed. "It's fine, I already knew."

"You did?" Jafar asked.

Rashil chuckled. "You'd be surprised the things Sin tells me when he's drunk. Also, Xander told me he's a magi. Just like you, Aladdin."

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